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Which business are you talking about that is paying less taxes than its employees? Even businesses that pay under the table I guarantee you are paying more taxes than even the highest paid employee in that company. Maybe what you want is for businesses to be bled dry by exorbitant taxation and for the government officials to enjoy the windfall taxes, nevermind the fact that most of these businesses will collapse and many people will become unemployed. Then who is going to pay the tax now?
Also you should know that there are many LEGAL loopholes in this country, and that a lot of those businesses who are paying less taxes than you think they deserve are actually paying less taxes legally, by using these legal loopholes that their accountants and tax lawyers have found. Why do you think tax lawyers and accountants earn so much money? Because our taxation laws are notoriously ambiguous and the jurisprudence on tax so convoluted and prone to flipflopping it is very easy to use the government's own rules against it at the Court of Tax Appeals. Secondly, the very corruption of the government itself hinders the collection process. How about the case of Shell and its so-called tax avoidance scheme, a scheme that was approved no less than the previous BIR commissioner? So you see where I'm going here, do you finally understand why the government should clean up its act first before demanding people pay the so-called "right" tax? Which do you think is the greater crime? Tax evasion or plunder?
Both need to be resolved, I'm not saying people should not pay taxes, what I am saying is government should go after plunderers first and once they have settled that and cleaned up our shitty government, then they can start going after tax evaders. Until then, it is like the person swimming in the sewer persecuting the person wallowing in mud.
almost all SME accounts i'm handling and those i've handled in the past. the owners do not state their true revenue. they have two books of account. the ones who are forced to be honest are those in construction but only on those revenues for LGU projects.
as to the cleaning up of act, people living in glass houses shouldn't be the first to throw stones. who pays under the table to evade their taxes? but then corruption is a vicious cycle, isn't it. perpetuated by people who criticize on the outside but are not brave enough to do something about it. i'm talking about two sides, the would have been honest government employee and the would have been honest business employees.
if you want an honest government, be honest first and then demand honesty from the government. if you are honest, then you would have the moral ascendancy to demand such from others.
anyways, OT na ni