e check ang aromacology na hair treatment promotes hair growth gyd cya.
VCO Hair Treatment 150g Hair loss is an embarrassing problem affecting both men & women. The sooner hair-loss issues are dealt with, the better. Usually thinning of hair is caused by stress, harmful chemicals, hair colorant, blow drying, and hormonal issues… Aromacology Sensi introduces the new & exciting Hair Treatment-VCO that promotes:
Hair Growth. When applied on the scalp, acts on the roots where the hair grows.
Stops excessive hair loss in 2-3 weeks
Dormant hair roots are reactivated & stimulated causing renewed growth of hair.
The quality of existing hair increases thicker & stronger shaft.
Restores hair shine and prevents dandruff.
Problem hair regains vitality and volume, no side effect.
Suitable for men and women of all ages.
How to apply: At Night, apply hair treatment and massage unto hair and scalp for 3 to 5 minutes, leave-on and rinse thoroughly in the morning. Repeat application if needed. Avoid using Shampoo during treatment for hair growing.
FAQ: How long can I see the result?
This varies from person to person, however on the average:
2 – 4 weeks for a decrease in hair loss, dandruff and itchy scalp.
4 – 6 weeks for your existing hair to start feeling thicker, stronger, and revitalized
2 – 3 Months for new hair to start appearing.