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  1. #51

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..

    stealth, valve tappets are the ones adjusted by the mechanic during a "tune up". you need to adjust that according to your manufacturer's recommendations in order to have a good running car. if its too tight, your car wont have enough power to run smoothly and the car will have hard starting; if its too loose, you will be able to hear your engine make a "taktaktak..." sound the whole time you engine is turned on and you will also have difficulty making your car run smootly. just bring your car to your suking mechanic and have your car tuned up, its the basic thing that they do during this procedure.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by facapino
    1G 4g63t, stock internals with adequate fueling, can handle 20+psi easy.Â* Â*
    If I may to say about handling " EASY " ... you are saying like you can attain high DB in your speakers in car audios thru " BURPS " . Man you cant run all day with 20 PSI of boost with stock internals specially drag racing it . When you say ADEQUATE FUELING , a recommended boosted engine needs at least a 91 ocatne and that kind of rating of octane is even a specialty in Cebu not normally found in every suking gas stations .

    When you say 1ST GEN 4G63T , isnt it ironic when the 2ND and 3RD should be more way better ? But then peers even say an EVO 7 or 8 has a 14 PSI of stock boost and up to 18 PSI to be safe is just over rated because newer engines comes with newer and stronger internals . 1ST GEN 4G63's AFAIK are manufactured in the late 80'sÂ* .... that is a technology about 20 years ago by Mitsu when you leave it stock .

    FACAPINO , the best way to handle this claim is post a DYNO RUN at 20 PSI of boost and a 1320 run with 20 PSI of boost . But then again I dont know if you want to do that even though you can afford it .

    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  3. #53

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40
    Quote Originally Posted by facapino
    1G 4g63t, stock internals with adequate fueling, can handle 20+psi easy.Â* Â*
    I a recommended boosted engine needs at least a 91 ocatne and that kind of rating of octane is even a specialty in Cebu not normally found in every suking gas stations .

    PETRON BLAZE = 96 octane rating.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by riko diko
    bai facapino, you drive a pizza with a serious perf upgrades right? seen your car through a link posted in mitsulancer. pila 1/4mile time sa imo awto bai? where did you have it done?
    hehe, not really serious upgrades. just fuel delivery upgrades to boost it up safely. it was done in manila. no quartermile time yet, still waiting for the next legal race.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..


  6. #56

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..

    who has a MUT system or alike here in Cebu aside from the Mits casa?

    richie, cousin mo anang jess sa kartzone?

  7. #57

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..

    riko diko, yes, cousins mi nila jess, justin, jedbong of kartzone.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40
    Quote Originally Posted by facapino
    1G 4g63t, stock internals with adequate fueling, can handle 20+psi easy.Â* Â*
    If I may to say about handling " EASY " ... you are saying like you can attain high DB in your speakers in car audios thru " BURPS " . Man you cant run all day with 20 PSI of boost with stock internals specially drag racing it . When you say ADEQUATE FUELING , a recommended boosted engine needs at least a 91 ocatne and that kind of rating of octane is even a specialty in Cebu not normally found in every suking gas stations .

    When you say 1ST GEN 4G63T , isnt it ironic when the 2ND and 3RD should be more way better ? But then peers even say an EVO 7 or 8 has a 14 PSI of stock boost and up to 18 PSI to be safe is just over rated because newer engines comes with newer and stronger internals . 1ST GEN 4G63's AFAIK are manufactured in the late 80'sÂ* .... that is a technology about 20 years ago by Mitsu when you leave it stock .

    FACAPINO , the best way to handle this claim is post a DYNO RUN at 20 PSI of boost and a 1320 run with 20 PSI of boost . But then again I dont know if you want to do that even though you can afford it .

    Just because the technology is late 80's years ago doesn't mean it's no better than the technology today.

    Newer engines comes with newer and stronger internals -- imho, yes it is for some..but not for all.

    If you'll do a search, you will see that the 1G ('89-'94) is superior in some areas, which explains why 2G ('95 onwards) owners swap 1G parts (especially when your 2G connecting rods break): 1G has bigger connecting rods, larger turbo (14b), larger intercooler core, steel bov, larger throttle body, larger intake manifold, larger head ports and EPROM ECUs (nice, we can re-chip/re-program this baby)... not bad for old tech.

    my boost controller is set at 20psi all day. but i can't run the car at 20psi all day, coz of traffic, few straights and knocking/detonation. you won't believe how much knock the stock 1G internals can handle, very strong i'd say.

    when i said ADEQUATE FUELING, i meant proper fuel supply...not by having gas with higher octane. Proper fuel supply thru an upgraded fuel pump, right injector size, fuel pressure, volume, fuel lines, etc. to support the higher that stock boost.

    IMHO if you have proper mods (not necessarily changing engine internals), you can definitely push the 63T to 20psi. in addition, the 1st gen 63t's compression ratio of 7.8:1 makes it boost friendly.

    An evo at 14psi will yield more HP than my 1G at 20psi primarily because evo's have 16g turbine/550cc injectors, bigger MAF compared to a 1G's little 14b turbine/450cc injectors sometimes an even smaller td04.. Not entirely because evo's have stronger internals. A 1G can even handle a 50 trim at 20psi with XXXcc injectors, fuel supply upgrades on STOCK internals.

    why do i need to post a dyno run or a 1/4 mile slip to handle such a claim? am i claiming HP figures? 1/4 mile times?Â*

    i think what i need is an accurate boost gauge (which i have) and someone watching over it.

    What i said was,"1G 4g63t, stock internals with adequate fueling, can handle 20+psi easy".Â* Ok, i'm wrong with the "easy" part.. coz it costs!.(i'll just retract the word easy)

    tho i don't need to prove anything to you, but you can ride if u want. then after which, we can talk more about this magnificent engine by diamond star. :mrgreen:

    eto pala for inspiration, this cyborg, has STOCK internals (except for the HKS cams)
    right now its using a 60-1 t3t4, with ridiculous amounts of boost on STOCK internals... i know, trust me.

    rikodiko, what do u mean by MUT system? yung wideband? i think kartzone (justin) has a wideband 02 meter and i heard hilton has. i use a MMCD palm datalogger.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40
    Quote Originally Posted by facapino
    1G 4g63t, stock internals with adequate fueling, can handle 20+psi easy.Â* Â*
    If I may to say about handling " EASY " ... you are saying like you can attain high DB in your speakers in car audios thru " BURPS " . Man you cant run all day with 20 PSI of boost with stock internals specially drag racing it . When you say ADEQUATE FUELING , a recommended boosted engine needs at least a 91 ocatne and that kind of rating of octane is even a specialty in Cebu not normally found in every suking gas stations .

    When you say 1ST GEN 4G63T , isnt it ironic when the 2ND and 3RD should be more way better ? But then peers even say an EVO 7 or 8 has a 14 PSI of stock boost and up to 18 PSI to be safe is just over rated because newer engines comes with newer and stronger internals . 1ST GEN 4G63's AFAIK are manufactured in the late 80'sÂ* .... that is a technology about 20 years ago by Mitsu when you leave it stock .

    FACAPINO , the best way to handle this claim is post a DYNO RUN at 20 PSI of boost and a 1320 run with 20 PSI of boost . But then again I dont know if you want to do that even though you can afford it .

    i think what facapino means with "adequate fuelling" is that your engine should have a capable fuel pump which can deliver adeqauate fuel to your engine constantly. this is done to avoid having a lean air/fuel mixture which can lead to your ecu altering the electronic signals which in turn will retard your ignition timing and it will lead to detonation which can destroy your engine. so as what facapino said that "4g63t plus adequate fuelling can handle 20 psi of boost easily" is actually true because if you have "adequate fuelling" then you dont run the risk of blowing your engine. mind you, you dont run on 20 psi of boost all day long since it spools only as you increase your rpm or engine speede. if you stay below around the 2500-3000 rpm then i'm pretty sure your turb owont be spooling.

    yes, you're right with 91 octane issue but i just also want to clarify that we, here in the philippines, are very lucky since our LOWEST OCTANE RATING available is 93 (shell unleaded, petron unleaded, caltex vortex silver) and we also have 95 (shell premium, petron xcs plus, caltex vortex gold) and 96 (Shell velocity nad petron blaze). even in the provinces, the lowest octane rating you can find is 91 which is labelled as "REGULAR" gasoline and is used by tricycles and other 2-stroke old engines so i think that its a wrong notion of yours to say that "91 octane is a specialty here in Cebu and is not found in all of your suking gasoline stations" because 93 octane is the lowest octane rating you can find in any gasoline station hre in cebu, just in case you havent noticed while filling up.

    yes, the the 1st generation 4g63T was manufactured way back and it may be almost 20 years old but it just shows the supreme japanese technology and ingenuity of the mitsubishi engineers. the reason why people have to choose the 1st generation 4g63T for their cars is that it matches their car's chassis layout. you see, the different series and genearaions of 4g63T engines have changed. yes, you can use the 4g63T engine from the newer evo 7 and 8 but the engine is in 180 degree rotated layout as compared to the previous generations, meaning to say your intake would be facing the other way around, as well as your exhaust and transmission, i'm sure that could be done but nobody wants to drive a car without a firewall right? so if you have the newer mitsubishi lancer models like the cedia, you can go ahead and bolt on the the engine from the evo 7 and 8.. but if not, you have no choice but to get an older genearation 4g63T engine.i'm sure everybody who wants to do an engine swap would like to have a newer engine but its just impossible because the engine is facing the other way around and besides it way too expensive at present to get an evo 7 or 8 engine. though the 1st generation 4g63T is almost 20 years old, you should also consider that it was the platform for developing the newer and stronger engines. this engine is like a tank, its almost impossible to break, its very consistent, easy to maintan, and most of all, it has great fuel economy efficiency. just my opinion.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Custom Car Upgrades - Discussions, Tips, etc..


    yes, i laready heard about that all out mitsubishi mirage dragcar in manila. and yes, it still runs on stock internals except for the hks cams. its really amazing what a finely tuned chassis can do and it also highlights the 4g63T engines real potential...still with stock internals. maybe it will be running high 10's during the next legal sponsored races since it is being modified again to accomodate more power. can i ride in your car when you're doing a pass at 20psi of boost?

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