artwork ra manwork is "a darkly beautiful photographic image… the small wood and plastic crucifix becomes virtually monumental as it floats, photographically enlarged, in a deep rosy glow that is both ominous and glorious." Lippard suggests that the formal values of the image can be regarded separately from other meaning
sakto ra man nga explaination..
the cheapening of icons....
but you can not see any blasphemy, except when u want to know the details.
i don't see a condom or p3ni$ there.
mysterious indeed.
@butitoy: i'm having a hard time reading your counter arguments. one thing i can say, you're very well brain-washed. nevertheless, i'll give it a go:
the actions of the church throughout history always bear reviewing because it shows the character of the church - which is that it is not so much about faith than it is about control and politics. and this character has not changed up to the present.
regarding hitler's purge of the jew, i am pointing out here that the church let it happen. they did not stand by their teachings. that was a huge failure and exposed their hypocrisy. also read what the church thought of jews at the time to make things clearer.
yes, indeed we are living in modern times and have access to information which exposes truth. i fixed that for you. faith on the other hand, that's a personal decision we all should make for ourselves, not have fed to us by an organization.
the things i've mentioned, the kneeling, the prayer count, it is actually a huge part of church dogma. kudos to you for seeing that this is not what saves you. however, your defense of tithing is very much flawed. as far as i can remember, abel and cain paid no tithes to anyone. they made a sacrifice to god but that's not the same as paying tithes to the church. the church is not god. also, pointing out that other religions do it does not lend the practice any credibility at all (also, what the heck is a "church hooping"?).
i only pointed out that you ought to do your research because you are coming across as uninformed (unsurprisingly). to point it out: you are saying this guy does not have the guts to use other religious icons but the fact of the matter is that the guy cannot be expected to because the exhibit is specifically oriented towards catholicism. see my point? he is working under a theme.
also, your disregard for proper research really encourages the point that your arguments are 'hysterical' rather than logical.
he has not degraded the anything. he is simple underlying the current view of jesus that society has. you just can't see it because you refuse to - and that's the saddest part right there.
aw, pareho ra man na different versions.
people have different opinions and views.
diri lang sa pinas kay naay gamay religious intolerance and persecution.
may na lang kay Philippines is better than other countries. sa arab pa ni, dead na ni sya.
and to those catholics who calls for his persecution deserves a p3n*s in the head.
so what if its suspended in urine?
whats shown shows no blasphemy. except when u want the details.
poleteismo on the other hand is not
well brainwashed you said..
man you are gravely wrong..that's why i have posted and will post it again.
yes, we just post on this thread. an exact word
but beforehand as for me on my journey
i have been to a lot of churches, that,s why i post
try a religion hooping.
read a lot of books.
and see u post, he is just under a theme and his so called artwork is based on that and Does not degrade christianity..
are you blind just as he is?
a P3nis on the face of christ?
is it comtemporary art?
its an insult!
suppose, i make a collage of your face or his face, and ill put a p3nis on its and called it an art?
would agree?
or if you are a muslim, ill make your face a collage with a mask of of a pig? would you not declare JIHAD?
or if you are Hindu, and iil make you a collage eating a cow, would you agree?
( no offense Hindu and Muslim brothers, this is just an example to make a point )
Last edited by butitoy; 08-16-2011 at 06:29 PM.
gamay ra gyud sa pinas bro.
if he is in IRAN, doing that to Islam, the president will have his head as trophy and win another presidential election in his party.
if he is india, doing that to Hindus, his entire family had been mutilated
if he is in Saudi Arabia, he will be publicly hang
good thing, naa sya sa pilipinas
ang presidente Moreon,and mga kauban santong kabayo shouting separate church and state,( inig human election)
and the GODforsaken Roman Catholic church wherein most priest are Banal na Aso
@butitoy: so you'd only call it blasphemy if the details are made obvious to you, if you see it, if it's VISUAL. so, had you NOT seen this pelteismo thing, it would NOT have been blasphemous then?
you keep insisting that his work is insulting but how can it be?
first, is the human ***** really that ugly that anything in contact with it automatically becomes degraded?
second, it's a picture and it is very much arguable that that is actually jesus' face. the current face they insist is jesus doesn't look very middle eastern, you know and jesus was middle eastern.
third, is the collective faith of the catholic church so weak that a visual display such as the poleteismo would convince them to abandon their faith?
as for your other thoughts/words, i can't understand what you're talking's all broken sentences and whatever. it's like you're foaming at the mouth or something.
I wonder lang kung kaya ba kaha niya bugal bugalan ang religious items sa Islam?? Like Quran with drawings of a ***** and a vagina.... Sayo cguro ni kaau cya makapahulay nga dayon.....
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