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  1. #41

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    para mas dali cguro sir ost nlg the prices of diff variants..
    suggestion lng

  2. #42

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Later na lang ko mag post bai as soon as nia na ang fish diri sa Cebu para more convenient sa inyo... Daghan lage ma turn off sa bayronon sa shipment... anyways update lang unya ko hehehe

  3. #43

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    crisis bai. hehehehe ang 500 pwede na balik balik sa jollibee.

  4. #44

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Mao pud lage hehehe... Pero if determined jud ka then why not... Anyways unya na lang ta ana inig abot na ang isda diri hehehehe. Mao ka paet ani pinas oi ky archipelago... convince pa nko Dumloy Betta Club nga ipadala na lang ila stocks dri ky ila president taga Cebu man iya papa so tig anhian ra... Tanawa unya bai, mka suya ila mga isda oi, nag tinabangay rba pud ang mga boang regarding culture ug livefoods then trade2x ila stocks to reduce incest hehehe... Nia pa meeting2x... Mka suya bya pud... Nia petshop sa Hawaii cge order nila Bettas then ga mass breeding program na sila... Anyways update lang nya ko kung nia na...hehehehe

  5. #45

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Naka basa lang ko ani sa bettaclubphils... Murag helpful and informative man hehehe... Post lang nako...

    "I've been keeping bettas since I was 12 years old, so you could say I'm hooked on them. After all, what other fish has all the appeal of aggressiveness, variety, ease of care & outright beauty? Over the years I've learned (sometimes through hard ways) the do's & dont's in acquiring & showing bettas and I'd like to impart some of it to the newbies, so that the hobby they start progresses into an addiction instead of fizzling out. In no particular order, this is what 21 years has taught me...

    1. Buy a fish that you want, even if it turns out to be a bit more expensive. You do not want to go home with another fish that you substituted just for the sake of bringing something home and saving some cash.

    2. Seriously think about breeding the fish. I've wasted a lot of money on fish I just "displayed" at home. If the fish has a female mate available, take it.

    3. For those who aspire to join the show circuit, invest on good fish. There are some instances where you may find a prized catch among the pet store fish, but more often than not these are nothing more than pets. The general rule is: good fish are not cheap; cheap fish are not good.

    4. Buy from reputable traders & sellers. These people have genuine concern for the fish they sell and while their prices might be a bit higher, it usually translates into the care & maintainance they put on the fish (good food, frequent water change, general quality of the fish they import). Beware of people who are loud and readily crow about their achievements (eg. I bred/imported so & so's fish who went on to bag first place...). These people usually compensate for the inferior quality of their fish by conjuring up stories that are totally ludicrous. Reputable traders will also tend to be more helpful to newbies & it is not uncommon for them to hand out freebies to "suki" buyers.

    5. Do not binge or impulse buy just to fill up that empty tank in your barracks. you will most probably end up with a fish you will regret buying in the first place.

    6. Do not neglect the fish you have at home. I've seen many a good betta wither away because of negligence. Do not be frustrated by death or disease either. It's part of owning a living thing. If it dies, move on. Think of it as an extra tank you can fill when the next great fish comes along. If it's sick, either try to save it by treating it or try to relieve him of his misery quickly. Never let them waste away. Invest in medication as well.

    7. Do not overwhelm yourself with acquiring more than you can care for. At one point I needed help from two maids just to clean the damn army of fish I had. Now it's a managable smattering of bettas I really like.

    8. If you breed, culling is a neccessity. Life's like that. Choose the fish you think has potential, and give away or cull the rest. There is no sense being surrounded by a hundred jars filled with less than spectacular fish.

    9. If you show or are planning to, do not create unneccessary animosity by criticizing someone else's fishes openly, nor should you criticize your own fish. The former may get you in a heap of trouble, the latter will get you ridiculed for doubting your own entries. Be humble in victory, gracious in defeat.

    10. Enjoy the fish that YOU have. It's a hobby, not a career. Some people go to great lengths of acquiring the most expensive fish for showing, only to consign it to a jar if it doesn't win.

    Remember, a hobby isn't fun anymore if it becomes a chore....

    hope this helps, and please feel free to add on to this if you have any more experiences... "

  6. #46

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish


    nindot pud ang betta buhion.Low mentainance.hehe!

  7. #47

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Quote Originally Posted by stonesour

    nindot pud ang betta buhion.Low mentainance.hehe!
    Not to mention friggin' gorgeous!!! hehehe

  8. #48

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    mao, dili kas space kay dili kinahanglan dako tanks.. Kung magshift ko lain fish ako buhion betta. By that time nakabreed na cguro ka ana diri.anha lang ko palit nimo.hehe!

    diba dili man suitable sa hardwater ang betta bro?

  9. #49

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    Bettas thrive in softwater coz labyrinth fishes na cla bai, meaning they take oxygen directly from the surface... In fact it is ALWAYS suggested to add dried Talisay leaf to your Betta tank to soften the water and lower the PH since it would be beneficial to the Bettas for added vitality, immune system, as well as to induce spawning. Mind you, Bettas actually prefer slightly acidic water...

    Anyways HalfmoonPlakats being offered by Dumloy Betta Club of Davao Kelsonbetta lines... 450-500php/fish to those really interested... Females tend to cost more for practical reasons...

    Solid colors:
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]
    [img width=500 height=375][/img]

  10. #50

    Default Re: Betta Splendens a.k.a Siamese Fighting Fish

    i think talisay leaves lowers the PH, corect. but it softens the water, not harden hope same ta ug pasabot sa harden peace :mrgreen:

    updae nya sa imu stocks pag ma abot sir

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