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  1. #471

    Thanks for the stats, FAQ!

    Well, I tried not to put a wedge between evolution and religion, that they need not be at odds with one another. I posted this link in the hopes that the religious here in the Philippines (who are mostly Catholics) might take their cue from the Vatican: The Vatican claims Darwin's theory of evolution is compatible with which robert dismissed outright without even reading the article, since he says he's Christian, not Catholic. Had he read the article he would've found interesting shifts in paradigms among the religious:

    Marc Leclerc, who teaches natural philosophy at the Gregorian University, said the "time has come for a rigorous and objective valuation" of Darwin by the Church as the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth approaches.

    Professor Leclerc argues that too many of Darwin's opponents, primarily Creationists, mistakenly claim his theories are "totally incompatible with a religious vision of reality".

    Earlier this week, prominent scientists and leading religious figures wrote to The Daily Telegraph to call for an end to the fighting over Darwin's legacy. They also urge believers in creationism to acknowledge the overwhelming body of evidence that now exists to support Darwin's theory.

    The Church of England is seeking to bring Darwin back into the fold with a page on its website paying tribute to his "forgotten" work in his local parish, showing science and religion need not be at odds.
    Just like how hard it was for Galileo and Copernicus to sell the heliocentric view of the universe, I think Darwin's Theory runs the same amount of resistance today...once again at the teeth of religious opposition...but hopefully the paradigm shifts faster this time around and hopefully without as much embarrassment as they had with the Galileo affair.

    `People gave ear to an upstart astrologer (referring to Copernicus) who strove to show that the earth revolves, not the heavens or the firmament, the sun and the moon. Whoever wishes to appear clever must devise some new system, which of all systems is of course the very best. This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy; but sacred Scripture tells us that Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not the earth.'' ---Martin Luther

  2. #472
    Quote Originally Posted by robert_papalid_ece View Post
    im back... hmm... those miracles were done during the time when Jesus Christ came here... so better wait for the Second Coming na lang jud siguro to see more miracles... i agree with the other poster... Guitargod... "Lihok tawo jud"... and one thing... why are you asking God to clean the mess? he isn't your servant... but we are His servants... He is our shepherd... and we are his sheeps... not monkeys...

    Second Coming? namatay nalang ako lolo, ang lolo sako lolo, ang second coming sa imong ginoo, na pan-us na.

    ana gyud, lihok tawo, kay wala may ginoo. lihok gyud ta. kita kita raman maka limpyo sa dagat.

    oh yes, im asking YOUR GOD to clean up this mess. Yes Jesus is a servant, He even washed the Disciples Feet REMEMBER? i thought you read the BIBLE?

    oh where is your Video, or Pictures to support your Gods Existence? either PUT UP or SHUT UP?

    IF your God do really exist, He is speaking to you like this:

    NOW GO AND CLEAN THE OIL SPILL BEFORE I KICK YOUR ASS. I AM GOD....(while sipping nestle ice tea under the summer sun, on the fluffy clouds).


    hala uy, thank you God ha, you called me handsome monkey. nyahahahahahaha!
    Last edited by orcgod; 05-30-2010 at 01:45 PM.

  3. #473
    Quote Originally Posted by FAQ View Post
    What? No.

    In European countries, including Denmark, Sweden, and France, more than 80 percent of adults surveyed said they accepted the concept of evolution.

    This chart depicts the public acceptance of evolution theory in 34 countries in 2005.

    See... in US alone, most major religions agree on Evolution. How much more in Europe and other continents.

    No. I thought you did your research already.

    Not until Martin Luther ditched the Catholic Church in 1597. But before that, there was no other Christian denomination. Again, I thought you did your research already man.
    I love this Charts. way way better than Robert's pie chart.

    and I bet Robert will say, "THIS IS INSIGNIFICANT, I DONT BELIEVE THIS" hehehe.

    and this is what I call EVIDENCE, DATA GATHERING. more and more people are opening up their eyes, and seeing whats real and whats not.
    Last edited by orcgod; 05-30-2010 at 01:48 PM.

  4. #474
    @TS: iakw pud kuno, present ug claim nganu mutuo jud ka ug god

  5. #475

  6. #476
    Are the monkeys are online now? get your favorite bananas and enjoy this movie!

    YouTube - Collapse Of Evolution [Theory Of Evolution Debunked] Evolution vs Creationism Part 1/7

  7. #477
    Quote Originally Posted by necrotic freak View Post
    Who wants to see the evidence of Creation? Watch it from part 1 to 7.

    YouTube - atheists ! evolution is a lie ! here is the proof of creation, scientifically ! part 1 / 7
    bai, karaan naman kaayo na nga video. 1993 pa man ni siya.

    Anyway, the video starts with "In 1993, professor Phillip Johnson professor of University of California at Berkeley invited a group of scientists and philosophers to a small beach town on the central coast of California (referring to Pajaro Dunes, California...mao ni sa opening scene). They came from major academic centers, including Cambridge, Munich, and University of Chicago to question an idea (referring to Darwin's theory) that had dominated science for 150 years."

    The one who organized this get-together was Phillip Johnson, professor of law at UC at Berkeley. In the "Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District" trial, now famously known as the Dover Trial, Mr. Johnson was found to be re-packaging Creationism under the guise of Intelligent Design. I hope, by now, everyone knows how this trial ended: CREATIONISTS LOST! Get over it, guys!

    Here's a quote (I just picked out the chunk where they mentioned about the Pajaro Dunes gathering) from the direct examination by BY MR. ROTHSCHILD in that trial:

    Q. And what do you understand Mr. Nelson to mean by the way science was defined in this debate? How was science defined, so to speak, in Edwards v. Aguillard?

    A. It's defined as naturalistic, remaining within the area of the natural world and seeking explanations.

    Q. And under those rules, creationists didn't have a chance?

    A. As Phillip Johnson understood that. Phillip Johnson considers the definition of science as naturalistic to be arbitrary and operari and so that it would exclude supernatural explanations from the very beginning.

    Q. Could you go to the next passage?

    A. Quote, Johnson rejected the philosophical dichotomizing. Definitions of science, he argued, could be contrived to exclude any conclusion we dislike or to include any we favor, end quote.

    Q. Go to the next passage.

    A. Quote, In June 1993, Johnson invited several of the mostly younger members of that community to a conference at the California beach town of Pajaro Dunes. Present were scientists and philosophers who themselves would later become well-known such as biochemist Michael Behe, author of Darwin's Black Box, 1996, mathematician and philosopher, William Dembski, author of The Design Inference, 1998, and Intelligent Design, 1999, and developmental biologist, Jonathan Wells, author of Icons of Evolution, 2000.

    Of the 14 participants at the Pajaro Dunes conference, only three, microbiologist Siegfried Scherer of the Technical University of Munich, paleontologist Kurt Wise of Brian College, and me, that would be Paul Nelson, could be seen as traditional creationists, end quote.

    Q. So Mr. Nelson is acknowledginging he is a traditionalist --

    A. Dr. Nelson is, yes.

    Q. These passages I just asked you to read, you agree, this is an accurate history of how the intelligent design movement arose?

    A. This is consistent with everything I've seen, yes.

    Q. Creation-science was ruled unconstitutional in Edwards?

    A. Yes.

    Q. And then Mr. Johnson came up with with a new strategy for arguing for creationism?

    A. Yes. Dr. Nelson actually gives Phillip Johnson credit for reviving the debate. After they thought that the two-model approach was dead, he gives Johnson credit for reviving the debate about origins.

    Q. His new approach was to try to redefine science from how the NAS understood?

    A. Yes. He rejects the definition of science as naturalistic.

    Q. And then he gathered around him these figures that are identified here, Behe, Dembski, and Wells, to take up that project?

    A. Yes. As I understand it, this was a conference that Professor Johnson called in order to do this, to draw these people together, and begin to execute what would become the Wedge Strategy.

    Q. Matt, could you go to the next passage, please? And could you highlight the heading of this part of Mr. Nelson's article? And what is the heading there?

    A. This is a subheading in the article. It's God's Freedom and the Logic of Design.

    Q. And could you highlight the passages, Matt, that Dr. Forrest did in this section?

    A. Quote, Johnson saw that allowing for the possibility of design as special divine action, for instance, God creating human beings directly, meant that one must also allow for other possibilities, such as God electing, if he so chose, to use an evolutionary process that wasn't self-designed.

    Quote, I believe, Johnson wrote, that a God exists who could create out of nothing if he wanted to do so. But he might have chosen to work through a natural evolutionary process instead, end Johnson's quote. God could have created everything in six 24-hour days or not.

    The fundamental point is to allow for the possibility of design. The scientific narrative of design, when God acted, and how, might capture any number of competing theories, end quote.

    Q. Any doubt about who Mr. Johnson is declaring the intelligent designer is, according to Mr. Nelson?

    A. No. As Dr. Nelson recounts, the designer is specifically named as God.

    Q. Nothing about space aliens?

    A. No, space aliens are -- Dr. Dembski, in 1992, actually wrote an article in which he stipulated that he was not talking about space aliens, he was talking about a supernatural transcendent designer.

    Q. Nothing about super time travelers here?

    A. No, nothing like that.

    Q. Matt, could you go to the next passage.

    A. Quote, The promise of the big tent of ID is to provide a setting where Christians and others may disagree amicably and fruitfully about how best to understand the natural world as well as scripture, end quote.

    Q. Are you aware of any other scientific theories in which understanding of scripture is central to the enterprise?

    A. Not as science is currently practiced, no, I'm not aware of that.

    Q. Has Mr. Johnson, in addition to the article we looked at very early in your testimony where he defined intelligent design as theistic realism, has he written other articles or books that suggest, that for him intelligent design is a religious proposition?

    A. Yes.

    Q. And made statements as well to that effect?

    A. Yes. In fact, he made a statement in, I think, 1996, that the intelligent design debate is not about science, it's about religion and philosophy.

    Q. I'd like to have you look at Exhibit P-524. And if you could illuminate the title and author. What is this article called?

    A. This is called How the Evolution Debate Can be Won. It's by Dr. Phillip Johnson.

    Q. And do you recognize this document?

    A. Yes. This is 1999. This is the text of a speech that Professor Johnson gave at a conference that was called by Reverend D. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries in Florida. It's an annual conference that Dr. Kennedy calls. It's called the Reclaiming America for Christ Conference.

    Q. Have you highlighted passages in this article?

    A. Yes.

    Q. Okay. Can you go ahead and do that, Matt?

    A. Quote, To talk of a purposeful or guided evolution is not to talk about evolution at all. That is slow creation. When you understand it that way, you realize that the Darwinian theory of evolution contradicts not just the Book of Genesis, but every word in the Bible from beginning to end.

    It contradicts the idea that we are here because a creator brought about our existence for a purpose. That is the first thing I realized, and it carries tremendous meaning, end quote.

    Q. Does this fairly summarize Mr. Johnson's opposition to the theory of evolution?

    A. This is very characteristic of it.

    Q. We'll go to the next passage, Matt.

    A. Quote, I have built an intellectual movement in the universities and churches that we call The Wedge, which is devoted to scholarship and writing that furthers this program of questioning the materialistic basis of science. One very famous book that's come out of The Wedge is biochemist Michael Behe's book, Darwin's Black Box, which has had an enormous impact on the scientific world, end quote.

    Q. According Mr. Johnson, Mr. Behe's work is part of his project?

    A. It'ss a very prominent part of the Wedge Strategy.

    Q. Could you go to the next passage, Matt?

    A. Quote, Now the way that I see the logic of our movement going is like this. The first thing you understand is that the Darwinian theory isn't true. It's falsified by all of the evidence and the logic is terrible.

    When you realize that, the next question that occurs to you is, well, where might you get the truth? When I preach from the Bible, as I often do at churches and on Sundays, I don't start with Genesis. I start with John 1:1. In the beginning was the word. In the beginning was intelligence, purpose, and wisdom. The Bible had that right. And the materialist scientists are deluding themselves, end quote.

    Q. So Mr. Johnson finds support for intelligent design in the Bible?

    A. He specifically supports it in John 1:1.

    Q. Is he the only intelligent design leader who finds that intelligent design is derived from the book of John?

    A. No, Dr. Dembski has very prominently cited the Book of John as the foundation of intelligent design.

    Q. What about Charles Thaxton? Has he done that?

    A. Yes, he has. Dr. Thaxton wrote a book with Walter Bradley and Roger Olsen published by the Foundation for Thought and Ethics in 1984. It's called The Mystery of Life's Origins.

    In the epilogue of that book, he argues for special creation, supernatural creation by a creator beyond the cosmos. Near the end of that epilogue chapter, he cites someone named P Fong. That's initial P Fong. And the citation of P Fong called upon the (inaudible) prologue, which is the first 18 verses of the First Book of John.

    Q. Could you pull up Exhibit P-355? Do you recognize this document?

    A. Yes.

    Q. What is it?

    A. This is an article from World Magazine about Dr. Phillip Johnson. It is dated December 2003.

    Q. And what is World Magazine?

    A. World Magazine is a religious magazine.

    Q. Matt, could you go to the first highlighted passage?

    A. Quote, But once someone accepts the fact that random evolution couldn't produce life on earth, it has to have developed some other way. Quote by Johnson, I look for the best place to start the search, Mr. Johnson says, and I found it in the prologue to the Gospel of John. In the beginning was the word.

    And I ask this question, does scientific evidence tend to support this conclusion or the contrary conclusion of the materialists that in the beginning were the particles, end quote.

    Q. So again, the reference to the Book of John?

    A. Yes.

    Q. And is it fair to say, Mr. Johnson starts with the Book of John and looks for scientific evidence to support it?

    A. Actually, he talks about having -- upon rejecting natural selection as an explanation, he looked around for the place to start in finding an alternate explanation. He says he found it in the Book of John.

    Q. Then tried to gather the scientific evidence that would support it?

    A. Well, he regards this as true scientifically.
    You can read the whole transcript of the Dover trial here: Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District Trial transcript: Day 6 (October 5), PM Session, Part 1. There's a good write-up revisiting the Dover trial, you can read it here: The “Vise Strategy” Undone: Kitzmiller et al. v. Dover Area School District (July 31, 2006). The writer Barbara Forrest gives an excellent account of the whole proceedings.


    Please refer to the link I've posted previously on what the National Academy of Sciences say about Intelligent Design (aka Creationism) versus Evolution.


  8. #478
    Quote Originally Posted by necrotic freak View Post
    Are the monkeys are online now? get your favorite bananas and enjoy this movie!

    YouTube - Collapse Of Evolution [Theory Of Evolution Debunked] Evolution vs Creationism Part 1/7
    Present! uy, ang akong favorite new monkey convert is in the house! WHOOT WHOOT!

    ang mga link nimo convert kay karaan pamani ni Mampor! mao diay nawagtang ka sa debate kadyot kay nangutingkay ka sa kaban sa kapanahunan. na pildi naman ang creationist ani convert. naa kay up to date nga argument? maybe 2010? para di sad tawn mu stagnant ug desperate tan-awun uy.

    uy, can you send me my favorite bananas? i know you have lots of it stored in your kaban. monkey convert na gud ka.

    kani monkey convert YouTube - Tell Me One Fact About Evolution That Is True mao ni 2010 ay. tanawa convert kung di ka matapol.

    Last edited by orcgod; 05-31-2010 at 05:44 AM.

  9. #479
    Blaise Paschal, a french philosopher, has words of wisdom for all: believers and atheists. Paraphrasing his thought, it goes like this: "christians believe that their destiny is heaven. So, they live their lives the best they could, so they can be with their God after their death. Now, when they die and found out there is heaven, they enter into it. But if they die and find that there is no heaven, at least they have lived their lives the best they could; The atheists do not believe in heaven, and so live their lives as if there is no tomorrow, live and let live. But what if they die and find out there is heaven, where will they be?"

  10. #480
    i believe in GOD and SCIENCE..

  11.    Advertisement

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