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  1. #41

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    oo yeah

  2. #42
    yagit! yagit! yagit! yagit's Avatar
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    May 2005

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    yeah...the philippines is definitely way behind...most filipinos are too caught up with political issues...they drain themselves with those things..making small issues big and forgetting that there are much greater issues to address for the betterment of our economy.

  3. #43
    Amahan ni Erlinda potterboy's Avatar
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    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    ^^ditto that yagit. Sitewide Forum Rules
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    The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.

  4. #44

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    Not really that behind, but we are slipping away fast.

    Time can tell we'll be lagging behind our neighbors. they are united and intelligent when it comes to approaching problems.

    While us, we are a nation of disunity. Plagued with decades-old corruption.

    We've got to stop this lest we'll be the ragtag band in the Southeast.

  5. #45

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    My take on all this talk about corruption in the government is this:

    Do you cheat on your taxes? on your jeepney fare?
    Do you practice good stewardship by investing your money wisely? And not accumulating credit card bills?
    Do you drive carefully, following all the rules?
    Do you buy pirated cds?
    If you are a student, do you cheat?
    etc... etc...

    If we can dare to stand and make a difference, then we will be one person more on the way to being a progressive country.

    Yes, sakto, naay corruption ang government. But, it's not enought to yap about it. The government is not in my circle of influence but ME and MY HABITS and MY ATTITUDES is something I can change.

    Instead of complaining about what we cannot change, let's focus on what we can do.

    I mean, I still get laughed at now when I say I dont buy pirated cds. And, when I was a student, I had a no-nonsense reputation against cheating.
    But, do I care? Noh!

    Remember the lines in Harry Potter movie, 'The time will come when we will have to choose between what is right and what is easy.'

  6. #46

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    Ang sa ako lang. . .

    3 out of 4 pinoys wants to go ot from the country. So if this is the mentality of the people I cold only imagine unsa gyud diay ka way paglaum ning nasura. Ambot ni grabe man ang hopelessness karung panahona.

  7. #47

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    Then, maybe more people should hear and read this speech.
    Dark times are times of opportunity for those who keep their head high and their eyes keen for opportunity.

    Warning: Long Post. Sorry!

    Speech of John Gokongwei before Ateneo 2004
    Graduates ---

    I wish I were one of you today, instead of a
    77-year-old man, giving a speech you will probably
    forget when you wake up from your hangover tomorrow.
    You may be surprised I feel this way. Many of you are
    feeling fearful and apprehensive about your future.
    You are thinking that, perhaps, your Ateneo diploma
    will not mean a whole lot in the future in a country
    with too many problems. And you are probably right.
    You are thinking that our country is slipping-no,
    sliding. Again, you may be right.

    Twenty years ago, we were at par with countries
    like Thailand,Malaysia, and Singapore. Today, we are
    left way behind. You know the facts.

    Twenty years ago, the per capita income of the
    Filipino was 1,000 US dollars. Today, it's 1,100
    dollars. That's a growth of only ten percent in twenty
    years. Meanwhile, Thailand's per capita income today
    is double ours; Malaysia, triple ours; and Singapore,
    almost twenty times ours.

    With globalization coming, you know it is even
    more urgent to wake up. Trade barriers are falling,
    which means we will have to compete harder. In the new
    world, entrepreneurs will be forced to invest their
    money where it is most efficient. And that is not
    necessarily in the Philippines. Even for Filipino
    entrepreneurs, that can be the case.

    For example, a Filipino brand like Maxx candy
    can be manufactured in Bangkok --where labor, taxes,
    power and financing are cheaper and more efficient --
    and then exported to other ASEAN countries. This will
    be a common scenario if things do not change. Pretty
    soon, we will become a nation that buys everything and
    produces practically nothing. We will be like the
    prodigal son who took his father's money and spent it
    all. The difference is that we do not have a generous
    father to run back to. But despite this, I am still
    very excited about the future. I will tell you why

    You have been taught at the Ateneo to be "a
    person for others." Of course, that is noble: To serve
    your countrymen. Question is: How? And my answer is:
    Be an entrepreneur!

    You may think I am just a foolish man talking
    mundane stuff when the question before him is almost
    philosophical. But I am being very thoughtful here,
    and if I may presume this about myself, being
    patriotic as well. Entrepreneurship is the answer. We
    need young people who will find the idea, grab the
    opportunity, take the risk, and set aside comfort to
    set up businesses that will provide jobs.

    But why? What are jobs? Jobs are what allow
    people to feel useful and build their self-esteem.
    Jobs make people productive members of the community.
    Jobs make people feel they are worthy citizens. And
    jobs make a country worthy players in the world

    In that order of things, it is the entrepreneurs
    who have the power to harness the creativity and
    talents of others to achieve a common good. This
    should leave the world a better place than it was. Let
    me make it clear: Job creation is a priority for any
    nation to move forward. For example, it is the young
    entrepreneurs of Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore who
    created the dynamic businesses that have propelled
    their countries to the top. Young people like

    Meanwhile, in the Philippines, progress is slow.
    Very little is new. Hardly anything is fresh. With a
    few exceptions, the biggest companies before the war
    -- like PLDT, Ayala, and San Miguel -- are still the
    biggest companies today.

    All right, being from the Ateneo, many of you
    probably have offers from these corporations already.
    You may even have offers from JG Summit. I say: Great!
    Take these offers, work as hard as you can, learn
    everything these companies can teach and then leave!

    If you dream of creating something great, do not
    let a 9-to-5 job-even a high-paying one-lull you into
    a complacent, comfortable life. Let that high-paying
    job propel you toward entrepreneurship instead.

    When I speak of the hardship ahead, I do not
    mean to be skeptical but realistic. Even you Ateneans,
    who are famous for your eloquence, you cannot talk
    your way out of this one. There is nothing to do but
    to deal with it. I learned this lesson when, as a
    13-year-old, I lost my dad.

    Before that, I was like many of you: a
    privileged kid. I went to Cebu's best school; lived in
    a big house; and got free entrance to the Vision, the
    largest movie house in Cebu, which my father owned.
    Then my dad died, and I lost all these. My family had
    become poor -- poor enough to split my family. My
    mother and five siblings moved to China where the cost
    of living was lower. I was placed under the care of my
    Grand Uncle Manuel Gotianuy, who put me through
    school. But just two years later, the war broke out,
    and even my Uncle Manuel could no longer see me
    through. I was out in the streets -- literally.

    Looking back, this time was one of the best
    times of my life. We lost everything, true, but so did
    everybody! War was the great equalizer. In that
    setting, anyone who was willing to size up the
    situation, use his wits, and work hard, could make it!

    It was every man for himself, and I had to find
    a way to support myself and my family. I decided to be
    a market vendor. Why? Because it was something that I,
    a 15-year-old boy in short pants, could do.

    I started by selling simple products in the
    palengke half an hour by bike from the city. I had a
    bicycle. I would wake up at five in the morning, load
    thread, soap and candles into my bike, and rush to the
    palengke. I would rent a stall for one peso a day, lay
    out my goods on a table as big as this podium, and
    begin selling. I did that the whole day.

    I sold about twenty pesos of goods every day.
    Today, twenty pesos will only allow you to send twenty
    text messages to your crush, but 63 years ago, it was
    enough to support my family. And it left me enough to
    plow back into my small, but growing, business.

    I was the youngest vendor in the palengke, but
    that didn't faze me. In fact, I rather saw it as an
    opportunity. Remember, that was 63 years and 100
    pounds ago, so I could move faster, stay under the sun
    more, and keep selling longer than everyone else.

    Then, when I had enough money and more
    confidence, I decided to travel to Manila from Cebu to
    sell all kinds of goods like rubber tires. Instead of
    my bike, I now traveled on a batel -- a boat so small
    that on windless days, we would just float there. On
    bad days, the trip could take two weeks!

    During one trip, our batel sank! We would have
    all perished in the sea were it not for my inventory
    of tires. The viajeros were happy because my tires
    saved their lives, and I was happy because the
    viajeros, by hanging on to them, saved my tires. On
    these long and lonely trips I had to entertain myself
    with books, like Gone With The Wind.

    After the war, I had saved up 50,000 pesos. That
    was when you could buy a chicken for 20 centavos and a
    car for 2,000 pesos. I was 19 years old.

    Now I had enough money to bring my family home
    from China. Once they were all here, they helped me
    expand our trading business to include imports.
    Remember that the war had left the Philippines with
    very few goods. So we imported whatever was needed
    and imported them from everywhere-including used
    clothes and textile remnants from the United States.
    We were probably the first ukay-ukay dealers here.

    Then, when I had gained more experience and
    built my reputation, I borrowed money from the bank
    and got into manufacturing. I saw that coffee was
    abundant, and Nescafe of Nestle was too expensive for
    a country still rebuilding from the war, so my company
    created Blend 45.

    That was our first branded hit. And from there,
    we had enough profits to launch Jack and Jill. From
    one market stall, we are now in nine core
    businesses-including retail, real estate, publishing,
    petrochemicals, textiles, banking, food manufacturing,
    Cebu Pacific Air and Sun Cellular.

    When we had shown success in the smaller
    businesses, we were able to raise money in the capital
    markets -- through IPOs and bond offerings -- and then
    get into more complex, capital-intensive enterprises.
    We did it slow, but sure.

    Success doesn't happen overnight. It's the small
    successes achieved day by day that build a company.
    So, don't be impatient or focused on immediate
    financial rewards. I only started flying business
    class when I got too fat to fit in the economy seats.

    And I even wore a used overcoat while courting
    my wife-it came from my ukay-ukay business. Thank God
    Elizabeth didn't mind the mothball smell of my
    overcoat or maybe she wouldn't have married me.

    Save what you earn and plow it back.

    And never forget your families! Your parents
    denied themselves many things to send you here. They
    could have traveled around the world a couple of times
    with the money they set aside for your education, and
    your social life, and your comforts.

    Remember them -- and thank them.

    When you have families of your own, you must be
    home with them for at least one meal everyday. I did
    that while I was building my company. Now, with all my
    six children married, I ask that we spend every Sunday
    lunch together, when everything under the sun is

    As it is with business, so it is with family.
    There are no short cuts for building either one.
    Remember, no short cuts.

    Saint Ignatius of Loyola, your patron saint, and
    founder of this 450-year old organization I admire,
    described an ideal Jesuit as one who "lives with one
    foot raised." I believe that means someone who is
    always ready to respond to opportunities.

    Saint Ignatius knew that, to build a successful
    organization, he needed to recruit and educate men who
    were not afraid of change but were in fact excited by
    it. In fact, the Jesuits were one of the earliest
    practitioners of globalization. As early as the 16th
    century, upon reaching a foreign country, they
    compiled dictionaries in local languages like Tamil
    and Vietnamese so that they could spread their message
    in the local language. In a few centuries, they have
    been able to spread their mission in many countries
    through education.

    The Jesuits have another quote. "Make the whole
    world your house" which means that the ideal Jesuit
    must be at home everywhere. By adapting to change, but
    at the same time staying true to their beliefs, the
    Society of Jesus has become the long-lasting and
    successful organization it is today and has made the
    world their house.

    So, let live with one foot raised in facing the
    next big opportunity: globalization.

    Globalization can be your greatest enemy. It
    will be your downfall if you are too afraid and too
    weak to fight it out. But it can also be your biggest

    With the Asian Free Trade agreement and tariffs
    near zero, your market has grown from 80 million
    Filipinos to half a billion Southeast Asians. Imagine
    what that means to you as an entrepreneur if you are
    able to find a need and fill it. And imagine,
    too, what that will do for the economy of our

    Yes, our government may not be perfect, and
    oureconomic environment not ideal, but true
    entrepreneurs will find opportunities anywhere. Look
    at the young Filipino entrepreneurs who made it. When
    I say young-and I'm 77, remember-I am talking about
    those in their 50s and below. Tony Tan of Jollibee,
    Ben Chan of Bench, Rolando Hortaleza of Splash, and
    Wilson Lim of Abensons.

    They're the guys who weren't content with the
    9-to-5 job, who were willing to delay their
    gratification and comfort, and who created something
    new, something fresh.

    Something Filipinos are now very proud of. They
    all started small but now sell their hamburgers,
    T-shirts andcosmetics in Asia, America, and the Middle

    In doing so, these young Filipino entrepreneurs
    created jobs while doing something they were
    passionate about.

    Globalization is an opportunity of a
    lifetime-for you. And that is why I want to be out
    there with you instead of here behind this
    podium-perhaps too old and too slow to seize the
    opportunities you can.

    Let me leave you with one last thought. Trade
    barriers have fallen. The only barriers left are the
    barriers you have in your mind. So, Ateneans, Class of
    2004, heed the call of entrepreneurship. With a little
    bit of will and a little bit of imagination, you can
    turn this crisis into your patriotic moment-and truly
    become a person for others.

    "Live with one foot raised and make the world
    your house."

  8. #48

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    depends on which Asian country we are comparing the Phils. with...

    if Japan, no need to compare them to the Phils.

    For other countries, we have a better chance. We might be weak in terms of economic growth BUT let this not be a hindrance for us to dream and make a reality for that better Phils.

    We should never stop hoping and working for a better country. Godspeed

  9. #49

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    the sad reality is- yes- we are definitely behind in terms of infrastructures, political maturity, discipline and common goal in working for the betterment of our country's image abroad.
    Everytime am away even sa Asia lang- maka ibog jud ang uban lugar just by looking at their modern buildings, clean surroundings, wide roads and tourist-oriented facilities to name a few. How much more if you include Europe, America, Canada etc. The common topic of conversations of us pinoys in a group tour is- how envious we are of the places we visit. You can't help but compare the Phils. to these places and that's when you feel the big letdown cause we know we can never compare since part of the reason why we suck as a country is our politicians. Too much politics. The never-ending squabble for power, personal ambitions and corruption in all levels. I read somewhere - one of our faults as Pilipino is that we criticize ourselves too much. I guess it's true in a way because we all know we need to work extra hard to make ourselves a better people and in the process make the Phils. a better place to live in. It's not an impossible task but I admit it's a very difficult one wherein we need all the help and luck to succeed.

  10. #50

    Default Re: do you think Philippines is so way behind other asian countires?

    ok pa man ta ba...

    ok pa kon ikumpara sa bangladesh.

  11.    Advertisement

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