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Results 521 to 530 of 668
  1. #521

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by tokidoki View Post
    haha... ang purpose sa akong thread bai was to share the current news. LOL

    ka funny ba nimo woi. mao gani sa politics and current events siya. LOL
    yes to share the current news nya tirahan dayon nimo, kay nag sakit jud imong buot ani nga news...

  2. #522

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by redhorse1L View Post
    Now, if you someone like you "claims" that a person is stupid by going to Church, does that make you smart?
    I never said that people going to church are stupid. I said that the faithful can do stupid things (which has happened in the past) - even when they are engineers, doctors and what not. Of course, I am pretty sure you are aware of those things.

    If you emphasized those types of individuals go to church then what does that make me?

    Typical argument for non-believers. I'm not going to discuss on the importance of religion.. Not on this thread.
    Dude, I am agnostic. Which is my way of saying that I believe in god just not yours. Because your god is a god fabricated by your priests and catered to serve their means. i.e. "God wants us to be this." "God wants us to do that." "God says this." I mean, seriously? Is that what HE said or is that what they want HIM to say.

    I am convinced that the truth behind the 6th day is that MAN created God in his OWN image and likeness and not the other way around. The ironic thing is that YOU bought into it.

    The link you gave is a classic circular reasoning. God -> free will -> predestination -> God. Murag you are destined to free will. Murag si Judas ba. Sole existence in life is to betray jesus. That's not a way to live. Tsk tsk.
    Last edited by tokidoki; 06-07-2011 at 05:58 PM.

  3. #523

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by necrotic freak View Post
    yes to share the current news nya tirahan dayon nimo, kay nag sakit jud imong buot ani nga news...
    sige lang bro. sa mga tao maka basa ani na article and the other people around the world who are also starting to realize, it is not a lost cause.

  4. #524

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    its indeed not a lost cause. Naibanan na baya ang nagdonate

    ang sa Church kay mainly moral ang spiritual. dili nila sapawan ang government kay they have different purposes.
    Does it mean na ang kwarta nga ito i-donate will fund for the moral and spiritual cause nila? Mao jud tingali nga dako2x na ug natigom ang church kay gamay ra man gastos anang moral and spiritual cause. Unlike if mohatag jud kag kwarta para palit medicine, etc. hmmm maybe I was mislead nga to help the poor ang ato donation. So dili d ay.

  5. #525

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    ^^ mao bitaw bai. dili nato hinanglan dauton ang simbahan kaayo. they do a pretty good job doing it themselves. ahihihi.... sssh... basin masuko si necro.

    Mao na bai, it's true bitaw when you help people in need NEVER give money. If nanginahanglan ug pagkaon tagai ko pagkaon. nanginahanglan ug pang maintain sa simbahan tagaan ug lansang, pintura ug uban pa.

    NEVER give money gyud because that gives them room to use it for something else. Ako bitaw, naai bata manglimos tagaan nako pagkaon nako dala. Dili gyud ko mohatag ug kwarta ana nila kai kung tinuod gani na pagkaon ila pangayo pagkaon akong ihatag.

  6. #526

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by istoryamember View Post
    Does it mean na ang kwarta nga ito i-donate will fund for the moral and spiritual cause nila? Mao jud tingali nga dako2x na ug natigom ang church kay gamay ra man gastos anang moral and spiritual cause. Unlike if mohatag jud kag kwarta para palit medicine, etc. hmmm maybe I was mislead nga to help the poor ang ato donation. So dili d ay.
    either gamay or dako ang expenses to conduct their duty as an organization, ang importanti na achieve nila ang main goal. the excess, if there is any, is of course e deposit sa bank for safekeeping purposes. mo conserve jud na sila kay dili man consistent ang ma receive nila nga donation.

  7. #527

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by tokidoki View Post
    I never said that people going to church are stupid. I said that the faithful can do stupid things (which has happened in the past) - even when they are engineers, doctors and what not. Of course, I am pretty sure you are aware of those things.

    If you emphasized those types of individuals go to church then what does that make me?
    hahaha.. porbida, molusot jud oi.
    anyone can do stupid things.

    I just don't like the way you sounded when you say you've been smarter than those intelligent guys.

    Dude, I am agnostic. Which is my way of saying that I believe in god just not yours. Because your god is a god fabricated by your priests and catered to serve their means. i.e. "God wants us to be this." "God wants us to do that." "God says this." I mean, seriously? Is that what HE said or is that what they want HIM to say.

    I am convinced that the truth behind the 6th day is that MAN created God in his OWN image and likeness and not the other way around. The ironic thing is that YOU bought into it.

    The link you gave is a classic circular reasoning. God -> free will -> predestination -> God. Murag you are destined to free will. Murag si Judas ba. Sole existence in life is to betray jesus. That's not a way to live. Tsk tsk.
    Ok ra na bro.
    I respect your own belief.
    Like I said, this is not the right thread for that.
    Dugay na namatay ang atheism thread. And I don't like to bring it back again.

  8. #528

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Quote Originally Posted by redhorse1L View Post
    hahaha.. porbida, molusot jud oi.
    anyone can do stupid things.

    I just don't like the way you sounded when you say you've been smarter than those intelligent guys.
    Wala ko nilusot bro. Basaha balik to akong gisulti. I was debunking your argument that professionals or in layman's terms RATIONAL people go to church. And like you said, ANYONE can do stupid things and the people in the church are not exempted from that.

    We are all created equal bai, just because someone has a degree in particle physics doesn't mean he COMPLETELY knows what I know. If one person knew AT LEAST one bit of info that would give him an edge in this life, that would indeed make him smarter - just like that 3 wise men parable.

    If being less of a person (dumber) than those people you mentioned bai keeps me from doing crazy things like blowing up a bus, then doesn't that make me a little smarter?

  9. #529

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    Multi-Purpose nmn ang simbahan! pa dili dili pero mao diay mag una una og pabadlong!!

  10. #530

    Default Re: Catholic Church has billions invested in BPI, Philex, San Miguel

    datu-a diay sa church noh?

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