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  1. #41

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Doctors who are open minded about natural healing are NOT dumb.

  2. #42

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Don't you know doctors often travel to other countries to study some new techniques/procedures with the latest equipment... which are available in Cebu?(<- I know this kay I was at the opening of the new wing sa CHH of course I was not hesitant to ask) or mag conference sila with doctors nationwide and international to discuss the advances in medicine? How do I know this I have several family members (Manila and Cebu) that are doctors. Maybe residents which is usually by the book ang katong imong ka atbang?
    Nice for you bro that you have relatives who are physicians, may I ask bro who funded those international travels for the doctors? Own pockets?

  3. #43

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Ako na gi removed. Sorry for the delay.

    This baffled me. Ako first posts with links to my blog the past months were not reprimanded. Some moderators even moved them without any warning. Then I posted this provoking article, ug duna nag lagot, nag comment about spamming.

    What if taga GMA diay sila no.

    Anyway, I submit to your rule even if it's an unfair one.

    Quote Originally Posted by salbahis View Post
    dong kabasa ka ani?

    you are ignoring a warning from mods... and yet you persisted.... i dont care about your opinion... just follow the simple fckin rules... you were able to reply 9:31 this morning and yet you haven't heed the warning... i think you have problem of comprehension.... we only have the privilege to post and share our thoughts but we are not entitled to violate rules... i made violations and paid for it, atleast i tried not to do it again... you on the other hand persists...

    and please stop using the argument nga similar sa GMA nga post.... lahi to dong kay ang nag post dili taga GMA... ikaw imoha man nang website...

  4. #44

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Quote Originally Posted by porbidaman View Post
    Nice for you bro that you have relatives who are physicians, may I ask bro who funded those international travels for the doctors? Own pockets?

    Also, who funds the doctor national or international conferences?

  5. #45

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    so kung dumb ang doctors...mas dumb sad cguro ang mo.ad2 nila nga tuo mn kaha ka TS nga dumb ang mga doctors?

  6. #46
    C.I.A. Peenut's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Who am I going to?

    1. Some doctors who are open minded about natural healing.
    2. Youtube. Watch videos of some doctors such as Dr. Max Gerson.
    3. Myself.
    4. My mother.
    5. I eat fruits and vegetables. Minimize meat.
    ni contradict naka bro... ALL man kaha so ngano naa paman SOME?

  7. #47
    C.I.A. Dorothea's Avatar
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    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    basin quack doctors, witch doctors? LOL

  8. #48

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!


    along - all the time or over a period of time; "She had known all along"; "the hope had been there all along"

    all along - definition of all along by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. ( not my site)

  9. #49

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    TS, forum man ni. Mag-expect gyud ka nga naa’y interaction from forum members kung naa ka i-post diri. Unya dili sad unta ta mo-expect nga mo-uyon tanan tawo sa atong opinion. Mi-present ka sa imong side, dawata sad ang opinion sa uban. Kung ga-apas ka nga mo-widen imong knowledge on cancer treatment, mo-benefit gyud ka sa ikapuno nga ideas sa uban diri sa forums. Kung ga-apas ka nga imo lang ipahungaw imong gibati nga disgust over a situation, unta andam ka modawat nga dili tanan tawo pareha ug sentiment nimo. Be open-minded here.

  10. #50

    Default Re: Doctors are Dumb All Along!

    Quote Originally Posted by doraexplorer View Post
    I BEG TO DISAGREE THAT DOCTORS IN CEBU ARE INEXPERIENCED! AND THAT Manila Doctors are better you are just as DUMB as the TS!!! We don't need to point out why coz if you are an INTELLIGENT person as you think you are you would know. But unfortunate for you, you dont seem to be. I even think you and the TS are the same person.
    You know Bro, i know a lot of stories that are true and reality that is happening to Cebu Doctors and I am not in any relation to the thread starter. ...... you know bro ... I'm posting based on my experience with the Doctors...

    Are you 1 of the Doctors in Cebu .... ? Why are you so Hurt ...?

    Its true that Doctors in Cebu are knowledgeable to based on the past on what they graduated
    and they did NOT renew their knowledge to the New findings and trends to today world of medicine.

    I think the Licenses for Doctor should be RENEW by the Gov't every year
    to prove their capabilities of curing patients.

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