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Results 471 to 480 of 920
  1. #471

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by omar50071
    Assuming what you said about closing almost half of the operation of Mandalay Hotel just to cater the wedding of the son on Sen. Lacson was true, it would be almost impossible for a senator to pay that kind of occasion, pero the problem here lies upon your word against what I saw in the news...unless of course someone would present the actual expenses they incurred for the whole wedding.
    It is indeed IMPOSSIBLE bai for a mere SENATOR , even for a PRESIDENT pero for a CORRUPT POLITICIAN , yes . Well as what I always say on the other thread bai ... it is not what we hear , read and see it is what we know . I am not arguing about it , I am just presenting what I know sourced from a lot of reliable people .

    Dont you find it odd that Sen. Lacsons bank accounts in the US has already been scrutinized, when bank accounts is harder to validate rather than actual expenses on the hotel?
    DIli man na lisod i validate bai as long as dili fictitious ang account holder like ERAP's . Pero identified man ang account niya and he is positively identified as the legit holder of it . There is no question on that , the question is ang amount sa account . One of these days and mark my word , naay issue na mo gawas na LIFESTYLE CHECKS ani niya and to a lot of other politician both from thre admin and anti .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  2. #472

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40
    It is indeed IMPOSSIBLE bai for a mere SENATOR , even for a PRESIDENT pero for a CORRUPT POLITICIAN , yes . Well as what I always say on the other thread bai ... it is not what we hear , read and see it is what we know . I am not arguing about it , I am just presenting what I know sourced from a lot of reliable people .
    You have your own source, and I got mine, at a glance your source is reliable, but sorry bro, I cant take your word at face value. It still has some loose ends that needs to be verified and validated. I got more questions than answers on this wedding issue pa.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPRINGFIELD_XD_40
    DIli man na lisod i validate bai as long as dili fictitious ang account holder like ERAP's . Pero identified man ang account niya and he is positively identified as the legit holder of it . There is no question on that , the question is ang amount sa account . One of these days and mark my word , naay issue na mo gawas na LIFESTYLE CHECKS ani niya and to a lot of other politician both from thre admin and anti .
    The bank account thing was investigated more than 5 years ago pa, ngano karon pa man ang lifestyle check? But anyway, Im still open to that, para pud I will prove myself wrong about Sen. Lacson. Until then, I still believe in this man.

  3. #473

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by omar50071
    The bank account thing was investigated more than 5 years ago pa, ngano karon pa man ang lifestyle check? But anyway, Im still open to that, para pud I will prove myself wrong about Sen. Lacson. Until then, I still believe in this man.
    sori to butt in ur conversation w/ springy.

    if im not mistaken, i think that Lacson's bank acct FBI investigation was delayed due to the 911 it a stroke of luck for Lacson...yataps pa gyud c Wycoco...correct me lang if im wrong...

    i dunno lang unsay update ani rn...basin ongoing pa ni or dismissed na...

  4. #474

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy
    sori to butt in ur conversation w/ springy.

    i think that Lacson's bank acct investigation was halted due to the 911 tragedy, remember? it a stroke of luck for Lacson...yataps pa gyud c Wycoco...i dunno lang unsay update ani rn...
    Bro giddyyup, considering the 911 tragedy, taud-taud pa gihapon ang span of time since the controversy broke out.

    Dili pud cguro mo abot ug more more than 5 years oi....duda lang gud ko basin gi tayming napud ug ting election sa 2010, mabanhaw napud ang baleleng case, mansion, helecopter kid...etc...

  5. #475

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by omar50071
    Bro giddyyup, considering the 911 tragedy, taud-taud pa gihapon ang span of time since the controversy broke out.

    Dili pud cguro mo abot ug more more than 5 years oi....duda lang gud ko basin gi tayming napud ug ting election sa 2010, mabanhaw napud ang baleleng case, mansion, helecopter kid...etc...
    well, i noticed that this thread started sometime July 2007 and continued till May 2007. then it stopped. then again it activated sometime Feb this year. it's not me who made it "banhaw" ha ky basin mamasangil na pud ka nako ug propaganda...hehe

    maybe it just so happens that Lacson is now in the limelight nowadays especially the ZTE scandal and so dili gyud malabyan ni cya ug chismis...u better ask the one who activated back this thread...

    kuratong baleleng? i dont believe it at all. helicopter kid, that was only hearsay. im jst wondering ngano wa nay update sa uban niyang mga investigation? basin dismissed na to cla...

  6. #476

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy
    kuratong baleleng? i dont believe it at all. helicopter kid, that was only hearsay. im jst wondering ngano wa nay update sa uban niyang mga investigation? basin dismissed na to cla...
    Hehehe....mark my word man....these issue would ressurect during elections. Naay rabay undertaker dire sa istorya and obviously its not you, kusog kaayo mo dig up ug old issues...hehehe

  7. #477

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by omar50071
    Hehehe....mark my word man....these issue would ressurect during elections. Naay rabay undertaker dire sa istorya, kusog kaayo mo dig up ug old issues...hehehe
    i know...

    well, every big politician also gets their share for that especially if elections are near. especially if they're perceived to be running for president or VP... its not only ur Ping u know...if u will notice, Noli de Castro is also limelighted in another thread...expect nlng ta more resurrected issues will surface on personalities with the likes of Legarda, Bayani, Jamby, JDV, Villar, Escudero, etc...we are in the Politics & Current Events forum...

    haven't u noticed that different versions of ZTE threads have been sprouting all over?...dpende sa weather ang mga political isyu bai...we cant blame there u go.

  8. #478

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by giddyboy
    i know...

    well, every big politician also gets their share for that especially if elections are near. especially if they're perceived to be running for president or VP... its not only ur Ping u know...if u will notice, Noli de Castro is also limelighted in another thread...expect nlng ta more resurrected issues will surface on personalities with the likes of Legarda, Bayani, Jamby, JDV, Villar, Escudero, etc...we are in the Politics & Current Events forum...

    haven't u noticed that different versions of ZTE threads have been sprouting all over?...dpende sa weather ang mga political isyu bai...we cant blame there u go.
    It would have been ok if the issues they are throwing at are fresh ones, and have not been already addressed to. Well anyway, its politics so bring it on nalang...hehehe

  9. #479

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    Quote Originally Posted by omar50071
    You have your own source, and I got mine, at a glance your source is reliable, but sorry bro, I cant take your word at face value. It still has some loose ends that needs to be verified and validated. I got more questions than answers on this wedding issue pa.
    True ... that is well respected . Like what FK said ... as long as its not supported by documents here in the forums in black and white , it will remain a HEARSAY and WORD of MOUTH . Dont we feel also so stupid discussing about PING on a PERSONAL LEVEL that has even nothing to do with the country him being a SENATOR ? He could have all anti PING iSTORYANS killed if he wanted to .

    The bank account thing was investigated more than 5 years ago pa, ngano karon pa man ang lifestyle check? But anyway, Im still open to that, para pud I will prove myself wrong about Sen. Lacson. Until then, I still believe in this man.
    Baga sa video games ... STAGES . Progress reports , insiders comin out , whistleblowers , etc name it . And just because its so 5 years ago makes him INNOCENT also . Even the MARCOSES wealth took decades to be recovered .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  10. #480

    Default Re: Some info on Ping Lacson, True or Not?

    mo gawas rani inig Showbiz linggo... wedding of the year

  11.    Advertisement

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