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Wise people talk about ideas. Shallow people talk about personalities.
So are you saying you are wise? LoL phuck you!
here's more:
FBI REPORT ON ACCOUNTS OF SEN. LACSON DUE IN A MONTH. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has wrapped up its own investigation into the alleged
money laundering activities of Sen. Panfilo "Ping" Lacson and will transmit a report to the Philippine government within a month.
Lacson is alleged to have stashed some 500 million dollars in US banks for money laundering purposes. The money, according
to military intelligence chief Col. Victor Corpus came from drug trafficking, kidnap for ransom and illegal gambling activities, when he was chief of the Philippine National Police.
Justice Secretary Hernando Perez said the National Bureau of Investigation has received word from its counterpart in the US that a report on Lacson’s alleged bank accounts is forthcoming in three weeks. The justice department has asked the US government to furnish Philippine authorities with the FBI’s findings regarding Lacson’s alleged bank accounts and alleged money laundering activities in the US.
The DOJ made use of the country’s Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty with the US to ask the US Attorney General to give local investigators with a more detailed version of the FBI reports on Lacson’s alleged bank accounts. During a Senate inquiry in September last year, the government said that they were expecting the detailed report involving several millions of dollars stashed in alleged Lacson accounts in the US.
The Sept. 11 tragedy, however, delayed the FBI’s investigation. Already presented in the Senate inquiry were alleged
bank accounts in the name of Lacson’s wife, Alice. These bank accounts were supposedly in a couple of branches of the Bank of America in California.
Perez, however, said that there was no detailed report of the amounts of cash in some of the accounts, prompting the DOJ to ask the US government, through the MLAT, for a more detailed accounting of Lacson’s alleged bank deposits.
Posted on: February 28, 2008, 02:10:10 AM_________________________________________________U S probers convinced Lacson used ‘Garci’ to destabilize gov’t