IMHO, I think Palma didn't clarify what he said because nobody brought it up. I doubt he's even aware of all the supposed misinformation (at least as far as this thread is concerned). At least as far as Sunday was concerned. But I found his email yesterday and sent him a message and attached a link on that Sun-star column and asked if it's possible for us to secure a transcript of that particular homily.
To quote on Sir Spring's words on "for humility's sake", let's at least be civil enough to attack the opinion of fellow istoryans and not the person.
Your "I could be wrong" statement made perfect sense. I implore everyone to refrain from using derogatory remarks and/or responding to them in order to elevate the discussion and not hinder our poor intelligences from accumulating sufficient accurate knowledge. After all, not one person who criticizes isn't in need of criticism themselves. Some might say, ah well even if we get the entire thing it wouldn't matter anyway 'coz not all people who heard it understood the good that he meant. Well it's one thing to speak for ourselves and another to speak for the rest. While we can broadcast the latter, we can always pray for the former. The fruit of silence is prayer. The fruit of prayer is faith. The fruit of faith is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE. I doubt if anyone wouldn't want peace. The COMMON GOOD will then be determined by results. All we could do for now is predict the outcome.
For the record though, I wouldn't mind the chili. It's got good health benefits!

Might be punitive but it's also restorative.
In the meantime, let's not cross our elbows as we wait for word.