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  1. #591


    Kidnapping is a powerful image for us because it includes strong victimization and loss-of-power issues. Someone who is kidnapped goes from being in control of their own destiny to being completely in the hands of another.
    If you are dreaming of being kidnapped, the obvious questions are: What is the condition of your captivity; and by whom are you held?
    If you cooperate with your captors, you may be wanting someone to take control of an untidy section of your life. However, you may feel as though your autonomy has been so severely compromised that you lack the ability to manage the situation.
    If your captors are somehow familiar, this may reflect a sense that life has entrapped you. Where did your abductors take you and how? Your subconscious may be showing you an area where your life has become excessively entangling to your autonomy.
    It may be that somehow your kidnapping allows you to separate from your environment and start again. Perhaps you are wanting a second chance and do not have the courage to take one. By having yourself kidnapped, you have an excuse to act or behave unusually and blame your captors for it.

  2. #592

    Whether it is done by conventional or extraordinary means, travel is a central feature of many dreams. When traveling in a dream, companionship, purpose, and obstacles are central interpretive questionsto ask.
    Companionship may include known relationships or strangers. Generally, the companionship either helps or hinders progress toward the dream goal. The effect of your companions on your travel should be interpreted metaphorically as a symbol of that person's impact on your life. If you are traveling alone, with only occasional assistance, that too may be a picture of how you experience personal growth and progress through life.
    The purpose of travel is an often ambiguous or unclear image in the dream. It feels like you are going with no direct understanding of destination or itinerary. Dreams of this nature often reveal a particular feeling about direction or purpose in life. If there doesn't seem to be a point or a destination in a travel dream, you should consider the possible desire to vacate your current locale for a time. If the destination is clearly defined, then determining what that destiny may mean to you is a good step to take. Obstacles may correlate with companionship, or come along symbolically apart from companionship. In this case, consider how obstacles are overcome and what resources you use to defeat them, including other persons in the dream.

  3. #593

    This particular stone is often described as having a harmonization effect. Dreams of it may reflect a desire for or acquisition of harmony with the world.

  4. #594
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Who can interpret my dream?

    Naay niattempt ug dunggab nako but ako gi block iyang strike and I did a counter punch and I woke up punching the wall.

  5. #595

    Hospitals really bother us a lot. We are exposed to them at many levels in our own lives and through media and entertainment. Whether you are the patient or the visitor, no one wants to be there. Yet to dream of a hospital is not uncommon.
    As often as not, hospital dreams have little to do with sickness. However, in many hospital dreams, we have good reason to be there. They break down into dreams involving the emergency room, general care, intensive care, being unable to leave, and receiving nonsensical treatment in them.
    Emergency room dreams have more to do with the well-being of significant persons and relationships than the emergency room itself. Many times, people involved in emergency room dreams are worried (excessively) about the people coming to see them or the person they are going to see in the hospital.
    General care dreams reflect our sense of needing or being needed by others. Differentiated from the above dream, general care dreams do not reflect a crisis-level anxiety, but more of a dependent lifestyle. The relationship in a hospital is a one-way flow from care-giver to patient. This is a picture of dependence.
    Intensive care is a place of danger and, at times, release. We all understand that the really sick people are there. It may be that you are needing to let a person go, especially the chronically ill. It may also be a place that reminds you of someone who has already passed.
    Being unwilling to leave the hospital may show that you are ambivalent about facing the world independently. For the nuisance that the hospital is, it is also a place of intense care and support. The nature of your illness may be a metaphor for the aspect of your life where extra care and support are needed.
    Receiving nonsensical care in the hospital is often a way of working out or illuminating unbalanced needs or demands in life.
    Everybody is paying attention to something you feel is unworthy of notice. Or, conversely, nobody will treat you for what you perceive to be the true problem. This can be truly funny if, for example, you acquire a large growth that strikes you as perfectly normal, but concerns others. It may become an object of obsession for numerous doctors, some of whom you may recognize as a boss from work, a romantic partner, a peer from some sort of leisure pursuit, etc. The darker version of this is feeling genuinely ill and being unable to receive treatment for it.

  6. #596

    Oxen are the animals of agriculture and work. If you dream of oxen you may see yourself as wanting to return to a simpler, farm-based life, or that your work is never ending. It also represents the balance between the masculine power and the feminine mystique. You are well in tune with the opposite s3x. Alternatively, an ox symbolizes hard work, strength, and reliability. Consider also the familiar metaphor, "as stubborn as an ox".

  7. #597

    Hotels are great places. A cheap hotel is the epitome of tackiness and indecency, while a nice hotel is the picture of elegance, wealth, and romance. To dream of a hotel usually brings you to one of these two poles of awareness. Either you are hiding-out of guilt or adultery-or you are basking in the power of wealth or romance.
    A third option may come from how connected you feel to the world. If the hotel is a residential or transient hotel, you may feel insecure about your economic condition or the relationships that govern your life.
    Do you have or find a room, or is there No Vacancy?
    Your feelings of inclusion, separation, or identification with others may be connected to the hotel event in the dream.

  8. #598
    Watching Others Eat

    The act of eating can be very telling in a dream, or it can simply stand for basic survival.
    Did you acquire your food in the normal manner or in some unusual way? Is the food recognizable to you or is it something you've never had?
    Watching others eat may reflect a deficit concerning your own material or emotional needs. This may be from a pity-party perspective or from the view that others are gluttonous. In this case, it is worth it to ask who you are watching eat and why haven't they invited you to join.
    What style of eating is prevalent in the dream? Grotesque gorging and gluttony may indicate excess in your life or the relationship you share with other eaters.
    Is the food consumed with great ritual and sacred decorum? This may indicate a sense of providence or divine guidance in an aspect of life.

  9. #599
    Quote Originally Posted by pa2sai View Post
    Who can interpret my dream?

    Naay niattempt ug dunggab nako but ako gi block iyang strike and I did a counter punch and I woke up punching the wall.
    To dream that you have been stabbed signifies your struggle with power. You are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and defensiveness. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are feeling betrayed as reflected by the popular phrase, "being stabbed in the back".

    To dream that you are punching someone or something represents hidden anger and aggression. It may also be a symbol of power and your ability to draw strength from within yourself. If someone is punching you, then the dream is highlighting your helplessness and powerlessness in some waking situation. It also implies that someone is forcing their views on you. In particular, to dream that you are punched in the stomach indicates that you are experiencing some sort of emotional void.

  10. #600
    kanang baha TS...?

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