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  1. #51

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    so... how do you really know if his research is "100% accurate" as you say? i bet you just opened the site and looked at the titles of the articles and decided it all sucked and this guy is crazy and jesus did exist. you're right, it doesnt matter if he holds whatever degrees, but you gotta read between the lines and decide for yourself. i myself dont believe every word of that site. but there are things that trigger doubt. his goal is not to bring down christianity, his goal is to find the truth. and right now, the truth is overshadowed by blind faith.

    FK, long time no debate. hehehe

    i dont know if any of it is true. doesnt matter. im just glad someone like him is looking for the truth. that way, i know im not alone.

    i hate politicians, although i have some relatives who are in position.

    being open-minded isnt just about religion. you dont just call religious people close-minded. its dumb. thing is, if you're open-minded, you gotta find the truth yourself and let go off any of your previous notions about things.

    quote from Fight Club= "It's only after you've lost everything that you're free to do anything"

  2. #52

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    I hate them when they say your beliefs are based on dogma. No church has any authority over me, my beliefs, and my faith. I hope you stop generalizing believers for not all of us believe in God because the church tells us so. Don't perceive all believers to be dumb and stupid.

    It is only in the Spirit shall you find truth.

    If you have not known the Spirit your knowledge is limited only to what other people say and write.

    God exists in many ways. Don't enclose your argument from just what you see around. The simple-minded who believe in God and says they have faith without even passing the stage of doubt and skepticism are entitled to their own beliefs. Myself, I've been a skeptic once, but now I am a firm believer that their is a God and though we can't see Him or talk to Him face to face, but whenever we pray for He said "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you" for the Bible brings the good news of the Holy Spirit: gift of healing, words of wisdom, words of knowledge, prophecy, tongues. Although some of these gifts are very delicate that the Catholic Church don't give too much emphasis because most often many become fanatics.

    The Holy Spirit can enter our hearts and minds to enable us to believe and be changed (Titus 3:5-6)
    In charism, it is only when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit shall you find the light. In my own experience, with all consciousness, I felt the Holy Spirit work within me, I was sitting and my evangelizer and some of his gifted members in the charismatic laid hands on top of my head, something... not a hand... but a breeze (it wasn't windy) entered my body from my head down and a force that I cannot explain brought me to lean back on the chair. I was conscious and I didn't feel a hand ever touch my hair for the least. I felt the most wonderful peace and happiness that I couldn't explain. I've also had some miracles and answered prayers.

    Coincedence hardly explains the wonders of God's work in my life. Them believers who blabber about belief and faith and yet have not known the Spirit are not true Christians, they are often mislead and shallow.

  3. #53

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by r/brey
    so... how do you really know if his research is "100% accurate" as you say? i bet you just opened the site and looked at the titles of the articles and decided it all sucked and this guy is crazy and jesus did exist. you're right, it doesnt matter if he holds whatever degrees, but you gotta read between the lines and decide for yourself. i myself dont believe every word of that site. but there are things that trigger doubt. his goal is not to bring down christianity, his goal is to find the truth. and right now, the truth is overshadowed by blind faith.

    You can compare that to Charles Darwin who wrote a very interesting story and research about evolution that makes me think that it is true , but I still firmly believed in the CREATION of GOD from the book of Genesis .The research was backed up with evidences and theories though these dont suggest accuracy . Yes I did open some links that interest me but not all the contents of the site for I dont have enough time and I find it NOT CONVINCING , maybe you or some people are convinced by it but not me .

    Like I said the name of the site alone suggested an ANTI CHRIST or maybe a HATE site image . It does not condone a research of the TRUTH and not by BRINGING DOWN Christianity ..... but by addressing JESUS in general is fake or Christianity is a joke . If I were him , I could have named it www.thetruthdotcom or maybe www.religionexplaineddotcom .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  4. #54

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    you're judging a site based on the URL? is that it? if it was named making it more "politically correct" would it have changed your close-mindedness?

    again, i dont know what accurate is to you. i dont even know how you can label your bible "accurate". you say they're NOT CONVINCING but you find the bible CONVINCING maybe you should start questioning it too. then you'll wonder why you believed in genesis and the creation and a man who lived hundreds of years in the middle east and people turning to salt and the 10 plagues and joshua commanding the sun to stand still, etc... wtf?

    i mean, are we in fantasy land... really?

  5. #55

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    simple... because God so loved the world... so on and so forth.

  6. #56

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    The Bible? Who said it ain't flawed? Although Christian belief claims that It is authored by God, but it was compiled by man, who ain't perfect, I am well aware of that and I'm sure Springfield is too. This I don't get, nobody ever in this board ever commented, refutted, about the Spirit as the basis for faith and not solely from what we read in the Bible. r/brey, the Bible is only there to guide, it ain't perfect for man isn't perfect. But the Spirit is. God did not say not believing all that is written in the Bible is a sin. The Spirit is all convincing that I can guarantee.

  7. #57

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    @ r/brey - quote the message that I said the HOLY BIBLE is convincing . Like you said what are my basis of its genuity of facts , ako ra pod na i balik nimo ang question ana imong gi ingon na webmaster or creator sa site na regarding his credibility . When you say being CLOSEMINDED , I will use the word or phrases regarding URL as an attack but as an OPENMINDED .... youve read my comments basing on suggestive words . I never judged the URL but isnt it OBVIOUS for the author to come with such a title ??

    You are right of the BIBLES contents of way to crazy stories like Daniel and the Lion , Noahs Ark , David and Goliath and so on and so forth but as an OPENMINDED PERSON , you are supposed to understand the contents not literally but adapting the essence of it .

    n'gel - I do agree with ur sentiments of the SPIRIT . Thats why we ( Christians )are bound to live ith it in tandem of our faith and not science . In our faith , GOD created science and not the other way around .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  8. #58

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    it was meant to be obvious. how do you think sites atrract visitors(aside from search engines) thats the way it works, i dont wanna get into technicalities about the web, but you buy URLs and choosing the name is a big deal, and personally, i think the URL rocks! it rocks hard! hehehe, ok enough bout dat.

    so n'gel, what you're trying to say is that you dont fully trust/believe in te bible because men made it? i thought christians are supposed to believe the bible with all their heart and soul. now you're saying you just select parts of the bible to be held true and discard the absurd ones, like the departing of the red sea? or the water to wine trick? i know a lotta stuff about the bible, its writers, origins of the gospels, and how making the gospels at the time was very chic. i'd like to give you a link of the researched history, but then on 2nd thought, id better not, you'd think it would be just a waste of time.

    i agree, the bible is a guide. a great guide IMO. some nice facts about life and how to live it and endure, but about critical history and truth? i'd look somewhere else. inconsistent books like these, which are written by men and inspired by god or the holy spirit or whatever, as you all say, shouldn't be a basis for anything. but organized religion has come in so deep with it, its hard to pull out. and theres so much death and blood on the book, some anti-humane stuff ive never deemed possible, and modern day kids, consider it their favorite book. i myself considered it my favorite book, when i was like 10 yrs old. so... im not trying to abolish the bible, theres more good in it than evil and violence. but, at least try to get it out of higher learning.

  9. #59

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    inconsistent books like these, which are written by men and inspired by god or the holy spirit or whatever, as you all say, shouldn't be a basis for anything.
    incosistent site like what you presented which are written by men and inpired by the antichrist or whatso****n*ever shouldn't be a basis for anything..[in another way around]

  10. #60

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by r/brey
    it was meant to be obvious. how do you think sites atrract visitors(aside from search engines) thats the way it works, i dont wanna get into technicalities about the web, but you buy URLs and choosing the name is a big deal, and personally, i think the URL rocks! it rocks hard! hehehe, ok enough bout dat.
    Then that SUGGESTS a campaign and not to EDUCATE if that was the goal of the author .

    i thought christians are supposed to believe the bible with all their heart and soul. now you're saying you just select parts of the bible to be held true and discard the absurd ones, like the departing of the red sea? or the water to wine trick?
    Christians are supposed to UNDERSTAND it with all their HEART and SOUL . Not literally believed in it .

    i know a lotta stuff about the bible, its writers, origins of the gospels, and how making the gospels at the time was very chic.

    Obviously , knowledge from the COOL SITE you found out that sensationalized it .

    The WEBSITE ISSUE is OFFTOPIC . Im done with the disscussion about it wether you agree with me or not . That was a nice site though due to its interesting contents but it will never convince me much more on the name of the URL . Ciao !!
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

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