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i understand bro. youre a catholic by birth, now:
-When manka nakabalo nga naa diay ni nga image sa vatican?
-are you familiar sa tanang doctrines/teachings sa imong religion?
-nakig istorya ang pope ninyo nga magpakulit syag image nga in ana ug porma?
-100% ba imong salig sa Pope than the words of Jesus Christ in the bible?
Ang RC member ug RC teachings bro dili na pareha. Ang member who can open his eyes and saved by the power of God dili makauyon sa ubang teachings. That's why they will find a group that could satisfy their longing sa kamatuoran!
Hope nasabtan na nimo akong point.
break, usa ra ka church ang gitukod ni Jesus. Catholic church can trace her way to the Apostles themselves, St. Peter to be exact.
unless you can present apostolic traces sa imung denomination, you'll always belong sa mga ningbuwag sa gi istablish nga church ni Jesus.
kung muingun pud ka nga truth ra ni Jesus imu ug ang Bible..that's nice, pero asa man ka ibutang karun kung walay Bible
like how early Christians did who relied only to some writings by the apostles and their words.
and on top of that, peke pud to nga mga Christian tong sa una kay wa man toy mga bible...ang ilang basehan kay ang mga gitudlo raman sa apostoles?
mao we stress out the importance of a firm bases when interpreting Scriptures with Sacred tradition
kay before pa na nasuwat nang naa sa Bible which we consider as Christian the truth and God's word
they were once traditions...the things Jesus commanded His disciples to follow and passed on to the rest of the faithful.