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  1. #581

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    Dude Where's My Car?

    sakto ba?

    Quick. Pay me a compliment.

    Clue: obsessive compulsive disorder

  2. #582

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    As good as it gets not sure.. hehe.

    quote: Never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint.

    clue:Â* dociousaliexpiisticfagilcalirupes (backwards), Julie Anderws! :mrgreen:

  3. #583

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    Marry Poppins

    female:your on your own tommorrow
    male: sorry, what?
    female: i said, your on your own tommorrow
    male: what's she said?
    male2: your on your own
    female: you ask me to show you the forest... i show you the forest...

    Clue: two adventurer brothers
    Smart Communications Engine : Vonata
    The next evolution of voice: Drumbi

  4. #584

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    brother's grimm

    >>> quite simply, i had fallen in love again. i knew that now as we sat next to each other...

    clue: with every great love, comes a great story

  5. #585

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    The Notebook

    Quote: She smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish and dresses like her mother!

    Clue: Hugh Grant is the bad guy.

  6. #586

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    Bridget Jones Diary

    Quote: Merman dad, mermaaaannn.

    Clue: Will Ferrel [of Bewitched] was in this movie

  7. #587

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...


    quote: even if the wind come back as a wind!

    clues: JJH fans out therE!

  8. #588

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    errr its Zoolander. Will Ferrel was Mogatu

  9. #589

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    @angelfyre aw unsa ba hheheheh

    bi ako unsa man bi?

  10. #590

    Default Re: can you tell what movie??? lets try your memory...

    unsay JJH?

  11.    Advertisement

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