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  1. #491

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    these senators are just maintaining there good image for the next election

  2. #492

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    y man na cleared na cyaunsa ta dapat kaso ipasaka ani nilanaa bai kaso mpasaka?

  3. #493

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    Quote Originally Posted by cobraKing View Post
    y man na cleared na cyaunsa ta dapat kaso ipasaka ani nilanaa bai kaso mpasaka?
    Unsa man pud nga kaso nga walay Violations, walay Crime, walay Corruption na Commit ... "according na ni meriam santiago"

  4. #494

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    ginoo nalay bahala ana nila...

  5. #495

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    agree ko ni amingb nga walay violation nga nahimo ang mga bishops ani. if i'm not mistaken sa akong natan.awan sa tv, ang pcso has the right to grant requests basta in accordance sa ilang mandato. ang sayop sa PCSO kay ilang gibutang ang liquidation sa charity funds instead adto unta ni ibutang sa grants and requests. mao nang nagkabuang intawn ang taga coa

  6. #496

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    wala naman ni nga issue karon sa senado. ang ilang hearing ganiha bahin man sa intel funds, etc. nga daku kaayo ug nagasto unya wala pajuy klaro nga liquidation. nagtulo ang luha ni uriarte nga ni evoke sa iyang right against self-incrimination tungod sa plunder case, utro pud si garcia

  7. #497

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    i have no problems with this gifts. far flung areas man sad ilang giserbesyohan ug honest to goodnest ilang pag pangayo ni arroyo. only is ang fund is tapped from PCSO. maynalang recorded ang transactions unlike sa uban,.,,

  8. #498

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    The bishops did not commit any crime against the Law of men.
    But clearly some of them were lured by their human desire for luxury.

    The government should deal with their own and the church should do the same.
    But sadly I've come to realize that the church is bias when it comes to defending their own.
    God help us all.

  9. #499

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    Margie hires PR spin doc for P554K

    They practice what they denounce in their prede-cessors, or so it seems.

    While former Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO) officials are now in the hot seat for supposed kickbacks and questionable use of their public relations funds for intelligence funds, their successors are not that far behind.

    Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada noted a contract entered into by current officials employing the services of a PR firm, of which PCSO Chairman Margarita Juico denied any knowledge, which is strange, as she does not seem to know what is going on in her PCSO, and how the funds are being spent.

    But Juico finally admitted to Estrada that they have contracted to be among their consultants Dante Ang, former publicist of Pampanga Rep. Gloria Arroyo and publisher of The Manila Times newspaper.

    Initially, Juico tried to evade the issue when asked by Estrada as to whether she has ever utilized the funds for public relations since she assumed the position, passing the buck to PCSO general manager Jose Ferdinand Rojas II.

    “The funds are dispensed by the PR manager, right now its our GM concurrent, Rojas. But he’s not around because he’s on leave,” she said.

    “Aside from Rojas do you have any other consultants?” Estrada inquired, to which he was given the name of Ang who is receiving a monthly compensation of P25,000.

    “Have you entered into any contract with EON Stakeholder Relations Firm?” the senator asked, adding that he got hold of a copy of its contract for “public affairs and reputation management.”

    Juico said it was also Rojas who inked the deal with the said company and that she does not have any knowledge about the said arrangement.

    Estrada, who vowed to further dig into the issue warned Juico and others on what he noted as apparent impropriety of contracting a PR firm, supposedly to promote the image of the agency, while its former officers have been subjected to negative publicities lately.

    Former PCSO director Manoling Morato, in an interview with reporters after the hearing, said Ang is also supposedly behind the said PR firm.

    “They are behind the screaming articles on ‘Pajero bishops.’ They (PCSO officials) really enjoy the scandals,” he said.

    In the said contract presented by Estrada, the PR firm is exacting a monthly bill of P184,800 or P554,400 “total PR investment for three months.”

    Meanwhile, President Aquino has again absolved another KKK, despite her admission that the PSCO exaggerated the Commission on Audit (CoA) findings over the vehicles donated by the agency to some Catholic bishops.

    Malacañang refused Thursday to admit any wrongdoing or even apologize for putting the Catholic church in bad light and even defended Juico who earlier claimed the church leaders got luxurious Pajeros which eventually earned them the tag “Pajero Bishops.”

    Presidential Spokesman Edwin Laciera also declared that Malacañang has no interest in pursuing any investigation with regard to allegations that the “Pajero Bishop” controversy is a media spin engineered by a public relations practitioner who secured a multi-million contract from the PCSO saying that this is just a “small story.”

    In a press briefing, Lacierda described as a mere issue on “nomenclature” the implication of the accusations made by the PCSO against the bishops despite the fact that it forced the Catholic Bishops to appear before the Senate while at the receiving end of vicious criticisms for their alleged involvement in the the misuse of PCSO funds.

    Lacierda claimed that while he respects the decision of the Senate to clear the bishops of any wrongdoing contrary to earlier claims by the PCSO, Malacañang will not apologize to the CBCP and will not bother calling the attention of Juico for maligning the bishops.

    “We’ve descended to the level of nomenclature. The idea here is whether there was anything wrong in the use of the vehicles and Chairman Juico has said, none.The Senate also said it saw nothing wrong there. If that’s what they say, then that’s the end of it,” Lacierda said.

    In the briefing, Lacierda also belittled the allegations made by Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago that the “Pajero Bishops” tag was coined by a PR man who allegedly cornered multi-million contract with the PCSO.

    He said that this issue is just a small story and should no longer merit the attention of the Executive Department regardless of the fact that the PCSO is directly under the Office of the President.

    “I think it’s a small story. I think we have greater problems to solve so its not something we would like to dwell on,” Lacierda said.

    Lacierda also insisted that one of the bishops, Butuan Diocese Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos, of committing impropriety and therefore there is no reason for the Aquino administration or the PCSO to issue any apology.

    “Bishop Pueblos himself admitted that he asked for a birthday gift from the former President and a Montero was given to him by the PCSO as a birthday gift, so that’s where I think the impropriety lay. So I don’t see any reason why Chairman Juico should apologize. Again, it’s just a matter of transparency and that was based on a CoA report,” Lacierda maintained.

    Lacierda said that instead of ruing over the “small story” the bishops should even be thankful because the controversy gave them the “time for re-examination and to reorient itself. It’s a fruitful experience it may have—the church prospers because of controversy. It’s good for the church. At the same time, Lacierda expressed hope that although the CBCP has declared its distrust towards the Aquino administration, the government and CBCP will have better relationship following a change of leadership.

    Angie M. Rosales

    The Daily Tribune - Without Fear or Favor

  10. #500

    Default Re: MERGED: All about CBCP/bishop's "gifts" from PCSO/GMA

    Knowing maleficent genius


    So who’s the “maleficent genius?”, as the Senate’s Lady Miriam would call the person behind the “Pajero bishops” media blitz that ended up a dud and was exposed as a well-crafted attack on the Church leaders intended to divert public attention from the real issue at hand?

    The Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office exposé led by its chairman Margie Juico, wife of Popoy Juico, who together form part of the Yellow circle of Noynoy, led the charge in the exposé indicating irregularities in the distribution of PCSO funds for the purchase of Pajeros. Without saying it, since the accusers did not have any solid proof about it except for their interpretation of a Commission on Audit (CoA) report, Juico’s conspirators were leading the public to consider the PCSO money for the purchase of the vehicles as bribes for the bishops to support former President Gloria Arroyo since most of the donations happened in 2009 when Gloria was facing an impeachment proceeding.

    The use of the impeachment line was even misleading since Gloria was being slapped a case to impeach her yearly after the 2004 elections when allegations of massive and orchestrated cheating were exposed on her impossible win against rival for the presidency opposition candidate Fernando Poe Jr.

    Juico then blew the lid on the donations to the prelates and suddenly the term “Pajero bishops” was born.

    It later turned out in the Senate hearings that there were no Pajeros purchased and the donations to the bishops were perfectly legal under the PCSO charter. It was only the decency of the bishops in their arm-twisting ways that should have put into question.

    In short, there was nothing legally wrong in the less than P7 million given to bishops for the purchase of the vehicles and Juico ended up with a rotten egg on her face.

    The supposed PCSO exposés happened when former PCSO chairman Manoling Morato was making a lot of noise about Juico and her gang in the PCSO board about brokering the sale of the Quezon Institute compound where the PCSO office used to be headquartered.

    Morato also charged Juico of nepotism for placing several of her family members in the payroll of the PCSO officially or as consultants.

    Likewise the Juico bomb against the bishops happened when the content of newspapers was about Noynoy’s trust and performance rating on a dangerous slide as a result of what political analysts called as his “disconnect” with reality.

    Top of the news then was his Kaibigan (cronies), Kaklase (classmates) and Kabarilan (shooting buddies) known as KKK, lording it over in government through favored postings and securing of government contracts.

    Criticisms then were piling up against Noynoy for stubbornly backing Land Transportation Office (LTO) Chief Virginia Torres, a so-called Kabarilan of Noynoy, despite the many questionable deals she had been embroiled in.

    It was noted that Noynoy’s unconditional coddling of Torres resulted in the resignation of former Transportation and Communications Secretary Ping de Jesus.

    The talk in public thereafter was about the relationship of Noynoy, Torres and the mystery behind the sudden resignation of De Jesus.

    One of the immediate subalterns of De Jesus came out saying an argument between Noynoy and De Jesus over Torres preceded the resignation of Ping, who was one of the most trusted men of his late mother, former President Cory Aquino.

    De Jesus supposedly resigned in disgust after talking with Aquino about Torres and the growing controversy on her activities at the LTO. De Jesus asked for Torres’ head but still Aquino sided with his Kabarilan.

    A few days after a by-lined story appeared in one of the broadsheets written by its owner claiming that De Jesus was sacked because Noynoy supposedly got wind of brewing anomalies in the Transportation department.

    The writer was the chief spin doctor of Noynoy’s mother, Cory, and of course the story was spun to make Noynoy a hero.

    If Miriam really wants to know the source of the Pajero bishops media blitz, he would be the person to ask.

    Maleficent genius would then be exposed.

    The Daily Tribune - Without Fear or Favor

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