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Results 491 to 500 of 676
  1. #491

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    Back to the original topic... being a catholic, all about catholicism... and why does catholics seems to be assured on salvation? Being a catholic does not save you... even being a devoted catholic are not assured... praying along will not save you, faith... not even closed... right?

    Why does Roman Catholic think its they're the absolute christians... how about does non-roman catholic christians? example , born again christians... why do Roman Catholic dislikes these christian groups/church?

    Do you think Roman Catholic church is perfect? and are they always has been for the good of the people? History shows that Roman Catholicsm has done so many inhuman things just to push their belief to every human in the world... even going further on supporting the Nazi Germany... inslaving our poor pinas for 300 years... etc etc...

    So why should people follow everything the Roman Catholic says? and why should you?

    ok ok... lets cook some popcorn and discuss...

    hahaha.. wala lang gyud ko lingaw... mao na akong pangutana bahin ani nga thread...

    @mosimos/aka desert father/aka snmp... you can't convince us on what you preach on this forum while you are not even practicing it.... amen!

  2. #492

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    Quote Originally Posted by pandisal
    Back to the original topic... being a catholic, all about catholicism... and why does catholics seems to be assured on salvation? Being a catholic does not save you... even being a devoted catholic are not assured... praying along will not save you, faith... not even closed... right?

    Why does Roman Catholic think its they're the absolute christians... how about does non-roman catholic christians? example , born again christians... why do Roman Catholic dislikes these christian groups/church?

    Do you think Roman Catholic church is perfect? and are they always has been for the good of the people? History shows that Roman Catholicsm has done so many inhuman things just to push their belief to every human in the world... even going further on supporting the Nazi Germany... inslaving our poor pinas for 300 years... etc etc...

    So why should people follow everything the Roman Catholic says? and why should you?

    ok ok... lets cook some popcorn and discuss...

    hahaha.. wala lang gyud ko lingaw... mao na akong pangutana bahin ani nga thread...

    @mosimos/aka desert father/aka snmp... you can't convince us on what you preach on this forum while you are not even practicing it.... amen!

    I have to give credit to mannyamador , mosimos, dacs and all those who keep on defending the faith for doing a good job . it's not easy , but you are blessed with the knowledge others , including me, doesn't have . keep it up !

    @ pandisal , i apologize if there are people , especially roman catholics who looks as if they dislike protestants . i hope you will read more on church's standing on our protestant brothers .

    we do not hate or dislike protestants , there may be individuals, yes , but you are making it sound like it's the Roman Catholic Church , please don't. inidividuals have free will , but it isnt the official church teaching .
    In comparing the sermons during Roman Catholic Mass and protestant service ( which i have attended many times on different congregations ) it is the protestant pastors and some members that's very critical on catholics. during sermons, i have never heard priests talking against protestants but the reverse happens when i'm invited to attend protestant service to " observe " , they always give me the bad impression , because instead of sharing the good news or giving the congregation moral lessons , they pinpoint the sins of the church , and mind you , these protestant churches aren't perfect too , just like the roman catholic church who never declared itself being perfect .

  3. #493

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    @White...yes, I agree with you... in the sense some churches are attacking others religion or groups... I don't want to misled you but I am a catholic christian by birth... but not that devoted though.... that to the church group... One thing also I noticed during sermons now a days,... priest sometimes impasize on politics and money... but not all.. that's why people tends to change parish because they dislike the priest at their original parish. One thing also I dislike about some christian groups (including catholics), they do heated debate who is better and who among them are assured to be save... (that is the soul)... specially you see these debater at a plaza. I'm not saying it's only Roman Catholic... its just that our main subject ... heck.. you already witness it here on our forum... :P

  4. #494

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    @ pandisal , that is expected with debates . and that should be natural in this forum too . especially if these people feel they are tasked to be fishers of men ( whatever their religion may be ) .
    for me that is okay though , because although there are lurkers who like me, sometimes, doesnt participate , but theyre learning .

    also , i wish the others would stop critizising defenders ( and i mean defenders of both sides )Â* who copy and paste . if their thoughts is best expressed by others' statements , what's wrong with using it to educate others ? i don't see anything wrong with copy and paste , not all people has the luxury of time of to search such relevant thoughts .it is unfair to dismiss people who copy and paste , as somebody who is not knowledgable and who just depend on these articles . i mean i find people who are better read , better debaters . even in school debates , it is an accepted thing if you cite sources , why would this forum be any different ? i myself much prefer if opinions back with documentaions are provided , it would be up to me to determine if i find these sources credible or not .

  5. #495

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    well sometimes the defenders demselves gives a bad name of what their defending.... :P (impasize -> sometimes) specially on the heated debates. and speaking of citing a reference aka cut and paste, its not that the act of doing it but doing it but not giving a supporting argument... you don't just says a wall of text to anyone on a debate, it's just like slapping you with a book without giving a reason why... at least point out in your own word what the "wall of text" means and how it fit on the current debate... thats what I guess what people in this forum dislikes...

    on the debates of religion... specially in plaza's, what i'm seing are poeple shouting to each others,... giving one interpretation on the same + exact phrases from the bible...


  6. #496

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    some contradictions found in the bible

    Would Jesus inherit David’s throne?
    (a) Yes. So said the angel (Luke 1:32)
    (b) No, since he is a descendant of Jehoiakim (see Matthew 1: I 1, I Chronicles 3:16). And Jehoiakim was
    cursed by God so that none of his descendants can sit upon David’s throne (Jeremiah 36:30)

    Jesus rode into Jerusalem on how many animals?
    (a) One - a colt (Mark 11:7; cf Luke 19:3 5). “And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their
    garments on it; and he sat upon it.â€
    (b) Two - a colt and an ass (Matthew 21:7). “They brought the ass and the colt and put their garments
    on them and he sat thereon.â€

    How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ?
    (a) By a revelation from heaven (Matthew 16:17)
    (b) His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41)

    repost nako just incase some of you passed it.. no one and nothing is perfect..

  7. #497

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    Quote Originally Posted by mannyamador
    Quote Originally Posted by h00ters
    peeps, instead of intelligently considering the enormous opportunities and challenges that scientific progress has brought mankind, the religions of the world continue to focus on irrelevancies and deny the obvious.
    This has got to be one of the most IGNORANT posts I have read. Blaming the Church for the sins of terrorists and people who screw around is just plain dumb.
    do you even understand what i'm saying?Â* who's blaming which church for the sins (what sins?) of terrorists (which terrorists?Â* do you understand what "terrorist" means?Â* it doesn't have to be "religious").Â* the bombings in london i'm referring to are IRA's (you know them, they're mostly katoliks also) or it could be the islam (still religion).

    isn't xianity supposed to be a religion of love? LOVE? i don't see that at all...

  8. #498

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ?
    (a) By a revelation from heaven (Matthew 16:17)
    (b) His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41)
    Hehe, this is fun. The word "The Christ" must have already been bandied to many Jews, Andrew included..... what Simon did in the book of Matthew was PROFESS that Christ was the Son of God and NOT the Elijah or one of the prophets...

    You can't profess it (in context of the sequence in Matthew) without divine guidance...

    Here's another one

    One Gospel says Judas was hanged.

    Another says he jumped.....

    Which one of this is true? More likely the latter is a more particular chronicle, as "hung himself" then was a figure of speech for suicide....

  9. #499

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    but judas wasn't a traitor...didn't ya know?

  10. #500

    Default Re: All about Roman Catholicism here.

    @h00ters, yeah i think he was not ... it was his role/act that paved the way to the death and ressurection of Christ.

    Though this was just recently published, and I have not read it yet, am keeping an open mind about this things..

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