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  1. #51
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    Quote Originally Posted by pandecoco View Post
    I am an OFW mga bossing and I am applying for this OWWA Reintegration Loan in Davao City since November of last year. So far, wala pa silay update sa Training nga iconduct sa OWWA as requirement sa loan nga ipasa daw nila sa LBP.

    Nabasa nako ang tibuok thread, ana jud ba kalisod ang pag-award sa Landbank given you've conducted full-study of the project? I am planning to put-up my own Travel and Tour Agency, that would help the tourism industry and provide employment to the community. And I am also risking my job for 5 years here outside of the country to pursue this business and to be with my family.

    So murag labo pa diay ni hehe...

    Please keep us posted especially sa mga nag-apply pud ani na Reintegration loan, para mahibawo ta kung naa ba jud ni.

    PandeCoco Martin

    am an ofw myself here. wa jud ni mahimo ang mga ahensya sa atong gobyerno lagi.. discourage kaayo ko ani nila. im planning
    to put up my small business in the near future and i doubt the Govt.can help us fellow ofw's...hnay-hinay na lang ta og kamang
    sa atong paningkamot ani and not expect any help and assistance from our govt..

  2. #52

    Default Our future is in our hands-fingers

    Quote Originally Posted by lhorenzoo View Post
    am an ofw myself here. wa jud ni mahimo ang mga ahensya sa atong gobyerno lagi.. discourage kaayo ko ani nila. im planning
    to put up my small business in the near future and i doubt the Govt.can help us fellow ofw's...hnay-hinay na lang ta og kamang
    sa atong paningkamot ani and not expect any help and assistance from our govt..
    Dear OFW's,
    Your frustration is mine as well. Because I hinged my hopes on the government program I am now bleeding financially.

    However, our greatest obstacle is our system. The ideas-of the president/adviser are there it is the people who run and implement the system. To me, there are two ways we can approach this:
    a. Either we live it to the hands of these people and stay the way we are, as is; (mostly complains and complains) or,

    b. Unite and organize and take charge of our future. Unite OFW's their relatives and friends. If we can get through this, we can get through every government agency. We do not wish to take down the people running our government or our government. We are the government, what we want to achieve is efficient and productive ways of doing things. The Philippines is a very very very wealthy country in terms of resources. There is more than enough wealth for everyone, we just need to make sure that these resources are properly distributed in terms of wealth, resources and information(education).

    If we are to progress and improve, we have to change the way we do things, we have seen what other countries have done, it is no rocket science, Singapore, we can achieve much better if we only unite and organize. We are the government and if we are lousy our government will be lousy. There in front of each one of you is the most powerful tool to effect the improvements and changes we want and expect.

    There are millions brillant minds out there, waiting to be harnessed and focused into one concentrated light, when focused like a laser beam can cut through all the levels of government bureaucracy to ensure that wealth of our beloved country is distributed and reaches to the poorest of the poor. Can, can, can be done.

  3. #53
    C.I.A. DEMONOCIETY's Avatar
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    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    Quote Originally Posted by lhorenzoo View Post
    am an ofw myself here. wa jud ni mahimo ang mga ahensya sa atong gobyerno lagi.. discourage kaayo ko ani nila. im planning
    to put up my small business in the near future and i doubt the Govt.can help us fellow ofw's...hnay-hinay na lang ta og kamang
    sa atong paningkamot ani and not expect any help and assistance from our govt..
    sakto sab lihok lang tag ato d na mag salig ani nila ky magkamang sab ta sa kakuti total kaya ra man sab na pangitaon ng kwartaha na imong gipangita if you're still connected with your employer abroad.

  4. #54
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    Quote Originally Posted by DEMONOCIETY View Post
    sakto sab lihok lang tag ato d na mag salig ani nila ky magkamang sab ta sa kakuti total kaya ra man sab na pangitaon ng kwartaha na imong gipangita if you're still connected with your employer abroad.
    yes boss,

    im not depending on the govt. kay i know wa gyud na silay mahimo na tabang .i totally sympathize with bro esoy legaspi, lisod
    jud kaayo ang gobyerno na motabang ang ila kay pagana ra pirme sa mga ofw's nga mga bagong bayani ..the truth is that
    the government has come to rely on labor exports to make up for deficient or absent public programs that were supposed to mitigate rising unemployment and bring about sustained economic growth. The policy of encouraging Filipinos to work abroad was intended as a stop-gap measure to arrest unemployment. Since then, however, Filipinos have grown to depend on the remittances, which are a major source of foreign exchange and are fuelling growth through consumption.

    and more so,

    Even as Filipinos here enjoy the fruits of OFWs’ labor, policymakers and economic mangers should not become complacent about what should be done – creating more jobs here. Plus, there ought to be more quality or high-paying jobs in the country so that leaving home to work abroad becomes a personal choice rather than an act of desperation following the loss of hope in the Philippines.

    mao ni ang truth sa ato gobyerno ...sad truth kaayo..

  5. #55

    Default We are the Boss of PNoy - people need to know that

    Quote Originally Posted by lhorenzoo View Post
    yes boss,

    im not depending on the govt. kay i know wa gyud na silay mahimo na tabang .i totally sympathize with bro esoy legaspi, lisod
    jud kaayo ang gobyerno na motabang ang ila kay pagana ra pirme sa mga ofw's nga mga bagong bayani ..the truth is that
    the government has come to rely on labor exports to make up for deficient or absent public programs that were supposed to mitigate rising unemployment and bring about sustained economic growth. The policy of encouraging Filipinos to work abroad was intended as a stop-gap measure to arrest unemployment. Since then, however, Filipinos have grown to depend on the remittances, which are a major source of foreign exchange and are fuelling growth through consumption.

    and more so,

    Even as Filipinos here enjoy the fruits of OFWs’ labor, policymakers and economic mangers should not become complacent about what should be done – creating more jobs here. Plus, there ought to be more quality or high-paying jobs in the country so that leaving home to work abroad becomes a personal choice rather than an act of desperation following the loss of hope in the Philippines.

    mao ni ang truth sa ato gobyerno ...sad truth kaayo..
    Hi Lhooren,
    I agree with you that we should not depend on our government 100%.

    On the other hand, we are the government - PNoy and the rest of his gang - are our employees. We are the boss, hence, we should direct what we believe is good for us or good for the many. We do not leave things as they are but we should "manage" our Government. This is a government by the people, for the people and of the people. Likewise, we should do(ASK) what we can do for our country and NOT ASK what our country can do for us.

    Having said those statements, examining it closely, it backfires to us (the people - the government) the sheer responsibility of what happens to our system of government. I am not sure if this is what also other people-citizens understand about what the government is all about. I am not sure if these is what their expectations are as well. Many may not agree with my thoughts and opinion but from what I see, the government most people ridicule, is actually themselves. The corruptions that exist is because we allow it to happen. As what I have been writing over and over again, for evil to exist and prevail it is enough that good men do nothing. This is what I see is happening. We cannot wait for the "good samaritan" to do the cleaning for us, while others turn a blind eye. If we want good governance we should set the standards and demand it from our EMPLOYEES (PNoy).

    Hence, all those pathetic situtions we encounter, and many opportunities lost, inefficiency and resulting in all those whinning (bagolbol) is because we allow these things to happen. We are disunited and disorganized as a people making it easy for the few opportunist to take advantage of the situation. As long as we are divided, opportunist will come in and take the bigger slice of the pie. That is because we as the people of the government allow it to happen.

    These opportunist are also bright Filipinos, they are our "christian brothers". We have to be at peace with them, so that we can distribute the resources and wealth of our country to the poorest of the poor. 4.5 Million Filipinos are involuntarily hungry. There is no need for hunger, greed or violence, we can work on this peacefully. There is so much wealth in this country, it is just a matter of distributing the resources. There is no country much richer in natural resources and manpower than the Philippines after having worked abroad. I am very sure of that. We are richer than Saudi Arabia, ( Remove the oil - S.A. is nothing), We can be richer than Singapore. We have so much, much more resources that Singapore does not have or even Japan, etc.,

    What is needed is just for us OFW's, friends and relatives to drive this government instead of the government driving us. We just need to unite and organize and tell the government what we want and what we need, what we expect. We should take control of our future and our country and not let the few take control of it. In Singapore, they say CAN? Yes CAN? We CAN do it as well, the "political will" should be from the people not from the "Employees" in the Government. We are the Boss, let us know how to perform as all humlity, peace and love.

  6. #56

    Default CAN or NO CAN DO ????

    Quote Originally Posted by marius View Post
    Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge

    headlines goes : OFW remittances soar to record high of $20b in 2011

    we're basically helping the country cope up with some funds deficiency with our annual remittance. Without our money, the philippines' economy will be greatly crippled. And yet, our government ain't helping us with anything. I haven't heard any of our fellow ofw here in saudi who was helped by our government. That's why i don't believe in anything about ofw funding or ofw loan.
    Hi Marius,
    Vietnam, receives income of 5 BILLION USD without sending a single OFW from the seafood export. They export fishes not people. What was Vietnam 20 years ago ?? What is happening to us now, is because we allow it to happen. Can we change the government ? In Singapore, Singaporeans say, CAN.

    Hence, we should not wait for the Government to help an OFW, we have to ask them what have they performed and an accounting of what they have done? We should communicate to OWWA, who is the responsible "christian person" to do these expectations that you have so we do not wait for the "good non-christian-samaritan" to do the work of the "christian person".

    I cannot do this alone, you cannot do this alone, neither can many of us in their individual capacity, what we need is to unite and organize so we can speak with one voice and ask those responsble to show us what they have done. OWWA should publish this in their website for all of us to know. They should publish the expenses. If they are not doing it we can with one voice unite and ask them, after all they are our "EMPLOYEES" and we are the "BOSS".

    CAN ?? or NO CAN DO ??

  7. #57

    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    On one side we have greed on the other end we have hunger and violence,(4.5 MILLION FILIPINOS are INVOLUNTARILY HUNGRY) we can do something, we can help change our future and dictate what we want, we now have the tools to peacefully effect a change we want, no need for "bagulbol" and make false accusations, false witnesses, we can be better than Singapore and the rest of the world, we just have to unite and organize and use the bright of our brightest and the God given natural resources and move towards a better Philippines, we are the government, we CAN..

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  8. #58

    Default Doing what we always did, gets us what we always got..

    As an ex-OFW from Singapore, gave me a taste and experience of what life could be and believe should be in a decent country. Does it really need so much work-effort to change our one and only beloved country (The Philippines)? A country we could all be proud of? With the tools we have in front of us and the bright minds that we export to other countries, we could have a country far far far better than what we have right now. We just need to unite and organize because we believe we can make this country a better place than Singapore. There is no need for greed, hunger or violence to prevail in our country because we can have much more fun in our country. Now is the time for the best and brightest to take the lead-knowledge is power. Get involved.

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  9. #59

    Default Re: OFW re-integration program of OWWA -

    Quote Originally Posted by emow View Post
    OWWA and POEA should be scrapped... useless agencies of the government...
    how can you say it's useless? if this will be put to trash,
    then may god help the OFWs out there who can never
    visit their families here ever again.

  10. #60
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doing what we always did, gets us what we always got..

    Quote Originally Posted by EsoyLegaspi View Post
    As an ex-OFW from Singapore, gave me a taste and experience of what life could be and believe should be in a decent country. Does it really need so much work-effort to change our one and only beloved country (The Philippines)? A country we could all be proud of? With the tools we have in front of us and the bright minds that we export to other countries, we could have a country far far far better than what we have right now. We just need to unite and organize because we believe we can make this country a better place than Singapore. There is no need for greed, hunger or violence to prevail in our country because we can have much more fun in our country. Now is the time for the best and brightest to take the lead-knowledge is power. Get involved.

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    boss esoy,

    im still hoping for the best. maayo unta naa jud makalead og tarong aning owwa nga makatabang sa mga ofw's thru its

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