Your prejudice is showing. You first have to REFUTE the contents of a Catholic history document before you can disregard it. But you're doing it backwards. That is PREJUDICE: you are PRE-JUDGING the source without even considering and refuting its copntents. Not an intelligent move at all.
Do you really expect me to be that stupid manny? For me to think that the Catholic history books have not been washed over by their belief and their desire to cover up all their fornication, robbery, murder, incest, etc? Come on man! You don't even take the Bible as law when the church says otherwise... This is as useless as reasoning with a wall.
And anyway, you dind't answer the question.
He said it to the first Pope (Peter) and to the Apostles, to whom
ALL Catholic priests can trace an unbroken line of passing on of authoroty. That's something the false pastors of your false church can't do.
How can you trace this? Please show us.
You're misisng the point! I have successfully discredited your SOURCE IN GENERAL.
Hmmmm, last time I checked, I discredited at least 5 of your popes. Does this mean I should Discredit your WHOLE RELIGION? That's called Poisoning the Well, my friend.
Still pretending to know Catholic doctrine and what I believe? All your MISREPRESENTATIONS of it can't change the fact that you are engaging in a straw man argument. The other term for that is LYING. You do it often and quite badly too.
Undoubtedly a personal attack. Great argument! :mrgreen:
Kinldy show me any Catholic dogma or doctrine that states Mary is above God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. None, eh? You should really take your foot out of your mouth.
It means she is above all CREATURES. Tell me, is the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit a creature? Who created them? Ah... noiw you're beginning to see that you weren't thinking at all!
Mary is above all creatures, but since the Persons of the Holy Trinity are NOT creatures, she cannot be above them. Simple logic.
I showed you your papal doctrine already, and you still refute it? Fine, VERY SIMPLE LOGIC:
Now, logically, that proves that we are all creatures, along with Jesus.
Creature = a living organism characterized by voluntary movement. So, which one of the Holy Trinity is not living eh?
And you obviously did NOT understand it. Now YOU are putting words in my mouth, but you're doing it in such a ridiculously incompetent manner that we can see right through it.
Again, an eloquent attack without any substance or information. In it's most basic form = "Dumbass!"
Since when does transubstantiation defined as above mean we kill Jesus over and over again? Now you're really acting silly! Non sequitur. Your offbeat conclusion does not follow from the premisses.
transubstantiation = "the doctrine holding that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are transformed into
the actual body and blood of Jesus"
So, did Jesus give your priests an endless supply of his flesh and blood? Logically, how do your priests do it without taking it from Jesus each and every time?
He uses the same UNSCRIPTURAL practice: personal interpretation of scripture. Your wacky pastor does the same and as a result has wacky errors too.
2 Tim 3:16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Hehehe, funny that you call my pastor wacky... Just because he isn't as proficient in fornication, theivery, murder, incest, etc. as your popes... hehehe, good word, that "Wacky"... I'll be sure to tell him... he should get a good laugh out of that.
I guess your popes' errors could not be labeled "wacky"... Fornication, Robbery, Lying, Murder, Incest, etc. cannot be called wacky at all. Great to know that they have an unbroken link to Christ, seeing as they do so many holy and good works... :mrgreen:
Not in the sense that we use it in defining papal infallibility.
Error here means wrong doctrine, not personal sin. You are imposing YOUR definition of words on Catholic doctrine. That is very dishonest. You should take the terms as the user uses it, not impose your own. This is a common fundamentalist deceptive tactic. And it fails all the time.
I got that definition from a dictionary. Maybe we should have a dictionary burning to teach all the heathen that dictionaries are inaccurate.
So, none of the popes ever made a wrong doctrine? Does not personal sin lead to wrong doctrines...?
What UTTER IGNORANCE! In ALL the instances mentioned above, NONE of the Popes were making ex cathedra statements.
Since you have shown that you are totally unwilling to conduct even halfway-decent histricqal research, I'll help you out. There were EXACTLY TWO (and ONLY TWO) instances where Popes made ex acathedra statements prior to John Paul II. These were in December, 1854 (Ineffabilis Deus, Pope Pius IX), and in November, 1950 (Munificentissimus Deus, Pope Pius XII). The ones your nutty source cited above did not inviolve ex cathedra statements. In fact, in the Galileo case, it did not even involve Catholic doctrine at all!
Oh my gosh! In my UTTER IGNORANCE, I have cited such a NUTTY SOURCE as the CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA!
Only TWO Ex Cathedra? Hmmmmm.....
Roman Catholic apologist Scott Hahn says : 2 ex cathedra
Roman Catholic apologist Tim Staples says: at least 4 ex cathedra
Fr. Leslie Rumble in his book, That Catholic Church states: 18 ex cathedra
Which is it?