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  1. #51

    damn sakita ato sa na feel sa pamilya pag kuha sa flag oi. kung ako ang anak ato makigpatay ngali ko sa mokuha sa flag sa ako papa. para sa ako lng ha, no violent reaction needed hehehe

  2. #52
    Pres. Noy started the Blame game himself, some just returned the favor or maybe most.

  3. #53
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    It is the right of his family member to place the flag on the casket. He may be a violent hostage taker to us but to them he is much more than that. We only knew of him on his few hours of life. The family can choose to remember the person as they please, if they choose to remember him as the decorated policeman he once was, then so be it. It is out of ours and the government's hands.

    By instructing the family how they should remember the person, we are no longer punishing the hostage taker but rather his entire family, im pretty sure most of those people are innocent and good people. Lets just leave them be. Its there right to mourn for the person any way they like.

    I do have one question to ask. when ERAP dies should he have a flag on his casket?

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Romeojin View Post
    i agree stop blaming the president.. blame those who vote for him.. where are they? why cant they defend him now? its there time to shine...

    FACEPALM... EPIC FAIL ... i had to put these words.
    good dog.

  5. #55
    lets also be sensitive to the victims.. if the philippine flag would be put in his casket it would mean that he died a hero or he did something heroic. many lives were lost because of what he did, mr mendoza may have done good before but will be more remembered on how he died. for me it is justifiable not to put our flag in his casket out of sentiment to the victims and their families..

    his policeman son understand the government decision, that's why he agreed to take the flag and help persuade his mother to accept it.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by kobmat View Post
    It is the right of his family member to place the flag on the casket. He may be a violent hostage taker to us but to them he is much more than that. We only knew of him on his few hours of life. The family can choose to remember the person as they please, if they choose to remember him as the decorated policeman he once was, then so be it. It is out of ours and the government's hands.

    By instructing the family how they should remember the person, we are no longer punishing the hostage taker but rather his entire family, im pretty sure most of those people are innocent and good people. Lets just leave them be. Its there right to mourn for the person any way they like.

    I do have one question to ask. when ERAP dies should he have a flag on his casket?
    makasabot ko ana pero it fuels more hate from HK and China. Wa na lang unta to giopakita sa media

  7. #57
    It is the right of his family member to place the flag on the casket. He may be a violent hostage taker to us but to them he is much more than that. We only knew of him on his few hours of life. The family can choose to remember the person as they please, if they choose to remember him as the decorated policeman he once was, then so be it. It is out of ours and the government's hands.

    By instructing the family how they should remember the person, we are no longer punishing the hostage taker but rather his entire family, im pretty sure most of those people are innocent and good people. Lets just leave them be. Its there right to mourn for the person any way they like.

    I do have one question to ask. when ERAP dies should he have a flag on his casket?

    word. im still proud to be pinoy despite what happened. mendoza acted on instinct. his depression mightve clouded his judgement by hostaging innocent tourists, pero i still think it couldve been resolved peacefully if not for the stupid media and the power hungry policemen- who provoked him by arresting his brother. no proof whatsoever dakop lang diretso posas. asa man ang due process ana oi? mga bogo, kita raba kaayo sa tv2 sa bus. mao na diay na ang bago nga balaod? epic fail. samot ka epic fail sa ka daghan mga pinoy sulti2 di na daw sila proud nga pinoy. loslos

  8. #58
    'makasabot ko ana pero it fuels more hate from HK and China. Wa na lang unta to giopakita sa media'

    f*** them. kana diay mga pinay nato nga ofw gi pang rape sa saudi? unsa man? mag lagot sad tas tanan tao gikan didto tungod ana. ignorance, narrow mindedness etc mentality.

  9. #59
    i thought mendoza made a great thing of exposing the INCOMPETENCE of the PNP towards incidents like hostages...
    how much more if a bigger incident happens?

  10. #60
    nobody should give mendoza and his family media exposure anymore. it's enough. they have to stop! someone has to tell media to give it a break. it has caused more damage. if we wanna have peace and restore diplomatic relations with HK, the govt. should do something about this. and please remove the bus in quirino if it is still there! why do they have to let it stay there for days. it should have been removed after the SOCO investigation. and nobody should have gone near it. the bus is a grim reminder of a major tragedy, not a tourist attraction.

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