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  1. #41

    Carbohydrates in Pet Food ( source : Petcurean )
    Aug 16, '07 1:33 PM

    Gelatination of starches allow for better utilization

    Carbohydrates in some form are necessary in commercial pet foods. However the type, and amount may vary. In the past, it would not be a surprise to find a pet food with upwards of 70% carbohydrates, with the remaining ingredients being plant based proteins and fiber. However. currently you have many choices regarding the level of carbohydrate in the food you choose.

    There are three types of carbohydrates:

    - Starch ( also known as complex carbohydrates)

    - Sugar

    - Fiber (sometimes referred to as filler)

    Carbohydrates supply energy equal in value to protein, but are a more easily accessible energy source. If these carbohydrates are not available, fats will be used, and in some cases such as a “no grain” diet, protein be used.

    Digestibility of carbohydrates depend on varying factors, one being quality, the other being processing. There is little distinction between the digestibility of different carbohydrate sources, however decreasing the size of any given carbohydrate to a fine grind increases digestibility.

    Using extrusion in processing of carbohydrates allows for digestion to occur in the upper gut, instead of traveling farther where digestive upset may occur.

    The latest development in the pet food industry is the ability to make pet food using carbohydrate sources that are not grain, but rather legumes, potatoes, pumpkins etc. This is particularly beneficial with food allergies where the grain source has not been identified, and possibly in the case of diabetes.
    Last edited by Ironwood_Cebu; 08-17-2009 at 07:07 AM.

  2. #42
    question, C.O.D. ni sya or you also accept other mode of payment?

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by snake_eye View Post
    question, C.O.D. ni sya or you also accept other mode of payment?
    as of now COD pa ta sir.. but we are negotiating for credit card payments with a bank right now... para mas accessible sa uban

  4. #44

  5. #45
    that would be great...just keep up updated...

  6. #46
    finally, ive been waiting for this dogfood to be available here sa Cebu.. I'll check my dogs food supply later when I get home and get one If they need it. Question lang, what do you mean about the reduced mealing proportions for this one compared to the other dog food? Applicable ni sya sa mga medium and large size breeds? Currently kasi I feed them (husky and retriever) about 1.5 cups of Orijen per meal (3x a day) and that hurts alot in the pocket (pero makaya pa hehee).

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by menatsu View Post
    finally, ive been waiting for this dogfood to be available here sa Cebu.. I'll check my dogs food supply later when I get home and get one If they need it. Question lang, what do you mean about the reduced mealing proportions for this one compared to the other dog food? Applicable ni sya sa mga medium and large size breeds? Currently kasi I feed them (husky and retriever) about 1.5 cups of Orijen per meal (3x a day) and that hurts alot in the pocket (pero makaya pa hehee).

    first sir, ang Go! Natural has one formulation, one dog food for all stages, for all breeds... so we dog owners dont have to worry which type of food at a particular life stage ato ipakaon sa ato mga doggies...

    second, based sa serving instructions at the back of the packaging niya, up to 40% less kani siya per serving compared to other brands... reason behind this is that Go! Natural Dog foods is the first dry pet food that provides concentrated forms of energy (metabolized energy) which is needed to meet your pet's daily energy requirements so they will eat less while getting even more nutritious goodness in every bite.

    mao ng ang 1month supply sa ubang brands, more or less 2 months sa ato

  8. #48
    @menatsu, sir answered your pm already. thanks

  9. #49
    thanks! I might try the Salmon one next week.. ive tried chicken based dog foods kasi eh though not with Go Nat. Do you deliver or personally mi muadto para mupalit? thanks.

  10. #50
    Senior Member
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    May 2005
    wow thanks for this ad bro. interested ko mu buy sa grain free for my tzu and maltese pups. akong tzu pilian kaau ug dogfood, napul-an na tingali sa orijen. plan ko mu switch kay sayangan sd ko dili niya kan.on usahay. will try this nya. wen imo next shipping bro?

    and musell sa ka ug canned food under this brand?

    thanks !

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