Let's look at YOUR definitions:

Originally Posted by
wikipedia - An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus/embryo, resulting in or caused by its death.
medicine.net - Abortion: In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus.
free online dictionary - Induced termination of a pregnancy with destruction of the embryo or fetus.
merriam webster - the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.
You just blew your foot off!!!

All of them talk about destroying a fetus or embryo. Well, the fertilized egg fits that description, UNLESS you arbitrarily re-define what it means. That is what happened when some politically-motivated groups re-defined "pregnancy".
Fortunately, the Philippine Constitution does NOT agree with their (and your) re-definitions. And in the Philippines, the Constitution is above US and British laws or any other treaties.
By the way, you still have not been able to answer my question:
If a newly-fertilized egg is just a "clump of cells" then why should it suddenly become human life simply because it attaches to the uterus? Since when does a change in location or addition of a physical connection define human life? Your "definition" is quite arbitrary.
and did u even bother to look at ur article? it says here:
Many reproductive scientists have defined pregnancy as occurring at the point of or at some point after implantation. However, this definition does not change the fact that some patients, for personal, scientific, moral, or religious reasons, identify the start of human life at fertilization. (SEE IT EVEN STATED THE DEFINITION) For such patients, a form of contraception that allows fertilization and then causes loss of the pre-embryo or embryo may be unacceptable. Regardless of the personal beliefs of the physician or provider about the mechanism of OCs, it is important that patients have information relevant to their own beliefs and value systems.
Do you have trouble understanding English? It precisely says that your re-definitions of pregnancy are beside the point. There are those who do not agree with it and the beliefs of these people mus be taken into consideration. But these people are NOT being informed of the abortifacient mechanisms of abortifacient contraceptives. The RH bill and its fanatic proponents do not address this issue at all.
INFORMED CONSENT THAT IS. it has been repeatedly exhausted in ur article.. and it is written down in the RH Bill, explicitly. ur article didn't even say throw out use of OC's but suggested informed consent as the key.
Not only can't you understand English, you're being hypocritical as well.
The RH bill and its proponents don't really care about having doctors or health workers inform people about the abortifacient effects of these contraceptives, or even about their harmful medical effects. In fact, the pro-RH fanatics hide these facts! That goes against the article you just quoted:
Therefore, it seems clear to us that failure to inform patients of a possible
postfertilization mechanism of an OC is a failure to provide informed consent.
It's obvious that you, the pro-RH fanatics, and the bill's authors couldn't care less about informed consent.
And let's not forget this choice quote:
“It seems likely that for perfect use of COCs, postfertilization mechanisms would
be likely to have a small but not negligible role. For POPs, COCs with lower
doses of estrogen, and imperfect use of any OCs, postfertilization effects are
likely to have an increased role. In any case, the medical
literature does not support the hypothesis that
postfertilization effects of OCs do not exist.”
Your lies have been exposed. For the umpteenth time!!! 
Please sign the petition AGAINST the so-called Reproductive Health Bill (HB5043)