@ Lindsay - you are so right about that; I too have kids (Girls) 8 & 5 years old. I always ask my 8 year old "Honey, would you leave us when you turn 18?" She said..no Dad. And you know what; I recorded it. I know its wishful thinking that I want them to stay w/ me till Im gone in this world. But Like what Lindsay said, One day they'll leave & start a Life of their own. I am really making most of our time Together. Every weekend we go out, We go on bike trails, watch movies, We play together w/ her Gamecube, Go to Theme Parks etc..etc..
Nothing that beats a hard days work & traffic w/ a greeting from my kids. As soon as they hear my Truck rolls in the garrage; they'll be laying an ambush & jump on me & greet me w/ Hugs & Kisses.
@Omad - Stay Strong Bro; Your Life right now is the same as my Father. He went to greener pastures during the 70's...Business was not good as well. I sometimes hear my Mother Crying @ the middle of the night. And I ask her, Are you alright? She just say...I missed your Father. But my Mother always infrom us that...My main man is away so that we could have a comfortable Life.