^and to add.. cardinals can elect and can be elected to replace a pope in case of vacancy.
sakto ba bro mosimos?
^and to add.. cardinals can elect and can be elected to replace a pope in case of vacancy.
sakto ba bro mosimos?
May tama ka!
thank you bro for the answer and the short explanation...natubag na sad dayon nimo ako follow up questions.Originally Posted by Desert Father
Apostolic SuccessionOriginally Posted by weedmeister2
The principle underlying the Roman claim is contained in the idea of succession. "To succeed" is to be the successor of, especially to be the heir of, or to occupy an official position just after, as Victoria succeeded William IV. Now the Roman Pontiffs come immediately after, occupy the position, and perform the functions of St. Peter; they are, therefore, his successors. We must prove
that St. Peter came to Rome, and ended there his pontificate;
that the Bishops of Rome who came after him held his official position in the Church.
As soon as the problem of St. Peter's coming to Rome passed from theologians writing pro domo suâ into the hands of unprejudiced historians, i.e. within the last half century, it received a solution which no scholar now dares to contradict; the researches of German professors like A. Harnack and Weizsaecker, of the Anglican Bishop Lightfoot, and those of archaeologists like De Rossi and Lanciani, of Duchesne and Barnes, have all come to the same conclusion: St. Peter did reside and die in Rome. Beginning with the middle of the second century, there exists a universal consensus as to Peter's martyrdom in Rome;
Dionysius of Corinth speaks for Greece,
Irenaeus for Gaul,
Clement and Origen for Alexandria,
Tertullian for Africa.
In the third century the popes claim authority from the fact that they are St. Peter's successors, and no one objects to this claim, no one raises a counter-claim.
No city boasts the tomb of the Apostle but Rome.
St. Peter's successors carried on his office, the importance of which grew with the growth of the Church.
Here are the evidences:
1. In 97 serious dissensions troubled the Church of Corinth. The Roman Bishop, Clement, unbidden, wrote an authoritative letter to restore peace.
2.St. John was still living at Ephesus, yet neither he nor his interfered with Corinth. Before 117
3. St. Ignatius of Antioch addresses the Roman Church as the one which "presides over charity . . . which has never deceived any one, which has taught others."
4. St. Irenaeus (180-200) states the theory and practice of doctrinal unity as follows:
With this Church [of Rome] because of its more powerful principality, every Church must agree, that is the faithful everywhere, in this [i. e. in communion with the Roman Church] the tradition of the Apostles has ever been preserved by those on every side. (Adv. Haereses, III)
5. The heretic Marcion, the Montanists from Phrygia, Praxeas from Asia, come to Rome to gain the countenance of its bishops;
6. St. Victor, Bishop of Rome, threatens to excommunicate the Asian Churches;
7. St. Stephen refuses to receive St. Cyprian's deputation, and separates himself from various Churches of the East; Fortunatus and Felix, deposed by Cyprian, have recourse to Rome;
8. Basilides, deposed in Spain, betakes himself to Rome;
9. the presbyters of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria, complain of his doctrine to Dionysius, Bishop of Rome; the latter expostulates with him, and he explains.
10. The fact is indisputable: the Bishops of Rome took over Peter's Chair and Peter's office of continuing the work of Christ [Duchesne, "The Roman Church before Constantine", Catholic Univ. Bulletin (October, 1904) X, 429-450]. To be in continuity with the Church founded by Christ affiliation to the See of Peter is necessary, for, as a matter of history, there is no other Church linked to any other Apostle by an unbroken chain of successors.
Antioch, once the see and centre of St. Peter's labours, fell into the hands of Monophysite patriarchs under the Emperors Zeno and Anastasius at the end of the fifth century.
The Church of Alexandria in Egypt was founded by St. Mark the Evangelist, the mandatory of St. Peter. It flourished exceedingly until the Arian and Monophysite heresies took root among its people and gradually led to its extinction.
The shortest-lived Apostolic Church is that of Jerusalem. In 130 the Holy City was destroyed by Hadrian, and a new town, Ælia Capitolina, erected on its site.
The new Church of Ælia Capitolina was subjected to Caesarea; the very name of Jerusalem fell out of use till after the Council of Nice (325). The Greek Schism now claims its allegiance.
Whatever of Apostolicity remains in these Churches founded by the Apostles is owing to the fact that Rome picked up the broken succession and linked anew to the See of Peter. The Greek Church, embracing all the Eastern Churches involved in the schism of Photius and Michael Caerularius, and the Russian Church can lay no claim to Apostolic succession either direct or indirect, i.e. through Rome, because they are, by their own fact and will, separated from the Roman Communion.
Acts 1:15-26 - 15 In those days Peter stood up among the believers* (together the crowd numbered about one hundred and twenty people) and said, 16‘Friends,* the scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit through David foretold concerning Judas, who became a guide for those who arrested Jesus— 17for he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry.’ 18(Now this man acquired a field with the reward of his wickedness; and falling headlong,* he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out. 19This became known to all the residents of Jerusalem, so that the field was called in their language Hakeldama, that is, Field of Blood.) 20‘For it is written in the book of Psalms,
“Let his homestead become desolate,
and let there be no one to live in it”;
“Let another take his position of overseer.”
21So one of the men who have accompanied us throughout the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us—one of these must become a witness with us to his resurrection.’ 23So they proposed two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also known as Justus, and Matthias. 24Then they prayed and said, ‘Lord, you know everyone’s heart. Show us which one of these two you have chosen 25to take the place* in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.’ 26And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was added to the eleven apostles.
the first thing Peter does after Jesus ascends into heaven is implement apostolic succession. Matthias is ordained with full apostolic authority. Only the Catholic Church can demonstrate an unbroken apostolic lineage to the apostles in union with Peter through the sacrament of ordination and thereby claim to teach with Christ's own authority.
Acts 13:3 - ’ 3Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.
apostolic authority is transferred through the laying on of hands (ordination). This authority must come from a Catholic bishop.
Acts 14:23 - 23And after they had appointed elders for them in each church, with prayer and fasting they entrusted them to the Lord in whom they had come to believe.
the apostles and newly-ordained men appointed elders to have authority throughout the Church.
There's some minor difference mainly in their jurisdiction (assignment). There are also minor "classifications" such as Cadrinal-priests, Cadinal-bishops, etc. In the Middle Ahges, Cardinal usually referred to a priest of an important local church (e.g. Constantinople). Today, Cardinals are also the ones who elect the Pope.Originally Posted by Gwynhuever
The title of an ecclesiastical dignitary who possesses the fullness of the priesthood to rule a
diocese as its chief pastor, in due submission to the primacy of the pope.
A dignitary of the Roman Church and counsellor of the pope.
As if YOU are perfect and never make a mistake in following your principles (if you have any, that is)... what a waste of time!Originally Posted by h00ters
@mannyamador - thanks for the links (cardinal/bishop query)
i registered in this forum to ask u guys and i hope this questions and some points will enlighten ur mind. after this u will not hear from me, i will not argue and/or debate about religion with you nor make copy and paste.. because i believe that RELIGION CANNOT SAVE OUR SOUL BUT ONLY GOD. salvation is a gift from God, as what was written in the scripture MANY HAVE CAME BUT ONLY FEW HAVE CHOSEN. He is the ONLY KING, who died on the cross for us to SAVE US FROM OUR SIN (our sin and not HIS SIN).
Q1. Why do Roman Catholics address the Priest as Father; and most of them go and pray to the saints and to Mary? Why do you confess your sins to the priest? Didn't the Lord commands in the 10 Commandments, THOU SHALL NOT HAVE OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. Didn't Jesus Christ said in the Bible that, I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, NO ONE GOES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT BY ME?
Q2. Why you call Mary "Virgin Mary"?and also why you address Mary as "Holy Mother"? Didn't you know that Mary had children after Jesus Christ and the father of these children is Joseph? So, if a lady gave birth again, is she still considered as VIRGIN? Jesus Christ addressed Mary before He was crucified as "WOMAN" not Mother.
Q3. When you have communion, why is it that it's only the Priest WHO can drink the wine and not the churchgoers also? Didn't the Lord said in His last supper, "THIS CUP IS THE NEW TESTAMENT IN MY BLOOD; DO THIS AS OFTEN AS YOU DRINK IT, IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME".
these are common things that are "traditionally" done by roman catholics, but then didn't realize that these contradicts on what the Lord said. some people, go to church because it is the families "tradition" but not seeking what is the TRUTH.
SEEK THE TRUTH! nobody can SAVE YOU but CHRIST ALONE. not your relatives who will pay the priest to pray for your soul, SALVATION doesn't cost a dime, it's only a sincere heart asking and confessing all your sins to God DIRECTLY. again HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. you don't have to see Him to believe Him, the wonders and mystery on how come the sperm of your father and a single active egg of your mother can become you... that's FAITH!
God bless us all!
bro di na lang ko mo comment sa uban nimo post kay sure ko naa man lain manubag...pero on the issue about only priests drinking the wine....that is not entirely true....i have been to churches where duha ang linya during communion....for the host (body of Christ) and for the wine (blood of Christ)....siguro dili lang commonly practiced everywhere....especially sa Pinas...economic reasons siguro...ang pinaka basic lang ang gibuhat (the host).Originally Posted by flyby25
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