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  1. #41

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    dapat nag mga politicians magkahiusa, kana silang rama og iyang mga councilors di magkasinabot gani. tsk

  2. #42

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    it all starts from the top....... when i say TOP, i mean the President and his minions..


    To serve with a sense of FILIPINO pride.

    Sometimes, I wish China would create WW3 and would bring destruction to our country, strip us of our humanity, pride and a sense of identity. That the US and other allies would not help or abandon us during these times.

    What do you think would happen to us? Of course, start from scratch.

  3. #43

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    The Philippines needs to have a structural macroeconomic, cultural, and especially political reforms in order to maintain the recent economic stability of our country.

    Our current economic growth is unsustainable if we continue to rely too much on OFW remittances instead of encouraging more investments in our domestic economy like more job opportunities for millions of unemployed Filipinos, improving our infrastructure, and strengthening our national defense.

    To encourage more investments in our economy instead of relying on OFW remittances and BPO revenues, we need to amend the 1987 constitution and allow 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) participation at all economic sectors in our domestic economy instead of limiting them to 40% and find a local partner who is rich enough to front the 60% (only few locals can afford to front 60% of a large-scale foreign investments that's the reason most large-scale foreign investment in Southeast Asia goes to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Cambodia where foreign investors can invest 100% from their own capital and can own what they invest).

    To spread our economic gains not just in Metro Manila, we need to decentralize our form of governance like shifting from unitary to federal form of governance where the provinces or regions are the one who will manage the economic, cultural, and political policies of a specific province or region.

    To assure an efficient governance from the top and to fasten the implementation of laws, we need to shift from the current presidential to parliamentary form of government where the Head of State (the President what I mean) should have only the ceremonial position while the real duty of governing the nation should be vested to the Parliament led by a Prime Minister and his/her Ministries as the current system ensures conflict between the executive and the legislative branch.

    By implementing these three economic and political reforms, we could achieve a better Philippines which has a strong, prosperous, and sustainable country in a long-run.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    i suggest kina iya sa gma tao. ky maskin nindot kaayo ang atong palibut kung dili kahibaw mo amping ang mga tao ana, aw, mahulog ra gihapon na sa wala.

    like take for example, giap dak-an ang kanal, pero pataka lang gihapon og labay ang mga tao sa ilang basura.w alay disiplina. ang ending, baha gihapon.

    kanang dalan sa p. del rosario ext ai. bag-o pa gi ayo, guba na sd. dako kaayo ang lungag. wala jud gitabunan og balik. luoy ang sakyanan.

  5. #45

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    Ilisan ang crab mentality nato sa turtle mentality............

  6. #46

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    Quote Originally Posted by bleedingboi View Post
    Instead of 24 Senators, make it only two or three. They use up a lot of space, a lot of government funds and a lot of publicity.
    kung inana, mas maayo na lang siguro unicameral na lang ang atoa legislative branch, mura ra og wala na ang 2-3 senators para sa upper house. dayon i-restructure ang house of the representatives, per province na lang para gamay na lang ang mga congressmans, nya tangtangon ang pork barrel per congressman, nya ideretso na lang sa budget sa probinsya ang budget para sa pork barrel.

  7. #47

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    Quote Originally Posted by monroy View Post
    It's no just the Senators, it's the mayors and congressmen too:

    New York - 10 million people - 1 mayor
    Shanghai - 12 million people - 1 mayor
    Metro Manila - 11 million people - 17 mayors

    Inefficiency by the numbers

    Federal system, Republic of Cebu
    I totally agree with federal system, pero with RoC, I still have to think about it.hehe

  8. #48
    C.I.A. lhorenzoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    have to elect an honest to goodness public servant that is not beholden to anyone but the is a very tall order to improve our beloved philippines but we must all act now so as to bring genuine change so that our country will improve.

  9. #49

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    change the govt

  10. #50

    Default Re: Things to improve in the Philippines. What are they?

    Quote Originally Posted by whiteKelso View Post
    change the govt
    to communism? hehe

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