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  1. #41

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    - it's relevant. it signifies growth. of course it's a small value... at least it's a positive figure. it has relevance to those who understand what the figures represent. it can also mean a good start...


    on the other hand can we not see? it's just 7.5%... i really feel the need to repeat this: 7.5... do you expect a lot out of 7.5%? of course it obviously can't affect much on the lives of all filipinos... the effect would just be proportional to that amount... obviously it won't solve everything... it can't solve everything... that is why there is still insufficient food for every table... that is why there are still problems with agriculture and poverty and tuition fee increases... what were we thinking? are we expecting a miracle out of this 7.5%? oh come on! not unless you skipped Ratio and Proportion during high school will you not be able to comprehend what 7.5% represent...

    we are so good at whining... it's so easy to find gazillion reasons presenting the problem... but so little with the solution... ok so now that you act the so-so-well-informed-and-seemingly-updated-of-the-economic-situation, what actions can you then possibly suggest?

    i just don't understand why people are so negative about stuffs and things... don't we want to improve? don't we wanna grow? don't we wanna help?

  2. #42

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    the action I suggest is cut on military spending and rechannel the funds into education, health and other basic services. Again, growth can only be as good as what it can bring the people, so far it has not done much.

    --more accessibility to state-sponsored education leads to a more skilled workforce
    --what I'm saying is, na misprioritize ang budget..mas dako ang debt servicing and what for? para mangutang balik? how stupid can that get? huge military spending with no viable results to show?
    --the kind of statistics used in computing for GDP is far more a complicated process than solving for Ratio and proportion..ever heard of maximization of resources in economics? that principle should apply here since this is an economic issue..I'm no genius doing that but you can check with NEDA how changing the way they computed things gave them better and more favorable results than the old statistical methods they once used. or to save yourself trouble, reread Gareb's post and what business analysts have to say

  3. #43

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    wow... you blew me off!...

    naa ra man lagi diay na... mao nay gipangita sa tawo... solusyon! and that's what i've been trying to push... not dumping on problems problems problems...

    maximization of resources in economics? whew!... i don't know much about it... and i'm pretty sure most of us laymen here too don't... but then maybe i will... since you brought that subject here, maybe you should try to explain it to us so as to shed more light... then we dissect after...

  4. #44

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    WHINING is good in my opinion...becs it gives and shares knowledge w.c are usefull, (in circumstances)...

    its good that people of ALL diversity (good, bad, neutral attitudes) meet and discuss...that way we get a BROADER prospective in w.c we can deicide what would be best..peace

    in essence...

    busineses are 99 percent HARD WORK(education,experience, etc) and 1% LUCK (OPURTUNITIES, TIME you dived in the business, location)...

    with out luck one cant expect to suceed...

    there are plenty of business that were AS poor as rats in the past nut ryt now they are much better off than the OLDER businesses....BUT there are also businesses that havent improved despite of HARD WORK

    ie. many busineses failed (espicialy those who had BIG DOLLAR loans in the ASEAN crisis) in 1999...
    many also in the TECH bubble in the U.S.

    one cant suceed if either hard work and LUCK is not present...


  5. #45

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    of course, unsaon man sad na ang opportunities kung dili sad ka mowork to make it better for yourself..but sadly, wala na match ang present opportunities sa kinabag-an..if we talk about maximization sa atoang resources, would we rather spend it to keep killing our own citizens or invest it to education para mas daghan mo graduate nga qualified mo take on the opportunities that exist?

  6. #46

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorothea
    Heck! I don't even know what GDP means (and I'm too lazy to google it)...LOL...that must be why I'm still poor.

    .. damn. You should google for GDP and for sure you'll instantly get rich. hehehe or can I suggest you download the song " dream on " by nazareth. hehe

    .. Anyway, those are just editorials, opinions from people who obviously hate the president.

  7. #47

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    @fingolfin, not agreeing with statistics is not necessarily tantamount to hating the fact, I do not call for her to step down, but my take is just to review misprioritization of the national budget and appeal to make education accessible for is nothing personal so why hate the president

  8. #48
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!


    as i mentioned, 'if other factors are held stable' (which they aren't).

    they don't get an 'equivalent' but 'more'. an investor in his right mind would not invest in anything if he gets only 'break-even' returns. the question is, when they do business with us, is it an equitable kind of business - the kind that benefits both sides? or is it something that's an outright giveaway of our natural resources as well as our patrimony?

    please read Neo-colonialism in the new millenium by Connie Veneracion.

    better lifestyles, yes, but not in an instant. yet consider the fact that economic growth rates was said to have been increasing for years, but to no noticeable effect. is the 6 years that the current administration has been in still considered an 'instant'?


    there is growth. but it is an unsustainable one since it's mainly propped up by election spending. the scenario sits prettily with past experiences of a spurt in economic growth after superfluous and extravagant expenses during an election period.

    when one lauds a supposed growth and says that it will soon 'trickle down' to the masses, and at the same time blatantly disregards the fact that agriculture (an essential economic indicators which takes up the bulk of our economic production) in the very same gdp growth rate registered a slowdown, the least we can do is to shout 'dream on!' in their faces.


    the issue of unemployment is not an issue of who does not have jobs because they are not looking for one, but the availability of jobs versus the availability of workers.
    What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish. - Chuck Palahniuk

  9. #49

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    Quote Originally Posted by thadzonline
    @the_gadore and baron:

    what good does statistics that show growth does if not in relevance to your people? speaking plainly statistics, yes, there is growth, but brings you to a question: what better things did it bring in? widen the gap some more between the rich and the you can see, the big companies get tax holidays for many years, the poor pay for additional taxes,, even in state colleges are no longer easily accessible to the ordinary Juan, UP for example recently approved a 300% tuition fee increase putting their rates at par with private universities..and by the way, aren't you suspicious why statistics say one thing and on the streets you see otherwise? don't you think maybe they just reinvented the way they computed things to make it look favorable?
    i agree with up having a 300% tuition increase because there are very few poor people who are studying in that school. most students there can afford private universities. they should have prioritized people who really cant afford to study in college.

    aku lang ning opion ha. wat if naay maximum amount of property ang pwedi i possess sa usa ka family. lets say 200 million + the yearly inflation ra ang maximum property. if mu exceed imong property ana, they will have the option to give the excess to the governement or give them to their employees. with this, the gap between the rich and the poor will not widen, the government will have more revenue and most important the wealth will not be concentrated to a single individual. with this, our government will have funds for building more schools with good quality education for the less fortunate. this will also help the super rich to have happier lives because they will not be thinking on how to make their wealth increase and thus they could enjoy going to other places and have time for their family. but i think this is impossible kay manghilak ang mga insik

  10. #50

    Default Re: 7.5% GDP growth? dream on!

    Quote Originally Posted by baby_grace
    Foreign firms recognized the improvement in our economy. The government did not make up the figures just to get a good impression from the people. It's not actually true that what the stats show is far different from the actual situations in the streets and in the slums. It's just that those people have been in that situation for so long, even before the time of the incumbent leader. The thing is, these people are to blame, in part, because they failed to grab the opportunities to alleviate their condition. For example, the government (whoever was the President) has constantly addressed the perennial problem of lack of jobs. If Juan does not grab the opportunity to find a job, he will not feel the effects of the improving state of the economy.
    foreign firms? kinsa, kanang nangabuso sa atong labor force? mao diay noh?

    People to be blame? pirme na lang! If Juan did not go to a University, it's hopeless gor him to find a well paying job in the Philippines! Wake up dude!

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