the old hydroxycut with ephedrine works on me kaso g ban na. the new formula is crap based on my experience doesn't do anything but give you a headache and awful mood swings. lipo6 katong blue ang bottle the original formula works for me kay nay synephrine works like ephedrine with less risks mga perente ra sa mga ampethamine hehehe it doesn't leave me depressed or gives you violent thoughts. ang lipo6 black ultra does not work for me.
mag depende ragyud sa tao. i suggest mu palit lng sa ka per pill and try which works well on you. like anything you take there will be always risks involved use it with caution it can easily damage your liver and or kidney if your hyper sensitive to the ingredients. or already have a bad kidney and heart problems then common sense dictates that you should not in any way shape or form take these drugs.