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here's a scenario that could unfold.
>Turkey attacks Syria
>Russia defends Syria by killing turkish forces
>US/NATO defends Turkish forces against Russians and Syrians
>Iranians join in, as Syria is their #1 ally
>Israel invades Iran
>China wins, granted they do not commit anything. Europe seems too busy with their meltdown.
It's pretty remote but, it is a possibility.
Turkey will not risk attacking Syria, not only because of Iran, but because it will lose its standing in the Middle-east Arab nations. already treated as a semi-outsider by the Arab world for being too close to the West and its liberal ideas, Turkey cannot afford the Arab world severing all of its ties.
even as the entire thing is unfolding in Syria, a number of countries in the Arab League, fearful that their moves can be used by the West to destabilize the region, yet at the same time wary of the Iranian influence, called for restraint. this is the reason why their stand is coursed through the League and not directly from these nations themselves.