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  1. #581

    @franksilver, business is the best but business is not for everyone..

  2. #582
    Quote Originally Posted by cirext View Post
    What can you get from a call center?
    1. Good Salary?
    Is an 18,000/ month salary big enough?
    A current economic survey was done and concluded that a Filipino needs to earn at least 24,000/month to suffice with the current prices & needs. People reaching this salary mark are considered marginally poor.

    2. It's "In"?

    3. Lots of Friends?

    4. Lots Of Perks & Fun?

    Isn't it a routinary job that numbs out all your other senses?
    Isn't it a "garbage" job thats not fitted for people like you?
    Fooled by the wrong perception of a good job?

    Never tell me it's the only job there is....
    Never tell me you don't have any common sense.
    Never bound yourself on what you only saw.
    You are not a robot. Aren't you?

    After all your works..what can you boast about yourself?.....the "twang"?
    Its a fake perception of success & high achievement.
    There's no achievement in it.

    They have the brains working...
    They have the courage exercised all the time...
    They have the real pride of achievements.
    And most of all they have what is called "LIFE"

    Hmmm...any job, whether it's in a call center or not, is bound to become a routine. Name any sector, business or otherwise, a job becomes routine because it's something that we do everyday.

    Perhaps your perception about the call center industry might be very superficial. Scratch beneath the surface and you'll see that there are opportunities. It's not just about the "twang". There's no harm in speaking English even outside the business environment. Remember, call center agents talk to English-speaking customers all the time. If you work in a call center, speaking in English is always good, since it helps minimize your First Language Influence. Medyo hilas paminawon usahay kay sige'g English pero kasabot man siguro ta tanan ug English. Ang angay malain kanang way hanaw sa English.

    A call center job may not be for you. If you're successful in your field then I'm happy for that, it's a great accomplishment. The call center industry may be garbage for you but it's gold to others

    Live and let live, dude. Abre los ojos. Peace.

  3. #583
    in employeement.. your boss controls everything since you are paid...
    in control your time if you cant manage it well,, you cant manage other things in business pg trabaho nlang... ayaw pg negosyo... hehehe

    either you are an employee or businessman...maningkamot lang dydka...

  4. #584
    well for me with all the things stated above i guess its safe to say nga you should be your own boss ^^,

  5. #585

    Default The best place to watch live streaming sports and tv shows

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  6. #586

    Default Re: Any Business Is Better Than Your Call Center Job

    Magcall center lang ka kung walay laing option.. kakapoy ani nga work ah...
    layo kaayo sa imong giskwelahan.. kapoi kapoi lang kag skwela.

  7. #587

    Default Re: Any Business Is Better Than Your Call Center Job

    kapoi kaau mag business oi but mas kapoi mag work sa call center.hehe

  8. #588

    Default Re: Any Business Is Better Than Your Call Center Job

    I'd choose a secure, high paying call center job over an unstable, low reward business any day.

  9. #589

    Default Re: Any Business Is Better Than Your Call Center Job

    WANT TO EARN EXTRA INCOME? just few clicks away and u'll earn extra... click on this link ----> try this one! this will amazed you on how fast your earnings will selling required...just clicking and posting....and following instructions is highly recommended...

  10. #590

    Default Re: Any Business Is Better Than Your Call Center Job

    Quote Originally Posted by Theko View Post
    I'd choose a secure, high paying call center job over an unstable, low reward business any day.
    High Paying Call Center "JOB"

    You mean JOB? "Just Over Broke" ahahahah

  11.    Advertisement

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