View Poll Results: ARE WE ALONE in the UNIVERSE?

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  • YES

    23 16.79%
  • NO

    114 83.21%
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  1. #41

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    [img width=500 height=371][/img]

    Here is additional info on the concept of GOD, Aliens and The Universe:

    There is no statement in the Bible which says that Earth is the only place where God saw fit to create life. The fact is that God has created angels and they are very different than are we, so we know that the creation of beings other than ourselves is a certainty, and the existence of other physical beings certainly has to be held out as a possibility. If life is discovered on Mars or on one of Jupiter's moons, it will have no biblical consequence. Religious people have made the mistake in the past of making something that has no biblical connection an issue. There were those at the start of the twentieth century that said man would never fly. These folks would use passages like Acts 17:26 (KJV) which say "God has appointed the bounds of man and the limits of his habitation" to justify their view that man would never get off the ground. That might seem silly to us, but we need to understand that statements about life in space are of the same nature and have no biblical base.

    The Bible addresses itself to man and to man's needs. When John 3:16 tells about God's love, its object is man and that is who the message of the Bible is to. If there are other beings who are like us in any way, they may have a similar message that is for them. It is highly unlikely (given the distances that exist in space) that we will ever know if there is life out there, but even meeting a Mr. Spock or ET would not invalidate the Bible or the teachings of Jesus Christ or His sacrifice on the cross.

    ....AND what is Genesis chapter six all about?”

    For those not up to speed on the Old Testament, this part of the creation story deals with a category of creatures called “the Nephilim”, a non-human race (sometimes referred to as the "giants") that apparently inhabited the Earth around the time Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

    Personally, I think that GOD loves all His creations and thus, he gave us these commandments which is for our (mankind) benefit AND will help us in our evolution into becoming a more advanced and intelligent race. The more spiritual we are, the more we understand the truth, and the better this civilization will turn out to be. \m/ai

  2. #42

    Default You believe UFOs have been visiting Cebu?

    Recently an apparent fleet of UFOs was seen over Minglanilla. I remember that a similar sighting was made in Mexico City. What do you think of the news item? What do you think of UFOs in general?

  3. #43

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    The Following are excerpts taken from the news article Nine Planets Become 12 with Controversial New Definition by Robert Roy Britt, Senior Science Writer of Posted Wed Aug 16, 2:00 AM ET
    Online source:

    The tally of planets in our solar system would jump instantly to a dozen under a highly controversial new definition proposed by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

    Eventually there would be hundreds as more round objects are found beyond Neptune.

    The proposal, which sources tell is gaining broad support, tries to plug a big gap in astronomy textbooks, which have never had a definition for the word "planet." It addresses discoveries of Pluto-sized worlds that have in recent years pitched astronomers into heated debates over terminology.

    The asteroid Ceres, which is round, would be recast as a dwarf planet in the new scheme.

    Pluto would remain a planet and its moon Charon would be reclassified as a planet. Both would be called "plutons," however, to distinguish them from the eight "classical" planets.

    A far-out Pluto-sized object known as 2003 UB313 would also be called a pluton.

    That would make Caltech researcher Mike Brown, who found 2003 UB313, formally the discoverer of the 12th planet. But he thinks it's a lousy idea.

    "It's flattering to be considered discoverer of the 12th planet," Brown said in a telephone interview. He applauded the committee's efforts but said the overall proposal is "a complete mess." By his count, the definition means there are already 53 known planets in our solar system with countless more to be discovered.

    Brown and other another expert said the proposal, to be put forth Wednesday at the IAU General Assembly meeting in Prague, is not logical. For example, Brown said, it does not make sense to consider Ceres and Charon planets and not call our Moon (which is bigger than both) a planet.

    Asteroid Ceres, since it is round, would be considered a planet. Interestingly, Ceres was called a planet when first discovered in 1801, then reclassified. It is just 578 miles in diameter, compared to 1,430 for Pluto and 7,926 for Earth.

    And if astronomers determine that asteroids Pallas, Vesta, and Hygeia are also round, "they will also have to be considered planets," said Owen Gingerich, an historian and astronomer emeritus at Harvard who led the committee. The IAU proposal suggests (but does not require) that these be called dwarf planets. Pluto could also be considered a dwarf, which the IAU recommends as an informal label.

    Given all the nuances in the definition, a dozen other objects would be put on an IAU list of "candidate planets" which, upon further study, might bring the tally of planets in our solar system to 24.

    Eventually the inventory of planets would soar.

    Stern, the New Horizons mission leader, said there could be "hundreds and maybe a thousand" objects in our solar system that are at least as big as Pluto. That's fine with him. "This is what we do as scientists. You discover new things, you adapt to new facts."

  4. #44

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    yes i believe there are other life forms out there, outside of our own solar system, galaxy etc etc...

  5. #45

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

  6. #46

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    Nestled in the most inhospitable desert mountains just north of Las Vegas, Nevada
    ~ the alleged source of the famous black helicopters, cattle mutilations and Men in Black ~
    civilian workers are shuttled daily in generic jets and busses, with blacked out windows.

    Some speculate that revealing the existence and purpose of Area 51 was intentional,
    a distraction away from other bases ~ and for some even darker political reasons.

    [img width=500 height=451][/img]

    courtesy of the latest google earth BETA 4!

  7. #47
    Elite Member gilbz's Avatar
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    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    suggested book regarding the roswell incident which was written by an insider...the person who personally handled and managed the black projects that "reverse engineered" the artifacts that were recovered from the roswell crash. the projects that ushered into the development of various gadgets / devices that we are very much familiar today:

  8. #48

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    Ahhhh we're going to get invaded!!! NOOOO!!!

  9. #49
    Elite Member gilbz's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?


    The most well-known alien invasion scenarios involve the aliens landing on Earth, destroying or abducting people, fighting and defeating Earth's military forces, and then destroying Earth's major cities. Usually the bulk of the story follows the battles between the invaders and Earth's armies, as in The War of the Worlds. However, not all alien invasion stories follow this plot. In some accounts, the alien invaders will covertly subvert human society using disguises, shapechanging, or human allies. In other depictions, the aliens score an overwhelming victory over humanity and the bulk of the story occurs after the aliens have taken over. Sometimes, the aliens do not come from space, but from another dimension. And in some fiction, the invaders may not actually be aliens, but demonic creatures.

    Alien infiltration has been a familiar variation on the alien invasion theme. In the infiltration scenario, the invaders will typically take human form and can move freely throughout human society, even to the point of taking control of command positions. This type of invasion usually emphasizes paranoid fears and was very common during the Cold War, with the Communist agents suspected everywhere, but has also become common in during any time of social change and unrest. The classic examples of this would be Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the gradual evolution of humans to `hybrid' aliens in TV's `Invasion', Invader Zim, Robert A. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters and the John W. Campbell, Jr. short story, Who Goes There?, which was made into 1951 Howard Hawks film The Thing from Another World, with a more faithful adaptation being made by John Carpenter in 1982 as The Thing.

    Alien occupation can occur in many invasion stories. In short, the alien invaders win and occupy Earth or human civilization, at least until a human resistance overthrows the aliens and/or their puppet governments. Many occupation stories are influenced by the real human invasions by totalitarian governments, such as Nazi Germany, in which the alien invaders support existing human government infrastructures that welcome their new alien overlords or purge opposition governments and rebuild them in their own image and the enforcement of their rule through the use of collaborators and secret police. Examples of life under alien occupation can be seen in the TV series V and John Christopher's book series, The Tripods.

    Alien raids are short-term alien invasions. The aliens are incapable of supporting a large-scale invasion due to small numbers and instead use the shock of their arrival to inspire terror. Other stories following this line of reasoning would have the alien invaders conducting reconnaissance and probing raids on the Earth's population and especially their military forces. Also, the invaders will try to choose isolated spots, such as the desert or farmlands of rural America, as a staging area or landing zone. This type of plotline provides a better possibility of small groups, like local police and military, or even ordinary civilians, the ability to repulse the invaders and return to normal life after the event. Because of budget constraints, this variation was fairly common in the 1950s science fiction B-movies, such as It Came from Outer Space, Teenagers From Outer Space, and Plan 9 From Outer Space. It also appears in the film Signs.

    The theme of beneficial alien invasion has also been explored in fiction on the rare occasion. With this type of story, the invaders, in a kind of little green man's burden, colonize the planet in an effort to spread their culture and "civilize" the indigenous "barbaric" inhabitants or secretly watch and aid earthlings saving them from themselves. The former theme shares many traits with hostile occupation fiction, but the invaders tend to view the occupied peoples as students or equals rather than subjects and slaves. The latter theme of secret watcher is a paternalistic/maternalistic theme. In this fiction, the aliens intervene in human affairs to prevent them from destroying themselves, such as Klaatu and Gort in The Day The Earth Stood Still warning the leaders of Earth to abandon their warlike ways and join other space-faring civilizations else that they will destroy themselves or be destroyed by their interstellar union. Other examples of a beneficial alien invasion are Gene Roddenberry's The Questor Tapes movie and his 1968 Assignment: Earth (TOS episode) Star Trek episode, Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End, the anime and novel series Crest of the Stars and David Brin's Uplift series of books.

    Another conception of the alien invasion theme is a demonic alien invasion, in which the invaders are Biblical or religious-inspired demonic beings, who infiltrate the Earth, attack mankind, take over human society (disguised as humans themselves) and make war upon the saints, fulfilling the events described in the Book of Revelation or another religious prophecy, occasionally invented for the story itself. The Doom computer game series and the hentai series Legend of the Overfiend both follow this concept. The novel Childhood's End may be viewed as a form of demonic alien invasion, because of the Overlords' devilish appearances.

    Occasionally, two or more themes can be used as a combination. For example, the aliens may first infiltrate society secretly, then, after gaining human trust, they will suddenly begin destroying Earth's cities, with the humans taken by complete surprise. Another example of this is in two episodes of the popular sci-fi show Stargate SG-1 an alien race known as the Aschen befriend humans and share their advanced technology and medicine freely in exchange for stargate addresses. But it soon becomes clear that the Aschen, who, along with Earth humans, are descended from ancient spacefaring humans, plan to eradicate the human race slowly by making both women and men infertile so the human race dies out over generations.

    An additional angle is provided by the concept of Alien invasion in the past, with a period of the recent or distant past serving as the secene of an alien invasion of one of the aforementioned types. The most ambitious project of this kind seems to be Harry Turtledove's alternative history Worldwar & Colonization Series , where lizard-like aliens land on Earth in 1942, bent on conquest, forcing the opposing sides of the Second World War to unite against them. In Sideslip by Ted White and Dave Van Arnam, a private detective from our New York finds himself in an alternate reality where Earth is under occupation by interstellar humanoids nicknamed "Angels", who had landed in 1938, taking advantage of the confusion following Orson Wells' War of the Worlds radio program, and had ruled Earth as a colony ever since. In Starspawn by Kenneth Von Gunden, Earth is infiltrated by small parasitic aliens capable of attaching themselves to a human and controlling him or her - similar to the scenario of Heinlein's aforementioned The Puppet Masters - except that the invasion takes place in Medieval England, against the background of knights besieging a castle. In similar settings at Poul Anderson's High Crusade, an alien ship lands at a Medieval English village, but the overconfident would-be conquerors find the hard way that they are not immune to swords and arrows; the humans take over the ship and proceed to carve out an empire among the stars, but lose contact with Earth which goes on with its familiar history

  10. #50

    Default Re: do u believe in aliens and the place called area51?

    Hehehe .... tuo gihapon mo ana because thats what a lot of webmasters are trying to pull off ?

    Yes there is an AREA51 but it does not justify anything that associates itself with ALIEN ACTIVITY . People claimed to have worked there , I say prove it first tht you used to work in that facility .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

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