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  1. #541

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Saint of the Day -- September 9, 2011

    Saint Peter Claver

    He was born at Verdu, Catalonia, Spain, in 1580, of impoverished parents descended from ancient and distinguished families. He studied at the Jesuit college of Barcelona, entered the Jesuit novitiate at Tarragona in 1602 and took his final vows on August 8th, 1604. While studying philosophy at Majorca, the young religious was influenced by St. Alphonsus Rodriguez to go to the Indies and save "millions of perishing souls."

    In 1610, he landed at Cartagena (modern Colombia), the principle slave market of the New World, where a thousand slaves were landed every month. After his ordination in 1616, he dedicated himself by special vow to the service of the Negro slaves-a work that was to last for thirty-three years. He labored unceasingly for the salvation of the African slaves and the abolition of the Negro slave trade, and the love he lavished on them was something that transcended the natural order.

    Boarding the slave ships as they entered the harbor, he would hurry to the revolting inferno of the hold, and offer whatever poor refreshments he could afford; he would care for the sick and dying, and instruct the slaves through Negro catechists before administering the Sacraments. Through his efforts three hundred thousand souls entered the Church. Furthermore, he did not lose sight of his converts when they left the ships, but followed them to the plantations to which they were sent, encouraged them to live as Christians, and prevailed on their masters to treat them humanely. He died in 1654.

  2. #542
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    @libraun: daghana niyag na convert noh? awesome!

    St. Ignatius of Antioch bears witness:

    "Mary's virginity and giving birth and even the Lord's death escaped the notice of the prince of this world: these three mysteries worthy of proclamation were accomplished in God's silence."

  3. #543

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    @petitefleur and @wenlove24, naa koy gi-post sa akong fb about San Antonio de Padua.. I hope you would take time to read it.. Wala lang, personal experience lang about the saint

  4. #544
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by libraun View Post
    @petitefleur and @wenlove24, naa koy gi-post sa akong fb about San Antonio de Padua.. I hope you would take time to read it.. Wala lang, personal experience lang about the saint
    sige bro ako tan-awn...

  5. #545

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    All those beloved by God have followed the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, who commanded the prophets to write: “Tell the just man that all is well.” (Cf. Isaias 3:10.) Yes, all is well when one seeks only the Master’s Will, and so I, poor Little Flower, obey my Jesus when I try to please you, who represent him here on earth.
    ~St. Therese of Lisieux

  6. #546

    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    St. Salvius of Albi
    (Feast Day Sept 10 )

    Bishop of Albi and a friend of Pope St. Gregory I the Great. Also called Sauve, he was a native of Albi and, originally a lawyer, he entered a monastery and served for a time as a monk before receiving election as abbot. Then, after, hying as a hermit, he became a bishop, serving as shepherd of Albi from 574-584. He reportedly died while caring for the sick during an outbreak of some epidemic. He also ransomed prisoners and brought King Chilperic back to orthodox teachings.

  7. #547

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  8. #548

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    St. Paphnutius
    (Feast Day Sept 11 )

    The holy confessor Paphnutius was an Egyptian who, after having spent several years in the desert under the direction of the great St. Antony, was made bishop in the Upper Thebaid. He was one of those confessors who under the Emperor Maximinus lost the right eye, were hamstrung in one leg, and were afterwards sent to work in the mines. Peace being restored to the Church, Paphnutius returned to his flock, bearing all the rest of his life the glorious marks of his sufferings for the name of his Crucified Master. He was one of the most zealous in defending the Catholic faith against the Arian heresy and for his holiness. As one who had confessed the Faith before persecutors and under torments, he was an outstanding figure of the first General Council of the Church, held at Nicaea in the year 325. Paphnutius, a man who had observed the strictest continence all his life, is said to have distinguished himself at the Council by his opposition to clerical celibacy. Paphnutius said that it was enough to conform to the ancient tradition of the Church, which forbade the clergy marrying after their ordination. To this day it is the law of the Eastern Churches, whether Catholic or dissident, that married men may receive all Holy Orders below the episcopate, and continue to live freely with their wives. St. Paphnutius is sometimes called "the Great" to distinguish him from other saints of the same name; the year of his death is not known.

  9. #549

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    "Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world."
    (Bl. Teresa of Calcutta)

  10. #550
    Elite Member wenlove24's Avatar
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    Default Re: We can learn from the Saints!

    Quote Originally Posted by koralstratz View Post
    I'm not really sure as to the exact details but there was a time when she wasn't permitted to visit the site where the Blessed Mother appeared. Then in her most humble and innocent way, she told them, "But sirs, do you really want me to break a promise?" (or something like that hehe)
    Tua ra! ug walay ikatubag ang mga sirs..heheh...
    With regards to St. Paphnutius, at first I didn't understand what being a 'deacon' meant. Diha diay nag start niya.
    Last edited by wenlove24; 09-11-2011 at 04:01 PM.

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