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  1. #51

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer_and_Sickle View Post
    aaahhhh, mao d-ay, matira matibay , jud,..basta mo-sulod ana
    kay in the actual battle... THE ENEMY WILL SHOW NO MERCY...

    KILL or get KILLED...

  2. #52

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hammer_and_Sickle View Post
    samtang nag-tanaw ko sa video, naka-ingun ko , na kadakung sadista aning atong military oy, ma-wagtang mn pud akong respeto para nila

    normal rana bro.. tan aw nat geo.. maka ingon ka lau rana atoang training sa uban nasod...

  3. #53

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    Quote Originally Posted by cptn_star View Post
    he knows more than you do. try doing some research. mapabilib ra ka.
    mao ni giingon nga "tell it to the marines".
    mi modify lang ug rifle best na dayon? mi share lang ug ideas about jungle and conventional warfare at par na sila dayon?
    Let us even exclude technology, to be fair.
    how about in terms of proffesionalsm and dicipline?
    i doubt if our military can be proud about it.
    they can't even outrun the NPAs and Muslim insurgency in the south.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    Quote Originally Posted by black_mamba View Post

    RESPETO bro... MEN in uniforms especially in the army... deserves our respect... instead of bashing them... why not give them moral support.. atleast man lng ma uplift ilang spirit...

    its not easy serving in the army... risking your own life... for a very small salary... JUST THINK OF IT... while we are sitting in our own home.. enjoying every moment with our loved ones...

    they are out there... in the field... without the assurance of going home alive or unharmed, sacrificing their own life...

    RESPETO lng...
    Will me or others here giving them respect, turn them from a failure into a success? I think you have things the other way around. The military must first succeed and deliver results, then they will get the respect of the foreigners, the people and the entire nation. Videos like that posted on Youtube do not inspire respect and attract all kinds of ridicule towards our armed forces. The people of this country deserve better and we should demand results! I have no respect for an organization that is a master of failure.

    I am not relying on these people to do much of anything should a country like China invade us. If that should happen, I think it will take just one day for the total domination of our official armed forces and their scattering to the hills leaving us who live in the cities to defend ourselves. That is why we store high powered weapons at our place, for this very eventuality because I sincerely believe the incompetence of our army will eventually invite an invasion of our country in some form or another and it will be uyoup to us citizens to fill in the gaping holes in our national defense.

    Make no mistake about it, our army serves one purpose only, to cause a stalemate in the local insurgencies. They serve no deterrent force against foreign invasion whatsoever. So what we have is a series of stalemates with rebels with no end in sight to the war in Mindanao against the NPA and the radical muslims. If you are content to give respect to an institution that sucks our tax money into a black hole with no results whatsoever to speak of, then kudos to you... at least the military in Bangladesh can be credited for crushing the rebellion once and for all. Imagine that, a tiny insignificant country with a minuscule military budget like Bangladesh has solved their insurgency whereas we continue to twiddle our thumbs and wonder why our army is so full of everything except results.
    Last edited by RMK711; 03-22-2011 at 12:44 AM.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    Quote Originally Posted by bogschess View Post
    mao ni giingon nga "tell it to the marines".
    mi modify lang ug rifle best na dayon? mi share lang ug ideas about jungle and conventional warfare at par na sila dayon?
    Let us even exclude technology, to be fair.
    how about in terms of proffesionalsm and dicipline?
    i doubt if our military can be proud about it.
    they can't even outrun the NPAs and Muslim insurgency in the south.
    two facts:

    -eradication of rebels cannot be achieved overnight.

    -even foreign militaries have professionalism and discipline issues.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    Quote Originally Posted by bogschess View Post
    the youtube videos have two parts.
    Mao. Cge lalis dinhi gi ilad ramo ato oi. Mag katawaha rato cla while mag select kinsa ang best actor ug best performer.

    Kinsa tong ganahan ug war ambak pamo sa pangpang

  7. #57

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    Mao ni problema if mag-debate about sa usa ka organization, we tend to generalize things.

    First off, ang topic ani na thread is about an incident where they failed to properly implement the theory behind the suggested way of training. I for one would agree that soldiers, no matter asa nga level, need to be know how to handle and escape being in a hostage situation without getting killed or succumbing to their captors. But the implementation was wrong. Those who were blindfolded knew that it was just training, whereas when it actually happens they'll know it's actually life and death. Will pain and humilation teach you that? During WWII and even now, if a soldier would just keep repeating his serial number when tortured and asked a question, how did he learn that? I believe instilling loyalty and patriotism is far more effective than teaching them how painful it would be to be captured. And how do you keep them loyal and patriotic? By being exemplary officers, no matter what rank. Show by example, teach by example.

    Second, as far as I'm concerned I did not diss the AFP as an organization. I pointed out that it was just the action of a certain few sadistic trainors/officers. No organization is free from bad eggs. That's why I would not hesitate to criticize their errors for how else would they learn if we (taxpayers paying their salaries I might add) would just let it pass and create a precedent for generations to come? And yes, I do applaud their achievements as well, and I did my share in helping promote their civil-military projects in far flung areas (yeah I do know what CMO is )

    Lastly, let us not be like politicians and divert issues by painting the source black. Yes it is a part of propaganda war, but how will we win it if we play the game like they do? I say start genuine reforms and let those who throw mud eat their words. It is, after all, and battle for the hearts and minds. nuff said.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    Quote Originally Posted by RMK711 View Post
    Because Springfield, there are all sorts of youtube videos that show the Chinese military doing training and none of them have any sort of the chicanery and idiocy that you see in those videos. Until you can show a video showing this kind of torture going on during Chinese military training, then I don't think you can claim that this sort of thing is going on.
    That just shows how an ARMCHAIR of a GENERAL you are in the real perspectives we have here . Until I can show you a video ? Does YOUTUBE justify everything na diay karon ? Pastilan ka !

    Let us also keep things in perspective here. This isn't even an elite military unit being shown but a regular infantry unit. Next, snipers won't win any wars and be rest assured for every 1 excellent sniper we have, China will have 10 of them and Indonesia 5.
    Huh ? Are you trying to make excuses here now ? We are talking about being LAUGHABLE here . You probably forgot that in war , the more numbers you have , the more casualties will be counted .

    failed to defeat communist insurgency
    failed to defeat islamic insurgency
    failed to protect citizens from massacre
    failed to effectively repel invaders from contested territory

    fail, fail, fail.. wake me up when they start winning something, anything.
    Lol .... well .... is CHINA and MALAYSIA also winning ?

    @REPTOID ...


    From Wikipedia: Hazing is a term used to describe various ritual and other activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation......
    And what makes that a GANGSTER ? Are you referring to BLOODS and CRIPS ? Psssssst ... sure oi . Unknowingly ... even in your very home , there is HAZING .

    In Russia the victim of a high-profile hazing attack, Andrei Sychyov required the amputation of his legs and genitalia after he was forced to squat for three hours whilst being beaten and tortured by a group on New Year's Eve 2005. The brutal attack on Sychyov, and its horrific consequences highlighted the widespread problem of dedovshchina - or hazing - in the Russian armed forces.
    I can give you a more HIGH PROFILE HAZING than that found all over the net .

    You talk about not understanding without being in that situation. Well, I am a scholar of economics and yet I've never worked at a bank so I don't buy that theory
    And what does that make you ? Are you only HOMEGROWN ? Banko ra ba diay ang involved sa ECONOMICS ?

    & I'm pretty sure recruits didn't sign up to be abused. Also I can see no benefits and only downsides to this needless cruelty ie troops will quit, desert or maybe even develop mental health issues. In fact it was not long ago that a Philippine soldier snapped and murdered his commanding officer after being routinely dragged feet first out of his bed.
    See .... I now understand why you are not buying the theory because you will never be in the same page of anticipation .with these men .

    President Eisenhower once berated General Patton over this issue telling him “I am well aware of the necessity for hardness and toughness on the battle field. … But this does not excuse brutality, abuse of the sick, nor exhibition of uncontrollable temper in front of subordinates”.
    Brutality , abuse of the sick and uncontrollable temper has nothing to do with preparedness to war . Its not even close to physically , spiritually and mentally ready .

    You are not even sure of that VIDEO being portrayed is as real as it gets ," ka remember ka ug movies na naay waiver like " no animals were harmed during the filming of the video " ?

    @BOGSCHESS ....

    world class snipers?
    Havent heard of it ?

    Pinoy navy SWAGS equal to HEELWEEK of US navy seals?
    Havent heard of it again ? As if you know everything about SWAGS that you disagreed with it . Try swimming from Manila Bay to Sangley Point , Cavite without any assistance in less than 3 hours aron makita ang katag .

    you must be joking, pwede ni nga sa estorya nga tagaytagay sa eskina, lusot ni, pero ikaw banka.
    Actually .... mao ni ang naka nindot na ISTORYA kay di man jud katuohan kay walay YOUTUBE VIDEO man na basehan . Pero ... ang dakong pero ani .... ug naa kay YOUTUBE VIDEO ma post , it does make you credible ?

    mao ni giingon nga "tell it to the marines".
    mi modify lang ug rifle best na dayon? mi share lang ug ideas about jungle and conventional warfare at par na sila dayon?
    Let us even exclude technology, to be fair.
    how about in terms of proffesionalsm and dicipline?
    i doubt if our military can be proud about it.
    they can't even outrun the NPAs and Muslim insurgency in the south.
    Did I say the best ? I said one of the best . Did I say at par ? Sharing ug ideas during an 8 to 12 month stint somewhere in the deepest of jungles you can imagine in the Philippine Archipelago while you are sleeping and dreaming to be 1 in the comfort of your home . Ngano gud uroy mag sharing ? Unsa na BIBLE STUDY ?

    Everyone knows naay flaws and imperfections ang top brass sa AFP but they are not AFP itself . There are still lots of military personnel that carries honor , courage and commitment and yes , its not found in YOUTUBE VIDEOS .
    Last edited by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40; 03-22-2011 at 08:08 AM.
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  9. #59

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.


    RMK may live in the philippines and i think made in the philippines but his genes are made in China

    thats why he cant give respect to the Phil military.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Armed Forces of the Philippines, in the international news again.

    What doesn't kill you make you stronger.

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