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  1. #51

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    Lol... Syria is ruled by a despot, that much is common knowledge. You don't need to be Syrian to see what's going on there. Your stance is akin to that of Russia ie... The West condemns the actions of the Syrian government therefore Al-Assad must be a good guy because the West always has a secret agenda...blah, blah, blah. Sorry to break it to you, but Russia's support of a regime which brutalizes it's own people boils down to this.... a strategic naval port they'd like to hold onto.
    Oh! What a horrific and obnoxious statement there you have Rep, I am just asking you to test your biases and credibility. You are no different to your blah, blah, blah.... and tell that to uninformed and gullible people. And since you come as if you knew the truth in Syria, can you please tell us about what the CIA's and the British m16's are doing there?
    Last edited by JcBoY; 07-19-2012 at 02:16 PM.

  2. #52

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    Syria is not a US puppet so they demonize the regime while turning blind eye in Bahrain & Saudi Arabia's unrest.

    If the west is really for democracy and freedom.. they already bombed the House of Saud first.

  3. #53

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    Quote Originally Posted by JcBoY View Post
    Oh! What a horrific and obnoxious statement there you have Rep, I am just asking you to test your biases and credibility. You are no different to your blah, blah, blah.... and tell that to uniformed and gullible people. And since you come as if you knew the truth in Syria, can you please tell us about what the CIA's and the British m16's are doing there?
    What exactly are Mi6 doing in Syria, do you have some special secret knowledge? The UK has little to gain and plenty to lose from getting embroiled in Syria. The West simply wants hostilities to end and steps taken towards proper democratic representation for the people in Syria. Al-Assad would prefer to murder any protesters and justifies this by labeling all opposition terrorists. The violence could have ended long ago, but one man considers himself more important than a nation as if it were his God given right to rule forever in spite of the wishes of the people of Syria.

  4. #54

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    Quote Originally Posted by flanker View Post
    Syria is not a US puppet so they demonize the regime while turning blind eye in Bahrain & Saudi Arabia's unrest.

    If the west is really for democracy and freedom.. they already bombed the House of Saud first.
    That's what I would suppose to emphasize to Mr. Rep, if they are really after the Freedom and Democracy, where are they in Bahrain and in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. HYPOCRITES!

  5. #55

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    What exactly are Mi6 doing in Syria, do you have some special secret knowledge? The UK has little to gain and plenty to lose from getting embroiled in Syria. The West simply wants hostilities to end and steps taken towards proper democratic representation for the people in Syria. Al-Assad would prefer to murder any protesters and justifies this by labeling all opposition terrorists. The violence could have ended long ago, but one man considers himself more important than a nation as if it were his God given right to rule forever in spite of the wishes of the people of Syria.
    That's enough Mr. Rep, don't be judgmental and condemn regimes that doesn't follow the whims of the West. It is clear to me that you don't have enough knowledge about the situation going around the Middle East.

  6. #56

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    It seems to me that you are completely blinded by your hatred of the West, so much so that a guy who murders children en-mass and shells villages into oblivion so that he can continue his life of luxury somehow appears righteous in your eyes.

    This was not an accident of war.... children were stabbed to death by Syrian government sponsored militia. This is in no way acceptable.
    Last edited by reptoid; 07-19-2012 at 12:23 PM.

  7. #57

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    It seems to me that you are completely blinded by your hatred of the West, so much so that a guy who murders children en-mass and shells villages into oblivion so that he can continue his life of luxury somehow appears righteous in your eyes.
    Do you know that the US murders civilians more in Iraq & Afghanistan?

    We are not an anti West here. We just knw what they up to. And its not democracy and freedom.

    That's the effect of the western propaganda, you believed on what the West said, whos bad and whos good. Too bad for them I already switched in watching/reading alternative media now.

  8. #58

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    Quote Originally Posted by reptoid View Post
    It seems to me that you are completely blinded by your hatred of the West, so much so that a guy who murders children en-mass and shells villages into oblivion so that he can continue his life of luxury somehow appears righteous in your eyes.

    This was not an accident of war.... children were stabbed to death by Syrian government sponsored militia. This is in no way acceptable.
    SYRIANS do it, who do you wanna believe that? That matters will be resolve if you will answer me the question of "What really are the CIA's, MI6's, French intelligence and mercenaries are doing in Syria?" And that Western garbage propaganda were already been trashed in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine. Again Mr. Rep, enough throwing your garbage look at US of A and Britain own predicament that is more real to me.

  9. #59

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    Quote Originally Posted by flanker View Post
    Do you know that the US murders civilians more in Iraq & Afghanistan?

    We are not an anti West here. We just knw what they up to. And its not democracy and freedom.

    That's the effect of the western propaganda, you believed on what the West said, whos bad and whos good. Too bad for them I already switched in watching/reading alternative media now.
    You are confusing me with someone who takes everything on face value. I do not consider The US or the UK infallible, or above scrutiny, the world is a complicated place and matters of international diplomacy are extremely tangled. There is however no justification for what is happening in Syria at the hands of one man.

  10. #60

    Default Re: "Freedom and democracy to Syria and to all Nations!"

    The West is still ashamed of their failure to adequately intervene in 1990's Rwanda where millions of people were hacked to death. Now that they are trying to avert fresh atrocities in Syria they are accused of meddling?!?!? Enjoy your politicking guys... me, I just want anyone with some balls to drop a hammer on Al-Assad.

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