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  1. #41

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    asus! friend daw o! sakpan na ka uy. you're talking about your own situation. can't bear to admit your katan*ahan mao pa friend friend pa kuno.

    As everyone is saying here, "caveat emptor" buyers beware! imong nang sala!

  2. #42

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    just my personal opinion:

    without considering the contract that was not signed yet they were already paying for it..
    for me, it is only unfair if they changed the price per area..but in this case that the survey result has the error, then i think its fair for aboitizland to ask for a payment for the undeclared parcel of land. i don't think aboitizland is imposing a new rate because of the factors that includes nice place, corner lot, and the likes.. my understanding here is they are just asking what it is theirs..i don't believe na nimintaha ni ang aboitizland but simply asking the cost of the unsurveyed area.. for me, it just fair.. give it to pedro what is due to pedro..

  3. #43

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    This is the reason why I don't buy properties from developers I always go with properties sold by owners because you will be dealing with one person only. Your friend should file a complaint and try to get his money. Did he try talking to the higher ups? I don't know why aboitiz is willing to take this kind of risk for such a small amount based on the size of their company. Don't they know they are losing more with this transaction, one they lost you as a customer then they know you will discourage any of your friends from buying from them, then your friends will tell their other friends who will also tell their other friends.

    Word of the mouth is the best form of advertising. This should be the guiding principle in every business.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    OT. Wow... sakita pud nimo manulti uy...

    Quote Originally Posted by brian_d
    asus! friend daw o! sakpan na ka uy. you're talking about your own situation. can't bear to admit your katan*ahan mao pa friend friend pa kuno.

    As everyone is saying here, "caveat emptor" buyers beware! imong nang sala!

  5. #45

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    The analogy to this is somebody is buying a sack of rice with the assumption and agreement nga 50kilos ang sulod, he placed his order and paid a downpayment but then he was told by the seller ng 60kilos diay ang naa sa sako dili 50kilos so momahal ang price. then ang ning palit dili na man ganahan sa increase so kuhaon na lang niya iyang downpayment apan karon 50% na lang ang iuli sa seller. kinsa na man insakto ani nila? the fact remains nga dili sala sa buyer kay ang seller man ang niingon nga 50kilos ra ang sulod. You can only make the customer pay if he just changed his mind without any changes sa agreement. Unsa na may consumer protection ani nga pabor man tanan sa seller ang condition sa contract. In this scenario, I think fair pa man gani nga iuli ang money, plus interest just to keep the customer in good faith.

  6. #46

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by bisdakgyud
    The analogy to this is somebody is buying a sack of rice with the assumption and agreement nga 50kilos ang sulod, he placed his order and paid a downpayment but then he was told by the seller ng 60kilos diay ang naa sa sako dili 50kilos so momahal ang price. then ang ning palit dili na man ganahan sa increase so kuhaon na lang niya iyang downpayment apan karon 50% na lang ang iuli sa seller. kinsa na man insakto ani nila? the fact remains nga dili sala sa buyer kay ang seller man ang niingon nga 50kilos ra ang sulod. You can only make the customer pay if he just changed his mind without any changes sa agreement. Unsa na may consumer protection ani nga pabor man tanan sa seller ang condition sa contract. In this scenario, I think fair pa man gani nga iuli ang money, plus interest just to keep the customer in good faith.
    Very correct analogy!

  7. #47

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    Dong brian_d, real estate agent nang commision sad diay kas Aboitizland dong? dako man diay kag halin diha no? palit nya kog yuta nimo ha? what I am trying to question here is the process the way Aboitizland deals with its customer.. it could happen to you, me and anybody.. if Aboitizland value its customer then they should listen to them.. I'm not making up foolish stories here.. ask Andoni's management team so that you can help them address their loopholes I know that they wanted to please its clients.. mau bitaw na they were sent to the MBA school in Boston to be competitive in solving problems.. but for this simple customer service problem di ko believe nila.. this thread is sharing the bad experience and trying to remind people to demand a written contract maski pa known developer pa na like in this case it's Aboizland.

    @bisdakgyud good analogy bro :mrgreen: I think mau na we have the Philippine government naa agency to protect kuno the consumers but not that effective to implement its function and laws... sus ug sa US pa ni nahitabo suspended na na sila karon because the federal government has strong protection to its consumers... like for example if you buy a consumer product or services in walmart or best buy etc and you will return the product because you are not happy with it then they will refund the full amount (must be within the return policy of the company).. no questions ask else if the buyer will bring to court then it will cost them more money to compromise.

  8. #48

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    @rance: did you try telling your experience to a higher ranking officials of aboitizland? i don't think dili pud ka nila masabtan bai.. tell your story lng..

  9. #49

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    nindot ni nga discussion brad... unsa namay dagan sa complain sa imong migo against them?

  10. #50

    Default Re: Aboitizland: Ethical or Not?

    comments are open

  11.    Advertisement

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