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Because some trapo congressmen introduced the so-called RH bill, which is far more dangerous than BFAD regulations. The bill even has provisions that violate our civil and human rights. But you ignore these, of course.
strawman tactic kau na. ingna lng gyud nga selective inyong condemnation or objection. dili mo moangal sa BFAD approving contraceptives pero angal mo sa mga Congressman mo approve ug contraceptives. unsa ngayo mo ug commission?

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These are addressed by the proposed anti-abortifacients law.
are addressed or will be addressed? has it been submitted na sa Congress o wala pa? and why act on it now when dugay naman ni nga mga lawha?

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Thaty's only if you believe Lagman's BS. The fact is that the bill funds artificial and aboetifacient contraceoptives and gives little more than hot air for NFP. That is NOT "without bias".
i don't even need to believe Lagman. i only need to read the Bill and believe in it. and that's a matter of my own opinion. i know ur opinion is the opposite.
and by the way, in case u didn't know, although not substances, and therefore not technically abortifacients, the following techniques have also been proposed to sometimes prevent implantation of a blastocyst:
* Fertility awareness methods — a philosophy professor has speculated that intercourse during the less-fertile times of the cycle might create embryos incapable of implanting (due to aged gametes at the time of fertilization).
* The lactational amenorrhea method may cause a luteal phase defect (LPD). LPD may interfere with the implantation of embryos.
* In vitro fertilization
so if we follow ur "fertilization is beginning of life" thingy, these methods can be called abortifacients too...

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Quite irrelevant. We have to learn from the mistakes of other countries.
wow! mas ngilngig na diay ta ani ron sa ubang countries? are u saying other countries like the US of A and UK committed mistakes when they allowed the use of contraceptives? by the way, did they say they made a mistake?
mind u, our situation is different from theirs...it's like saying they committed a mistake by being non-Catholics...
just try selling bibingka to US and then try to sell it here. will the results i.e. sales, demand, etc be the same? not.
What sexual behavior is considered socially acceptable, and what behavior is "promiscuous", varies much among different cultures, and within a culture different standards are often applied to people of different gender and civil status.
MYTH: Contraceptives are the main culprit in the tragic increase in sexually transmitted infections (STI), teen pregnancies, and other prominent sexual phenomena of the past 30 years. Contraception in all its forms—condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, etc.—are all responsible in various ways for creating a “false sense of security” that encourages people to engage in promiscuous sexual behavior.
(1) After years of claims that condoms do not protect against HPV, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine proves that condoms are very helpful for preventing it.
(2) The number of teenage pregnancies has continued to drop over the past 10 years as contraceptive knowledge and prevalence has increased.
(3) A 2006 comprehensive global study (analysing data from 59 countries worldwide) found no firm link between promiscuity and STD's, with poverty and mobility being more important factors. This contradicts other studies.
MYTH: Sexuality education leads to promiscuity.
FACT: A global review of studies on sexual behavior shows that *** education improves awareness of risk, knowledge of risk reduction strategies, increase self-effectiveness and intention to practice safer ***, and delays rather than hastens the onset of sexual activity.
MYTH: HIV come from sexual promiscuity.
FACT: HIV does not just come from sexual promiscuity, it comes from many other things — contaminated blood, for one.