- it's relevant. it signifies growth. of course it's a small value... at least it's a positive figure. it has relevance to those who understand what the figures represent. it can also mean a good start...
on the other hand can we not see? it's just 7.5%... i really feel the need to repeat this:
7.5... do you expect a lot out of 7.5%? of course it obviously can't affect much on the lives of all filipinos... the effect would just be proportional to that amount... obviously it won't solve everything... it can't solve everything... that is why there is still insufficient food for every table... that is why there are still problems with agriculture and poverty and tuition fee increases... what were we thinking? are we expecting a miracle out of this 7.5%? oh come on! not unless you skipped Ratio and Proportion during high school will you not be able to comprehend what 7.5% represent...
we are so good at whining... it's so easy to find gazillion reasons presenting the problem... but so little with the solution... ok so now that you act the so-so-well-informed-and-seemingly-updated-of-the-economic-situation, what actions can you then possibly suggest?
i just don't understand why people are so negative about stuffs and things... don't we want to improve? don't we wanna grow? don't we wanna help?