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We have *** for pleasure, for relaxation, for fun, frolic, and social status. You’ve heard of it and may even have had *** for all the above reasons, but can a tumble in the hay be serious business? Why is *** important and how can it change your life for the better?
You knew that having *** with a loved one is one of the best ways to get a good night’s sleep. But did you know that a good round of making out in bed can restore your energy levels on days when you are feeling low? Did you know that lovemaking is nature’s best medicine against depression?
And did you know that men enjoy *** because it reenergizes them physically, and women enjoy having *** because it reenergizes them emotionally? Did you know that all extremely intelligent or creative people have had… ahem… extremely active banging lives?
Importance of *** for important people
Read up on the private lives of Freud, Einstein, and all those whose professional careers were the staple diet of your school and university books. This is the case with most artists, scientists and even visionary political leaders. Lovemaking is, to them, an essential part of life. Unlike most athletes who are asked to abstain from jumping the bed before major tournaments (that too for reasons not proved), scientists have never been found wanting after a romp under the sheets.
Why does *** make you happy?
One answer could be the way the human body is wired. All the nerves in the human body come to roost in the brain. This is well-known. A good encounter in bed floods the brain with chemicals that relax the brain. Researchers have documented that this flooding dulls pain and reduces stress levels. [Read: How to have sensuous ***]
Its effects on our energy levels and creativity are less researched and documented. It is known that high levels of energy are needed for bursts of creativity. But how do you get these high energy moments? The answer is in one word. ***. Two words? Awesome ***!
The positive jolt that a good romp in bed gives your biochemical system is unbeatable!
Having *** with your partner can get the creative juices flowing and help increase focus. If you have an interview or a big meeting coming up and you need to be at your best, do not abstain from ***! A strong physical relationship will ensure that you stay on top of yourself.
Testing the importance of ***
One evening, when you’re very tired, and all you want to do is plead the proverbial headache and turn away, try this experiment. Turn towards your spouse and get the hormones going gently, soon they will be raging. By morning, you will find yourself well rested and refreshed. What’s more, you will spy the solution that has been evading you! [Read: Don’t want to have ***?]
*** is important in a relationship because it can make you a happier person, and can help you deal with stress and difficulties that you’re having a hard time dealing with. And the best part, good *** works both ways. You’ll feel great and your partner will feel great too.
In life, as much as you may deny that work pressure or financial difficulties don’t bother your mind beyond working hours, it’s just not true. No matter how cheerful we may seem on the outside, our mind needs to relax and get a good burst of happy energy. And that’s where *** can play such a great and happy part.
A point to remember
Having *** with someone you love and trust can make you feel a lot better and that’s why it’s so important in a relationship. But at the same time, if you’re having *** with someone outside the relationship, the effects of *** could actually reverse and backfire at times.
*** should feel relaxing and loving, but if having *** makes you feel guilty or insecure, *** can actually leave you feeling more stressed and tired! A one night stand with someone you just met can leave you with mixed feelings. Sometimes it leaves you guilty and sometimes, you’d wake up with a stranger and a bad hangover!
--How to have tantric ***--
So have *** and have lots of it. It’ll make you happy, fun and a lot more relaxed. And why is *** important in a relationship? Well, because it’s a pill that can give you a bigger boost of happiness than anything money can ever buy. Well, unless you’re paying for ***!