Originally Posted by
keen I am curious also when the showdown between nick and sean erupts, what will diana do...kung asa siya laban between sa duha.
by the way, naa nay update sa episode 3 @
warhokage143 diana appears to have a mind of her own, and a very powerful one at that. remains to be seen where her allegiances, sort of, will lie. kay she's loyal to her mom, who's loyal to nick. she also adores her daddy, who hates nick's guts. north and south lang.
well, yes naa nay update, which is: kakita na ko sa episode 4 hahaha. bitaw, watch na kay there was a cliffhanger, which was continued sa recent episode, which by the way, is more of a filler episode, but a strong one (i should say). diana and her abilities continue to astonish, monroe and rosalee are expecting and significantly some more, juliette is going stick-crazy
hunong na ko oi kay ma-spoiler galore na. hahaha