@xoxo thanks that's very inspiring!
actually, the girl has already broke up with that crack-head junky and she got married with another guy they are both now in Dubai. Which I think is good for her, I forgot to mention that last April weeks before she left Dubai she contacted me and so I responded and met her, I asked the reason for meeting me. She said "I wanted to check how you're doing after all these years and I want to know if you're ok and I want to make peace with you and wants us to be friends" wow! I was amazed finally she realized it was all her mistake.
I'm the kind of person who doesn't keep grudges to someone and I know it's hard on her part for the guilt she's carrying, so I told her "forget the past, we're young then and what we did was the best we have from our level of knowledge that time, you have a family now and it's best for you to focus on new married life"
I think she realized everything because I'm the one who send her to school, and I stopped college for 2yrs and work fulltime only to support her because we have an agreement that after she graduates she will send me back to school and let me finish college. But it was a big mistake, after graduation she left and went wild. Anyway that's the past, I'm just telling you guys a bit of infos from the past , God willing I finish college when we broke up and survived on my own. =)
As I've said I'm doing fine now, I'm working in an IT company, I'm a senior programmer. I live life to the fullest now. But as I have mentioned in the previous posts, our pasts sometimes lingers in our mind. =)