yap, i have seen notebooks having A6 Quad Core APU at 23-25k. I would pick that over lappy i3 heck even i5 anytime. The only true intel quad for a mobile is an i7. well computing performance wise intel would have the upper hand. but just think of it which is better having a quad for future proofing or a dual core. + mobile APU has better IGP than any other offerings from intel. So playing games will better suited for the APU than Intel's offering, that's if you are on mobile.
being a professional doesn't really mean you have to be good at it. that way how you handle and take core of things in a well mannered way is what being a professional all about.
YEY! hopefully mapalit na nako ang RAM kang insik unya, haha, Naa koy pangutana guys.
I installed win 7 64bit on my pc, well, nag duwa ko ug Tera, katong sa una XP pa ko, wala man mu lag, pero karon, kung clash na gani Lag naman kaayo, is it something to do with OS Compatibility? kung compatibility issues, wala unta mu run? and btw, bag-o ra ang win 7 sa kani nga pc pero di na ni sya nag ask ug drivers sa mobo, pero sa GPU nag install ko, is something to do with it too?
wa nimo gipang install ang mga drivers sa imong mobo? gi unsa mana pag duwa nimo online?
basin tungod sa RAM. win7(samot na 64bit) has higher overhead para sa iya system. maybe not enough free useable mem for appz
2GB in Windows 7? That's asking too much if you're looking forward to a good gaming experience
way klaro TS ani mang indian mn meetup... d pa jud mu rply txtsan f naunsa... 1 hr ko nag huwat sa ayala... mao ra pud ako giad2 siya...
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