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  1. #511

    Quote Originally Posted by rickflag View Post
    clearly there are still some people who believed that all "holy" men are perfect and infallible. well just try looking at history, catholic church was guilty of many atrocities too, remember the inquisition. they can make mistakes too, they burned joan of arc and then declared her a saint 500 years later.
    I dont know what message you are trying to bring to the table but this is not about being HOLY nor being PERFECT and INFALLIBLE because to start , sayop na man daan ang first sentence nimo if you stick to the notion of identifying ARCHBISHOP PALMA.

    Wala mo pul-i about INQUISITION or mao ra na nahibaw-an ninyo ? Why dont you guys talk about the ROMAN PERSECUTION ? Or the PERSECUTION here @ ?
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  2. #512
    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Hehehehe .... bai , you are SMARTER than that right ?
    I dunno. Don't trust any opinions I have about myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Need I emphasized more on what you said ? Considering lang na kintahay sayop ang article , just because they are pointing and directing it to Archbishop Palma , is it still rightful to attack because the article said so ? mabaw kaayo ang rason nimo gyud because ni base ka sa article and established certainty , very IMMATURE on your part because I dont see you like that ever since .
    We can argue that it was immature of me to establish my opinions based on the article. But it doesn't change the fact that the article remains uncorrected. Ok, let's say that the writer twisted his words in some way, made conclusions on his own.. Why did the Archbishop, or any members of the clergy, let it go that way? They already know how the article was "twisted" by the media, if they were really serious being a beacon of truth, shouldn't they at least shed a light on what was really said??

    Or did they actually want the confusion so that if nobody talks about it, it stands and if someone does, they will just declare that the Archbishop was "misquoted"

    Sorry, again, but I'm not buying their silence as innocence or ignorance. Someone said in this thread that the fruit of silence is prayer. But repeatedly, the Church showed that the fruit of their silence is deceit. It's by silence that they hid several *** scandal issues, it's by silence that they shushed the ivory smuggling issue and it is by silence that they would continually misinform people.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Is that necessary ? Just because you oppose RH BILL makes you IDIOTIC and a HYPOCRITE ?
    Let me clarify. What he said was IDIOTIC. But yeah, that makes him a HYPOCRITE on my book.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Dont make it sound like you are here for ATTACKS and INSULTING the ARCHBISHOP of Cebu.
    Normally, I don't want to attack or insult the Archbishop or any Church Authority. But in this case, I am. Or at least, I'm attacking what was allegedly spoken by Palma to thousands of people.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Huh ? What makes it UNFAIR in that scenario ? Both PRO LIFE and PRO RH BILL holds ideals and knowledge that are based on FACTUAL EVIDENCES. What is there to be shaking your head off ? Ga tuo diay ka na SAYOP ang PRO LIFE and ang SAKTO ra kay ang PRO RH BILL ? Kahibalo ka ngano na push na into a law ? Its how the game was played , its not because what you thought , RH BILL ang sakto and the right thing to do.
    Again, I'm not buying that what he said had no malice against the RH Bill. He was against it. I find that offensive since he was speaking against something that I believe in. I should be able to criticize it.

    If I did misquote him, then yeah.. I was unfair. But my opinion still stands.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    Dont twist it bai . Unless you were there again during the HOMILY in person , then that is the time you can label such description but then ikaw ra mismo ni clarify na wala ka didto to COFIRM the validity of the report. For the record , for the moment , ikaw ang VAGUE because ni ride on lang ka sa balita without even confirming the reality and substance of it by being certain on what you say pero gi tago lang nimo by excusing yourself through retraction which is really a weak alibi just to continue discussion. Deep in you , it is HATRED of the RCC. Ingna ko bakaon pod usab.

    Then ipamugos pa gyud nimo na KINTAHAY . If you are happy about it , then go on . Nobody is stopping you as it is your right but it doesnt mean also that I dont have the right to excercise by letting you know na sayop ka. Mao usahay , we have to know that FREEDOM of EXPRESSION is actually not FREE at all .
    Ok. Bakakon ka. I have no beef with the RCC. I disagree with most of their positions on various issues. I do not like how they handled their scandals. But hatred? You may believe me or not, but I don't.

  3. #513
    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    I dont know what message you are trying to bring to the table but this is not about being HOLY nor being PERFECT and INFALLIBLE because to start , sayop na man daan ang first sentence nimo if you stick to the notion of identifying ARCHBISHOP PALMA.

    Wala mo pul-i about INQUISITION or mao ra na nahibaw-an ninyo ? Why dont you guys talk about the ROMAN PERSECUTION ? Or the PERSECUTION here @ ?
    persecution? naa dia gipamatay nga christians diri? hehhe. bro mao nang na ingon ani ko tungod sa kadaghan naku nga nakit-an di maaung binuhatan sa mga men in robes. mao na kaingon ko sa ako self mokumpisal ko ani nila nga mas "sinful" pa man diay ni naku. ayaw lang ko pabuhia ug names bro kay ang uban ani nila well known kaau.

  4. #514
    allocation of resource, opportunities and lands for all people raman ang kailangan

  5. #515
    Quote Originally Posted by redemption32 View Post
    I dunno. Don't trust any opinions I have about myself.
    Then this discussion is leading to nowhere if there is no trust for the sake of aligning and being in the same page . It is not even about agreeing to disagree but thats you.

    We can argue that it was immature of me to establish my opinions based on the article. But it doesn't change the fact that the article remains uncorrected. Ok, let's say that the writer twisted his words in some way, made conclusions on his own.. Why did the Archbishop, or any members of the clergy, let it go that way? They already know how the article was "twisted" by the media, if they were really serious being a beacon of truth, shouldn't they at least shed a light on what was really said??
    That is one question I asked myself. Heck , I dont even know why I am taking the action of letting you guys know when the subjects are either doing something for the moment that will bring a better understanding in the future or what not. Kinsa ra gud ko ikumpara kang Palma and their plans ?

    Or did they actually want the confusion so that if nobody talks about it, it stands and if someone does, they will just declare that the Archbishop was "misquoted"
    This is a question that I cant answer nor I am in the position to answer but one thing is for sure , this is pure speculation and it remains like that.

    Sorry, again, but I'm not buying their silence as innocence or ignorance. Someone said in this thread that the fruit of silence is prayer. But repeatedly, the Church showed that the fruit of their silence is deceit. It's by silence that they hid several *** scandal issues, it's by silence that they shushed the ivory smuggling issue and it is by silence that they would continually misinform people.
    You are generalizing bai. Dont do that , it will weaken your stance since it was never a teaching , a practice , bound in the traditions of the church to smuggle , to rape , etc . As human as they are , also bound to imperfections and mistakes , even crime . You should be like Emperor Hadrian who persecuted the Christians individually by basing on the grounds of their respective violations.

    Let me clarify. What he said was IDIOTIC. But yeah, that makes him a HYPOCRITE on my book.
    So unsay tinuod man ? Didto ka sa HOMILY niya or nakabasa lang ka sa HOMILY sa SUNSTAR ?

    Normally, I don't want to attack or insult the Archbishop or any Church Authority. But in this case, I am. Or at least, I'm attacking what was allegedly spoken by Palma to thousands of people.
    Do you think sakto na gi buhat nimo ? YES or NO lang . Na allegedly pa man diay ang storya human ikaw certain na kaayo ka , damage is done . You should reserve it after confirming it , thats what I did.

    Again, I'm not buying that what he said had no malice against the RH Bill. He was against it. I find that offensive since he was speaking against something that I believe in. I should be able to criticize it.
    Just as I can criticized your UNFOUNDED / BASELESS and IRRESPONSIBLE STATEMENTS.

    Of course he was against , like me , like the hundreds of organizations , thousands of other believers and millions of faithfuls. But we are talking here what was the content of the article . Ikaw ra mismo ga sulti wala ka didto , ga base ka sa news article so di ka sure by acknowledging it but ngano sure man kaayo ka sa sulti nimo about Palma ? Dili ba kana siya HATRED tungod kay pre programmed na ?

    If I did misquote him, then yeah.. I was unfair. But my opinion still stands.
    Lol . Its ok .... we are all here out of our opinions. But can you imagine how easy it is to say " I WAS UNFAIR " in real life ? Afterall , this is , more than just talks lol.

    Ok. Bakakon ka. I have no beef with the RCC. I disagree with most of their positions on various issues. I do not like how they handled their scandals. But hatred? You may believe me or not, but I don't.
    Lol ... lets all get real here . You cant even identify the positions because clearly , you are only inclined on the SCANDALS and the STAND on RH BILL then you proudly said that YOU DISAGREE MOST of their POSITIONS o VARIOUS ISSUES . Other than the 2 nahatag nimo , naa pa diay lain kay MOST signifies a lot .

    I still believed that you are a hater. You cant take that away from me and you can say also that I am unfair towards you.
    Last edited by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40; 01-28-2013 at 09:24 PM.
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  6. #516
    Quote Originally Posted by rickflag View Post
    persecution? naa dia gipamatay nga christians diri? hehhe. bro mao nang na ingon ani ko tungod sa kadaghan naku nga nakit-an di maaung binuhatan sa mga men in robes. mao na kaingon ko sa ako self mokumpisal ko ani nila nga mas "sinful" pa man diay ni naku. ayaw lang ko pabuhia ug names bro kay ang uban ani nila well known kaau.
    If yout think persecutions are all about killing , maka ingon man sad ta ug cge pa ta ni SER ?

    Lol .... I can give names myself . You need not to like its secret gyud para nimo . Daghan kabalo sa binuang sa ubang pari but for you to label that daghanka nakitadoes not justify anything because di man siya mo coordinate . You are targeting the church but you are only inclined sa individual na tao. That is wrong .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  7. #517
    Don't you think that "Palma may have been misquoted" or "This is only a misunderstanding" arguments do not always hold ground. I mean, c'mon! He was against the RH Bill. And he ALLEGEDLY said the aforementioned statements. Are we that GULLIBLE to believe that there was no malice in what he said ...that whatever he said in his homily was not an attack on the RH Bill Really Wow! That's not even funny anymore.

    And since you guys are too quick to label people against what Palma said as RCC Haters... Can we also call you BLIND FOLLOWERS for refusing to believe that his statements were not coated with Anti-RH overtones??

    By the way, if indeed, Palma's statements were quoted correctly, what would your opinion then be??

  8. #518
    Elite Member
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    Feb 2011
    anyone have a transcript of the homily or was there and can summarize this? personally i think this long back and forth argument about what was in the homily or not is pointless. if you weren't there you can neither say it was or wasn't misquoted. and if you were there why not post the homily arun walay lalis. pointless argument is pointless imo...

  9. #519
    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40 View Post
    If yout think persecutions are all about killing , maka ingon man sad ta ug cge pa ta ni SER ?

    Lol .... I can give names myself . You need not to like its secret gyud para nimo . Daghan kabalo sa binuang sa ubang pari but for you to label that daghanka nakitadoes not justify anything because di man siya mo coordinate . You are targeting the church but you are only inclined sa individual na tao. That is wrong .
    What about katong pari nga namatay kay gadala ug 2 ka chix sa motel, may God rest his soul. Di na jud to hearsay. I'm sure wa to sila mag check in para mo confess tong 2 ka chix. I haven't heard any priest being dismissed from priesthood because of some misdeeds, that's why it turned me off. I still consider myself a catholic and christian but I don't believe in men in robes anymore, anyway for me salvation can't be obtain from religion but your individual faith.

  10. #520
    sige mga bro yaw namog lalis...panganak nalang gud mog daghan kung naa moy ipakaon...kay dili mn jud sad ta kapangayo sa simbahan kun gutmon na atong pamilya...

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