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  1. #41

    Default why did God create evil?

    kong gusto og equlibrium ang ginoo nano di man ta niya ipabuhat ang evil... and god aready knows kong onsa ta na clasi na tao. nano i test paman ta niya?

  2. #42

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by gareb
    GOD does not exist.

    he is but a concept that people of long ago used to explain what was happening around them. later, the concept of the divinity and the supernatural was used to build foundations of civility and society by illiciting certain mores, norms and laws ( ponder upon and read articles concerning religion and mysticism's evolution )

    GOOD and EVIL are but terms that are relative to a certain human condition's need.

    good is but a concept of what is beneficial. evil is labelled to those which are detrimental. chickens will label humanity's eating of chickens as "evil" but humans will not do so.

    how fortunate that the chickens cannot.
    exactly. such big words to ponder on what you said. what i agree is the first statement. if God is love then why did he create evil that brings chaos and animosity among his worthless creatures? isnt it enough that love would flourished the garden of eden (kanang cheese ba! hehe!). moreover, a debate or exchange of ideas when the topic is about god doesnt end on one point. there will always be speculations on the ending you might want to have. on the other note, even theologians would say that the first book which is Genesis, in which the story of creation was written was a mere myth. care to believe or not? how can one person write a whole story of creation when in that writing, humans came on the later part. how did he know that thunder, mountains etc. were created before him? probable answer would be..."because he was given the talent of seeing the past or god has given him the will" what a big BS that is! some would say that the bible is the word of god. correct? blah! false! read the bible and youll find tons of loopholes that even the church is denying whether those discrepancies did actually took place or what.

    *just my buslot 5 centavo thought on this matter... no offense on those that are reading and taking this seriously..*

  3. #43

    Default why did God create evil?

    Well here's my whole peso

    I'm just gonna add a few points i've been thinkin about.

    1. God created everything from nothingness.
    2. God is good.
    3. All of God's creations are considered good.
    4. Evil is the exact opposite of good ergo defining it.
    5. Could it be that God inadvertently created evil?
    6. God does not make mistakes - which rules out 5.

    this is the line --------- cross it. i dare you

  4. #44

    Default why did God create evil?

    of course he does not commit mistakes he is beyond mistake..

    but the question is why did he create evil?...

  5. #45

    Default why did God create evil?

    evil leads to suffering... without suffering, there is no compassion...without dakness there is no point for you to find light....

  6. #46

    Default why did God create evil?

    Asking why God does what He does will never be answered? Even if He decides to answer our questions we still won't be able to understand. Imagine squeezing an infinite amount of info into one's brain.
    this is the line --------- cross it. i dare you

  7. #47
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    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zerone_null
    Well here's my whole peso

    I'm just gonna add a few points i've been thinkin about.

    1. God created everything from nothingness.
    2. God is good.
    3. All of God's creations are considered good.
    4. Evil is the exact opposite of good ergo defining it.
    5. Could it be that God inadvertently created evil?
    6. God does not make mistakes - which rules out 5.

    I TOTALLY AGREE!!!! I am glad to know you are one of those people who thinks and feel THINGS THAT ARE REAL...

    FAITH: The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen..clearly you have this one...

    your point no. 2 said that God is good..I do agree with that..Well, God is good...All the time!!!...

  8. #48

    Default why did God create evil?


    If God had a name, what would it be?
    And would you call it to his face?
    If you were faced with Him, in all His glory
    What would you ask, if you had just one question?
    And yeah, yeah, God is great
    Yeah, yeah, God is good
    yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
    What if God was one of us?
    Just a slob, like one of us
    Just a stranger on the bus
    Tryin' to make his way home?
    If God had a face, what would it look like?
    And would you want to see if, seeing meant
    That you would have to believe, in things like heaven
    And in Jesus and the saints, and all the prophets?
    Tryin' to make his way home?
    Back up to heaven all alone
    Nobody calling on the phone
    'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome

  9. #49

    Default why did God create evil?

    Yep, faith..

    Bitch_adrienne: hehehe classic
    this is the line --------- cross it. i dare you

  10. #50

    Default why did God create evil?

    God is the embodiment of all that is good. He never created evil. When Lucifer chose his path of darkness he did it out of his own free will and accord. God allowed him to do so(and in so doing swayed some of his angel brethen to his side) because he wanted them to repent and see the error of their ways. However, as they say "Pride cometh before the fall. Nevertheless, Lucifer would not repent up until now; God could easily eradicate him and his kin out of sheer existance and memory by His very whim alone; however, in His omnipotence He still keeps his doors open. For mercy can still be afforded to anyone, ,even for him who is "the" most foul of all.

    Evil exist in the world not because God put it there. Evil is the consequence of His creations actions. He allows us to do so for he is not a slave driver who would impose His will upon his creations. And in so doing we would be mere puppets. This defies the idea of creation which I am convinced was spurned out of His everlasting love.

    And if we look at man. Remember in the bookl of Genesis. Man was created perfect; a reflection of God's goodness. However, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge and wisdom we changed radically. From that point on we are capable of both infinite good or despicably, monstrous evil. Whatever we choose is up to us. But there are consequences for each action.(karma) Evil, I am ever conviced, exist so we will learn in this life. For when those brief moments of enlightenment comes it becomes sweeter when put in contrast. We become better people and we grow not just emotionally but spiritually.

    Have a fabulous day to everyone who reads this....cheers.

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