View Poll Results: Should abortion and abortifacients be legalized through the RH bill?

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  • Yes

    13 18.57%
  • No

    57 81.43%
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  1. #471

    Quote Originally Posted by st.anthony View Post
    and only one nation to blame all of this confusion AMERICA a country that promotes death.
    comment lang ko brod... nag-ingon ba ang america nga "follow us"?

    NO to abortion

  2. #472
    hmmm....mind power over matter

  3. #473
    Quote Originally Posted by st.anthony View Post
    No one has the right to kill a Child in the womb! Our generation today is very MUCH CONFUSED of what is right and wrong, KILLING OF BABIES is OK, KILLING OF CRIMINALS is NOT OK. May laws have been passed for HUMAN RIGTHS but there was never a law giving the unborn a right to live and enjoy there human rights.

    We have abolished death sentense since its anti-life and we are willing to give these hard-hearted creminals a second chance to change, however we have some people that would support abortion to be a law. isnt it anti-life, are giving these ennocent baby for life?

    Laws for conservation of endagered species, but no law no protect the unborn. and only one nation to blame all of this confusion AMERICA a country that promotes death.
    i think u myt just be confused between our existing Anti-Abortion law and the proposed Reproductive Health (RH) Bill. they are entirely different matters.

    i think nobody here wanted to support "abortion" per se...unless lng cguro if the mother experiences life-threatening situations in which emergency medical procedures has to be made.

    ABORTION ISSUE: we already have laws in the Phils that explicitly treats abortion as a crime. It is called Anti-Abortion Law (or Abortion Law to some) under our Revised Penal Code.

    Another law called RA 5921, also has provisions relative to dispensing of abortifacients or anti-conceptional substances and devices. "No drug or chemical product or device capable of provoking abortion or preventing conception as classified by BFAD shall be delivered or sold to any person without a proper prescription by a duly licensed physician".

    RH BILL ISSUE: some wanted to support the bill. per surveys, 6 out of 10 Pinoys support the RH Bill. The RH bill promotes responsible parenthood, supports both natural family planning (NFP) and modern family planning (MFP) methods. MFP is thru the use of condoms, pills, and IUDs, that are medically safe and legally permissible i.e. approved by BFAD, US Food and Drugs, and W.H.O. Those in support of the bill insist that contraceptives cannot lead to legalization of abortion and increased promiscuity among teenagers.

    But some don't want to support the bill coz they believe contraceptives can cause chemical abortion via supposed post-fertilization mechanisms, to which is still under debate whether or not they really are. The church is also against the use of contraceptives including the condom. they want to support NFP only, with the core principle of "abstinence" behind it. they also believe the proposed RH Bill would eventually legalize abortion via use of contraceptives and leads to promiscuity.

    The debate still continues...

    then there is this issue against or in support of *** education in schools, women empowerment, employer/employer empowerment as provided under the proposed RH Bill. but then again, that is a different story.


    by saying America is a country that promotes death is just too unfair and discriminatory.

    is it because they have different views regarding the moment of conception or the beginning of life and regarding contraceptives? American federal law (and British law) mark the beginning of pregnancy at implantation; thus, even if post-fertilization mechanisms were proven, these substances would still be labeled as contraceptives, rather than abortifacients in the UK and the U.S.

    is it because some US States legalize abortion in cases of rape, incest, or in which pregnancy would lead to permanent physical disability of the woman?

    is it because some US Courts question the viability and don't recognize the unborn as "persons" in the whole sense and thus fetuses are not legally entitled to the protection afforded by the right to life specifically enumerated in the 14th Amendment?

    is it because The US Court declined to make an attempt at resolving this issue, noting: "When those trained in the respective disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and theology are unable to arrive at any consensus, the judiciary, at this point in the development of man's knowledge, is not in a position to speculate as to the answer?

    well, u can also tell that as well to the British and other countries who believed the same too...but note that the Phils, being largely Catholic and having a different and more conservative approach of all these things, doesn't make us better humans than them...

    again, let me define the terms:

    Abortion - the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus/embryo, resulting in or caused by its death. (wiki)

    Abortifacient - a substance that induces abortion. Some substances might prevent implantation and thus destroy the blastocyst, although their known primary effect is to prevent fertilization. The existence of these post-fertilization mechanisms is debated.(wiki)

    Contraceptives - A substance or device capable of preventing pregnancy. a device, such as a condom, that is used to prevent pregnancy. (free online dictionary)
    Last edited by giddyboy; 06-15-2009 at 07:30 PM.

  4. #474
    C.I.A. joshua259's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by st.anthony View Post
    and only one nation to blame all of this confusion AMERICA a country that promotes death.
    please, do not be prejudice about America cause your just like saying the Philippines is much better than America.

    Blame the Media for the confusion and not a nation. and please if those of you who really HATE America, please feel free to avoid American products and movies or don't buy any American products or movies. and i do mean ANY.
    Last edited by joshua259; 06-15-2009 at 02:18 PM.

  5. #475
    i'm not in favor of abortion, but i'm not against the use of condoms and pills.

  6. #476
    im pro RH bILL.. please lets not misconstrue the RH bill as pro-abortion..

  7. #477
    strongly NO to abortion! Philippines is a PRO LIFE COUNTRY..!

  8. #478

  9. #479
    no to abortion!

  10. #480
    Quote Originally Posted by joshua259 View Post
    please, do not be prejudice about America cause your just like saying the Philippines is much better than America.

    Blame the Media for the confusion and not a nation. and please if those of you who really HATE America, please feel free to avoid American products and movies or don't buy any American products or movies. and i do mean ANY.
    in addition, those who hate america should not use the internet, which was an adoptation to the ARPNET project by the Dept. of Defense of America during cold war... cge lang pangdaot sa america nya through internet pa jud na produkto sa america... panamin sa mu oi!!!!

  11.    Advertisement

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