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  1. #51

    Quote Originally Posted by peewee_toot View Post
    ^^daghan jud d i doctors nga smokers...
    Actually the numbers are lower compared to the past decade. Most of those who do smoke started before med school or before taking up pre-med, making it harder to quit.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    Lol. This is stupid. Where is the individual rights and freedoms?? ONLY IN DA PILIPINS ... we can see this kind of stupid stuffs.

    This is one of the reason why our country is such a FAIL. Hmmm ... Maybe we should change the name of our country: FAILippines. That would be good!
    Its not stupid bro...
    maybe you're angry coz you smoke..or a doctor or medical student or nurse..

    simply ra man na ..
    you are advising your patients to be healthy pero ikaw wala.. you're not credible.
    mahadluk man lng ta pa consulta nimo ana..

    or same ra na..Pastor ka o Priest but cge ka pang tsiks..
    or lawyer ka.. pero at the same time kriminal..
    or engineer ka at the same time bomber...

    see the logic?? angay sugdan na medical students..
    pag di muhunong smoke.. taktakun sa school!
    go go go.. para patagam..mga habugero ra ba ning uban..
    white uniform pa.. mag inom ug hithit raman diay sa kilid kiilid!

  3. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by crysyani View Post
    your individual rights is limited to the interest of the country

    and it is not absolute
    tama ni...

    Individual rights is not absolute..

    kaning uban di kasabot.. gusto nila ilaha rights ila gusto masunod tanan..
    pagbasa mo ug human rights before commenting..

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by peewee_toot View Post

    unfair kung ang doctor ra. why not include all health care providers? nurse, care-giver, nursing aid, and the like. para patas tanan... and they would sound like a hypocrite kng maghealth teaching sila...
    Tama.. expand the law..


    plus sin taxes pa jud. whohoaa!
    patay na maliligayang araw niyo..

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by diatabz View Post
    Actually the numbers are lower compared to the past decade. Most of those who do smoke started before med school or before taking up pre-med, making it harder to quit.
    ah. so maayu jud nga samtang nagskul pa na sila ky taktakon na dayun kung magsmoke. diba?

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by peewee_toot View Post
    ah. so maayu jud nga samtang nagskul pa na sila ky taktakon na dayun kung magsmoke. diba?
    Schools can certainly take disciplinary action against students who smoke in the school premises, or when caught smoking while having their uniform on. But if a school actually expels students for smoking, say, in the privacy of their own homes, then that's another matter.

    The problem with some of you here is you think that since doctors and other healthcare professionals "know better", then it must mean that they automatically operate on a higher level of discipline. That assumption is completely and utterly false. Some doctors are health nuts, some like their cheeseburgers a little too much, some like a weekend drinking spree, some drink too much coffee, and some smoke.

    Everyone has bad habits, but as long as those habits don't get in the way of you doing your job, then you're fine in my book.
    Last edited by diatabz; 09-27-2010 at 04:57 PM.

  7. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by diatabz View Post
    Schools can certainly take disciplinary action against students who smoke in the school premises, or when caught smoking while having their uniform on. But if a school actually expels students for smoking, say, in the privacy of their own homes, then that's another matter.

    The problem with some of you here is you think that since doctors and other healthcare professionals "know better", then it must mean that they automatically operate on a higher level of discipline. That assumption is completely and utterly false. Some doctors are health nuts, some like their cheeseburgers a little too much, some like a weekend drinking spree, some drink too much coffee, and some smoke.

    Everyone has bad habits, but as long as those habits don't get in the way of you doing your job, then you're fine in my book.
    Very well said.

    It is also true that it's their right to smoke, just like everyone else but as long as they're in the proper place then it shouldn't be a problem at all.

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by diatabz View Post

    Everyone has bad habits, but as long as those habits don't get in the way of you doing your job, then you're fine in my book.
    how about ang credibility sa usa ka doctor? do you think dili na maka apekto niya?

  9. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by peewee_toot View Post
    how about ang credibility sa usa ka doctor? do you think dili na maka apekto niya?
    Everyone has bad habits, but as long as those habits don't get in the way of you doing your job, then you're fine in my book.
    I'll tell you now, almost all doctors have a bad health habit, and if you think otherwise, you're being naive. These habits however, don't take away from the credibility of the medical advice they give. Doctors provide facts, and after ascertaining a patient's factors, plot out a course of treatment to the best of his, or her, ability and judgment. A credible doctor to me can do all that without harming a patient. Of course, that's an oversimplified explanation, but it should be enough to illustrate my point.

    In a perfect world, all healthcare practitioners would lead by example. Sadly, we don't live in one. And the problem isn't just limited to smoking. There's obesity, unhealthy eating, consuming too much coffee etc.

  10. #60
    problems occur in all professions

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