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  1. #501

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    mahal kaau ang monthly bills sa skycable

  2. #502

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    okay ra man ang signal sa sky cable sa amo sa consolacion. pero i would support any cable company competing against sky cable para mobarato ang monthly fee. ako rabay tigbayad hehheheh maynalang makasave gamay

  3. #503

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    angay naa competition para mas mo barato while ma maintain ang kalidad sa serbisyo.

  4. #504

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    if theres no competition, chances are, lax na kaayo ang service ,but kong naa, alisto jud ni sila sa ila serbisyo.

  5. #505

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    Quote Originally Posted by Zirv View Post

    Destiny Cable’s Cebu operation opposed

    PACIFIC CATV Inc. wants the National Telecommunications Commission to turn down the request of Destiny Cable to operate in Cebu.

    In a filing with the NTC, Pacific CATV said the grant of the authority to Destiny Cable would result in overbuilding and ruinous competition in the industry.

    “To allow the entry of another operator that will eat up a portion of the oppositors’ subscribers will definitely result [in] cut-throat competition among cable operators, erasing any hope on the part of existing operators to reap a reasonable income from their investment in the said area,” Pacific CATV stated.

    haha i think their so called reasonable income is in the millions. im probably wrong
    best thing to do is lower your prices so you can get more people to subscribe to you and not to others.

  6. #506

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    karon, nag hinay2x na og kuha og channel ang sky para ma pugos ta kuha sa ilang digibox then pa bayaron per channel. g negosyo na nila, klaro kaayo na g daog nila ang mga consumers! bati pa gyd og customer service, especially mga sky pipol dha sa a.s. fortuna! lousy service n rude pipol!

  7. #507

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    sky cable gi monoploy gihapon . kay gi palit niya ang destiny

  8. #508

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    I am so pissed with Skycable right now. I am a fan of K-entertainment and they're taking out 2 Korean channels from their budget packages. Seems like their taking advantage of all these K-entertainment craziness in the Philippines. Ang isa KBS World kay mag HD na daw and ang reply sa Skycable kay mao daw ang agreement sa channel provider nga iwala siya sa budget packages. Bite me Skycable. Letchhhhhhhh

  9. #509

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    Quote Originally Posted by ain View Post
    Liman mo guyz, ang 280/month nila na set is walay HBO, CINEMAX, STARMOVIES, ESPN and the important channel pajud ang ANC... Tseeeeeeee!! kong mgpataud daw tag HBO kay 399/month na daw pero HBO rsad ang itaud.. KOn mgptaud tag ANC kay additional 20 pesos sa per month.. pEro depende nana nato kong ipa remove nato or stay as is lang bsta 20 pesos per installation sa ANC CHANNEL!! WALA MO MABUNGGOGGG DHA TGA SKY CABLE? NABUANG NAMO? HALHAL LANG MO DAH! mosurok jd dugo nko ani ilang serbisyo... sakto jud na WE SHOULD KILL MONOPOLY!!!!!!!!!!
    That's the reason why they have "budget packages". Naay channels from the Php 780 package nga wala sa budget packages which are 280,399 and 499. So if mukuha jd ka sa ila budget packages, i weigh jd nimo asa imo frequent ma tanaw na channels then go for the package. Kami nag downgrade pud mi coz mahalan rami sa 780 per month. Ang 399 amu gikuha tig tanaw pud ko ug ANC that's why nag pa add ko naa pud ko g pang add mga 3 channels cguro so amu bayran every month is mga 560 man guro. Much better than 780. PERO SKYCABLE'S GREED COMES IN and ila tang tangon ang 2 Korean channels from all the budget packages. Klaro kaau sa pattern nga they are taking advantage with all the K-entertainment in the Philippines plus lots of Koreans coming here so nag increase jd ang viewership ani nga mga channels. Kami pa jd duha sa ako mama tig tanaw ani channel so I AM SO PISSED RIGHT now with Skycable. If naa lang jd KBS World ug Arirang sa uban cable channels ni balhin nami. Help me BOMBARD their Twitter page. Just did yesterday. Hihi.

  10. #510

    Default Re: SKY CABLE Monopoly in Cebu City

    Basta2 nalang ni cla maka adjust sa ilang presyo ky la gud ka competencya!

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