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Assuming what you said about closing almost half of the operation of Mandalay Hotel just to cater the wedding of the son on Sen. Lacson was true, it would be almost impossible for a senator to pay that kind of occasion, pero the problem here lies upon your word against what I saw in the news...unless of course someone would present the actual expenses they incurred for the whole wedding.
It is indeed IMPOSSIBLE bai for a mere SENATOR , even for a PRESIDENT pero for a CORRUPT POLITICIAN , yes . Well as what I always say on the other thread bai ... it is not what we hear , read and see it is what we know . I am not arguing about it , I am just presenting what I know sourced from a lot of reliable people .
Dont you find it odd that Sen. Lacsons bank accounts in the US has already been scrutinized, when bank accounts is harder to validate rather than actual expenses on the hotel?
DIli man na lisod i validate bai as long as dili fictitious ang account holder like ERAP's . Pero identified man ang account niya and he is positively identified as the legit holder of it . There is no question on that , the question is ang amount sa account . One of these days and mark my word , naay issue na mo gawas na LIFESTYLE CHECKS ani niya and to a lot of other politician both from thre admin and anti .