Good idea coz it will help to solve CyberCrime today!
Not a Good idea coz it will affect our Freedom of Speech!
double man.....
Here's Sotto again. God I'd love to beat him up in front of the public and pull every teeth left in him.
Now, arrest me with the violent statement I made above. I dare you lawmakers, f$%king arrest me now!
If you think the Philippine government doesn't have the capability of properly implementing these ridiculous law you know what to do.
Wala'y dautan kung mangandoy pero ibutang unta sa lugar.
Last edited by handsoff241; 10-03-2012 at 02:53 AM.
i think its a kind of protest lang nah sya... dli nah tinuod. like most of FB user use black picture...
Seriously? Your statement is giving me Cancer brad:
"puts a stop to Juan Dela Cruz being a tactless jackass on the Internet since there has been no boundaries to what he can and can't write. Journalists follow rules. Bloggers should do the same."
Our country has been performing good for two years now,the economy performing better than other Asian nations, media has exposed every flaw, every dent. Senators plagiarizing, SC justices laundering cash, and criminalizing those linked with corruption.
So you are saying, all of these are tactless jackassing?
The enactment of the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 betrays the country's commitment to transparency and freedom of expression.
He is talking about unrespectful and inconsiderate comments on social media websites and forums. Where people give comments irregardless of the subject's feelings just because they feel secure hiding behind the internet.
Pataka tingale ka ug sabot. (you see what I did? this is an example of being a jackass)
Those two things you are talking about are already being abused. dugay na!. Kahinumdom pa ka sa mga media nga gi lubong ug excavator? Basin nakalimot ka nila. That was worst than this silly and foolish circus our government is doing.
They don't have the resource to properly implement this law. LOS LOS NILA!
Last edited by handsoff241; 10-03-2012 at 03:31 AM.
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