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  1. #491

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Child
    theyve been told, and even though they have been its not really necessary because they know. Hey, we do have smart guys in the government.
    But majority of 'em will use it for their own welfare....

  2. #492

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    For those in America, write a letter to your congressman or women stating that you want the philippines reannex to America

    Japan, China, India, and Korea have long been established countries with over 1000+ year history. The Philippines on the other hand have been built and influence by Spain via through Mexico and USA, bringing with them religion, education, and their LANGUAGE!

    *Most of the country influence came from Mexico, reason why most of the churches there resemble mexico churches and another reason not many spanish settle in the philippines compared to the Latin American countries.

  3. #493
    Because we are poor, shall we be vicious? vern's Avatar
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    Feb 2003

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    Quote Originally Posted by The_Child
    Good sir, you say the philippines is a liability, how is that? Could you give me a hypothetical Scenario that the Philippines becomes more of a liability than an asset to the United States?
    Good sir, the day the US military had the capability to launch bombers from US bases and bomb Tora Bora in Afghanistan hours later ... the Philippines lost it's strategic importance.

    When China dares to flex its muscles, the Philippines would be one of the most important position the UNited States dare not lose.
    Why? The Philippines has already kicked out a large military presence out ... why? The US has bases all over the Pacific and Indian oceans ... the Philippines is irrelevant.

    IF they really dont have an interest on our humble conglomerate of islands then please tell me why they keep an embassy here?
    An embassy serves as official recognition of a state ... nothing more. The US does not have embassies in South Africa on the off chance that Antartica might invade.

    why they consider as a very close non-nato Ally? why sign the VFA?

    if we are that insignificant that the USA has no interests on us, then why oh why, is their name almost always mentioned in the annals of Philippine History?
    The annals of history also didn't include precision bombs, long range bombers, floating warships comparable to small cities, satellite communication. The Philippines was first and foremost ... a strategic location to base operations in ... the US has the technology that the Philippines is irrelevant.

    The Philippines is a STRATEGIC Interest of USA most especially during the era of Chinas growth, quite obvious really, the USA is trying to encircle China, at the west: USA has forces in Afghanistan, and relations between PAkistan is getting very favorable, in the South, Thailand, in the South East ---- PHILIPPINES, in the North EAst they have Japan, and the North? the Russians their foreign relations is getting friendlier and friendlier. Take away philipppines, and you take away a strategic point, in Economics, GeopOlitics and of course a Military Strategic point
    First off, you speculate on American intentions. Secondly ... from economics, geopolitics, and military strategic point ... the only thing that really matters is military strategic point ... which the Philippines has arrogantly kicked out the window.

    and btw, the greatest deterrent we have against China in our Spratlys Is. Dispute is our Alliance with the UNited States, and if im not mistaken, there is no altruism in diplomacy its almost always a mutual benefit from each other, its benefits us and it benefits them.
    How does the dispute over the Spratley's benefit the US? The PH benefits, how do Americans benefit?[/quote]

    so tell me again why the Philippines is a liability rather than an Asset?
    Tell me again how the Philippines is relevant to the US in what really matters ... military superiority?

    If you are going to sell the Philippines, you are going to have to do better than that. The US doesn't really need the Philippines, the Philippines however needs the US. A NEED and a CONVENIENCE are two different things. The Philippines expects American help when the shit hits the fan. The US has to pony up the manpower, the blood, the diplomacy, and the money to settle things ... the mere possibility of that makes the Philippines anything but an asset.

  4. #494

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    guys pls love the philippines. that the only thing we can do. even u dont get something pls help our country.

  5. #495

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    I may not have taken up Political Science, economics, International Studies, military science, but i do know that significance of US interest in our humble conglomerate of Islands.

    Good sir, the day the US military had the capability to launch bombers from US bases and bomb Tora Bora in Afghanistan hours later ... the Philippines lost it's strategic importance.

    Of course not. Long Range bombers have been there even before the First GUlf War. The B2 was already there but it was not used yet, a work in progress. I may not have any formal studies in Military Science, but what i reckon is that Ground Forces are the most important elements in warfare because it is used to capture Enemy Settlements, you cant have the USS enterprise go through land neither could you have an airforce armada land to capture a city, its preposterous, so land forces are a necessity. Now, where you do you think the ground forces should stay? In carriers? in Destroyers? in Cruisers? Of course not right? You need a Base of Operation, for example in the eventuality of a War with China(hypothetically speakin
    g) the US forces needs a Base for theater operation, it could be anywhere besides the Philipppines but not to have a base in the philippines in the eventuality of war is of course a great disadvantage to America. Another point, Always remember that there is a large Chinese fleet based on the South China Sea, the Americans may be able to sink it,granting that the Americans have better Fleet than the PRC, (American have their AEGIS system and SeaWolf,one crusier and one submarine is enough to deal a blow on their Naval Forces) but it would be detrimental if US military forces engaging in a hypothetical scenario in the South China Sea has to go back to Okinawa to refuel and resupply, it is a necessity to refuel and resupply not in Okinawa but in Subic Clark, its closer.

    Why? The Philippines has already kicked out a large military presence out ... why? The US has bases all over the Pacific and Indian oceans ... the Philippines is irrelevant.

    And they should remain out. Irrelevant? doubtful, as ive said, the Americans need a forward-presence in teh South EAst Asian Region, and the Philippines is the best place there is. You can have a naval movement from Guam to Mainland, but it would be a long ardous trip, why cover such a great distance if they could establish a base here, in the eventuality of War.

    An embassy serves as official recognition of a state ... nothing more. The US does not have embassies in South Africa on the off chance that Antartica might invade.

    Therefore an interest. Why do you open diplomatic channels if there are no interests in teh First place? Geopolitics is always motivated by selfish means. To say its "nothing more" is rather an improbable claim.


    Of course its politics, and i said Politics is like business, they are inherently motivated for Selfishness(should not be taken as something negative) two parties benefits each other no place for Altruism.

    The annals of history also didn't include precision bombs, long range bombers, floating warships comparable to small cities, satellite communication. The Philippines was first and foremost ... a strategic location to base operations in ... the US has the technology that the Philippines is irrelevant.

    My dear good sir, the technology of the US military is not significant enough to abolish casualties in war, food, supply routes, are still an element in War, as long as Men are incorparated to fight in a war, there will always be a need to sustain them thus no matter how technologically advance they are, old things remain: Moral, Doctrine, Quality of Troops, Quantity of Troops, Leadership and etc... Why is the Philippines not irrelevant? Simply because no matter how technologically advance, every war stick to the basics, and the strategic position of the philippines is an important part in a War in the South East Asian Region.
    And another point, the only thing you mentioned as something new was "precision" bombing. All else,, naval warships, long range bombers, were already there even during the time when they had their bases here. So it only points out that The Philippines is still an American interest.

    First off, you speculate on American intentions. Secondly ... from economics, geopolitics, and military strategic point ... the only thing that really matters is military strategic point ... which the Philippines has arrogantly kicked out the window.

    So arent you doing the same? tell me if this isnt speculating : the only thing that really matters is military strategic point which is rather a quick statement, a state could either at peace or at war, at peace in both times Economics plays a very important role most especially during Peace time.

    Yes we kicked them out our place, because we The Filipino people found them to be more of a liability than an asset. You could Jovita Salonga why he gave such an intellectual argument against US bases.

    How does the dispute over the Spratley's benefit the US? The PH benefits, how do Americans benefit?[/quote]
    Because if the Philippines would be able to Harness its resources guess who is the number one trading partner of Pinas? guessing... guessing... here's a hint they have the two most detrimental people to the English language George and Arnold (yeh the latter guy is austrian, but hey he already has his citizenship) .... you got the answer? cmon that was a giveaway.

    If you are going to sell the Philippines, you are going to have to do better than that. The US doesn't really need the Philippines, the Philippines however needs the US. A NEED and a CONVENIENCE are two different things. The Philippines expects American help when the shit hits the fan. The US has to pony up the manpower, the blood, the diplomacy, and the money to settle things ... the mere possibility of that makes the Philippines anything but an asset.

    True true true, but in the first place it was the US who made us DEPENDENT in their Almight Providence. You ask any economist for that instance, or a history student or perhaps a political science person, and in someway they might also say why the USA has her interests on our Motherland.

    Im not saying that we should cut our ties with the USA im not saying they are our enemies, all im saying is that the Philippines is a Sovereign state and her dealings with teh USA should always remain Mutually beneficial to both parties, to go beyond that borders the terminology IMperialism.

    Hail To the Chief....... Cheers FOlkS!

  6. #496

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    if wer under US people will lose jobs. US is outsourcing there jobs here if will be under them US will outsource it somewhere..

  7. #497

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    something to think about => there are about 43 Million or so Pinoy registered voters (2004 elections); on the other hand, historically, only about half of americans actually go out and vote. if the phils. were somehow part of the US again, that would mean that Pinoys would be the biggest voting block, probably even big enough to elect the US president or influence the outcome. i don't think the americans would want that, or would want us pinoys to "export" dagdag-bawas and other pinoy election techniques...

  8. #498

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    Quote Originally Posted by Minuano27
    something to think about => there are about 43 Million or so Pinoy registered voters (2004 elections); on the other hand, historically, only about half of americans actually go out and vote. if the phils. were somehow part of the US again, that would mean that Pinoys would be the biggest voting block, probably even big enough to elect the US president or influence the outcome. i don't think the americans would want that, or would want us pinoys to "export" dagdag-bawas and other pinoy election techniques...
    ha? haven't you heard of electoral college?

  9. #499

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    yep, but the votes in the electoral college are determined by who wins the vote in each state. the number of electoral college votes of a state depends on the population, that's why california has the largest number (40, i think), while alaska has only 1. if, for example, the phils is given a large number of electoral college votes bec. of its population, then it could possibly be the swing block and thereby influence the outcome.

  10. #500

    Default Re: Reannexation of the Phils as a US Territory

    nganu gud, gamita kunu paminsar panagsa. kita naa ta sa net tanawa ragud nah unsa ila gepangbuhat, "WANTED FILIPINA WIFE" nya sa tinuood WANTED FILIPINA MAID. kta mag pada sa ilang kwarta? suma unsay nahitabo sa Japan, nganu nakabangon man sila? ato unta gebuhat maninguha dli mag tapol, magtinabangay dli magbinitaray. Kung hus2 man gani ta magpasaokp sa ila nagpakita lang unsa ta klase nga pagkatawo. gakatag na isig traidoray pa.

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