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  1. #501
    C.I.A. grlnxtdor16's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    di nako matingala kung mao man gani na. kwarta rajud ang katapat!

  2. #502

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    All the hospitals have a price list approved by the government for all the services they offer and maka file ramo ug complaint if every they don't comply by that approved price list or the quality isn't up for to the standards set.

    You might want to check with your physician if:
    -dugay mo na discharge since sila mo hatag sa discharge order
    -why certain medicines were prescribed to you (ask why so you would know your illness, dosage so you are aware na sakto ang qty na gi hatag sa imo and also please, ask unsay side effects. ayaw lang tumar na tumar)
    -if the doctor's service fee is too expensive, hanyo pud mo nila...though they have gone through hell studying medicine, pwede rana sila ma hanyo. ang uban man gani kay free services and even mo shoulder if ma luoy.
    -etc etc etc

    Let's face it, everything that we do has a monetary equivalent, so better have a good job and get a health insurance. Ang sakit kay dli na mo pili kung na a ka kwarta or wala.

    Wishing everyone a healthy life.

  3. #503

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    mao gud. in private you get a quality service pud..

  4. #504

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    if you admitted a patient in a private hospital then expect for quality service and expensive fees...

  5. #505
    Junior Member RRD's Avatar
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    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    Funny thing is Chong Hua is a foundation, non stock and non profit....but it seems tanan profit lang ilang hospital when foundation man unta. Private foundation siguro

  6. #506

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    Hospital nga mura jud ug Hotel.. maoy nay nakamahal nila... Unsaon ta man, nindot man jud..

  7. #507

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    kaduha jud ka patyon diha chong hua bro....

  8. #508

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    Quote Originally Posted by onigz View Post
    mas labaw pang perpetual ani.. napa ning mga madre nga tag-as kaaug sungay
    I totally agree with you, my gf gave birth last Sunday and wla complications. But come Tuesday when we were going to check out, gi hangyo namo ang pedia sa professional fee nya. All of a sudden naa na siya nakita na issue sa baby kesyo jaundiced and needs to be hooked up to IV antibiotics for a week. HUH? na she gave the go signal to check out in the morning. Ninja moves pud ang pedia mutag dile mupakita para kalas2 kami one more day ext...wasted 3 additional days sa hosp....

  9. #509

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    if ma-admit mo sa chung-hua, be observant and know your doctor well. kasi may iba dyan na mag-charge sa visit bisan kuyog ra sila sa imong doctor.

  10. #510

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    cguro choice na sa tao magpa-admit diha...daghan pa man private hospital na mas barato nya almost the same ang sevices....its like eating sa fastfood or punko pungko....

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