The 'play a tune' option is only for the ladies. hehehe. You may have to buy a beer if I will be able to bring an extra. I'm glad you happy with the D harp. There is a school of blues in California that uses the D harp as teaching harp. I prefer to play the Bb harp, A ,C and D in that order. BTW the richter tuned diatonic harp was made for playing classical and traditional songs in major key and its complimentary minor. Some most probably black person had the genius to play it for what we now know the second position. Now it is much more associated with this genre.
Unless you buy the usual harp mics (prohibitively expensive) you have to try different mics using the amps you plan to use it with. If you plan to play acoustic like harpin in front of a mic, the best would be the usual shure 57 or shure 58 (Mahal kaayo ero daghan sa mga bars.) If you plan to play electric then you have to experiment unless you want to buy the bullet mics for 100 usd. I use a 60 peso mic i found in a shop in quiapo. Was crappy for voice but nice for harp. However it is a feedback monster. Keep on wailin' .........