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@hitch22: the Bible or Jesus Christ never mentioned an "exact" date kanus-a ang Second Coming bru...
Yes, he didn't. But he did give a ballpark estimate. How then do we interpret such verses in Matthew?
When he told his disciples not to go to the cities of Israel till his Second Coming, he seems to be saying that the Second Coming was to occur within their lifetimes. And then the message gets even clearer when he followed with: "There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." And finally he puts in the clincher: "THIS GENERATION shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
I don't know about you. I think Jesus was predicting the Second Coming to occur within the current generation of disciples..."THIS GENERATION..." and "Take no thought for the morrow"
That's what he said. Morag klaro man cguro ang sabot nila.
Anyway, out of topic. I'll just agree to disagree.